
State civil servant, code of ethics and official conduct of a civil servant, professional ethics of civil servants

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A. Evstratova, T. ., V. Medvedeva, N. ., V. Dupliy, E. ., & V. Palehova, P. . (2020). PROBLEMS OF THE CREATION AND DIRECTION OF IMPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL ETHICS OF CIVIL SERVANTS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 1(01).


A system of permanent and stable values of professional activity and value orientation determine the specifics of public administration and regulate professional behaviour of a public servant. Compliance with the norms of such behaviour is a priority indicator demonstrating the professional culture of civil servants, where the values of their activities represent a consolidating basis and act as a special cultural regulator of relations within an organization, its boundaries, as well as relations to their own actions. The main research method is an expert survey of civil servants in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The purpose of this paper is to develop directions for improving the code of ethics for civil servants on the basis of identifying the problems of the creation of professional ethics for civil servants in government bodies of the Russian Federation. The study made it possible to assess the attitude of civil servants to professional ethics. Based on the results of the survey, the main negative qualities of civil servants in relation to their professional activities were identified; the key reasons for this manifestation of negative qualities and the level of awareness of civil servants about the content of the Code of Ethics were determined. All this necessitated the escalating of measures to modernize the Code of Ethics for civil servants. The proposed changes and additions will minimize problems in the mechanisms for the formation of professional ethics of civil servants in federal authorities.


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