Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade <p>The mission of Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade is to become one of the main national and international means of disseminating scientific research in the area of interdisciplinarity in the areas of the human sciences, through wide free access to the academic community and society to all published research. Our target audience are researchers and society in general. Thus, we accept academic works from professors and students of the most diverse levels of training, as well as works co-authored by up to 10 (ten) people.</p> en-US (Filipe Lins dos Santos) (Filipe Lins dos Santos) Sat, 09 Nov 2024 15:34:57 -0300 OJS 60 THE ROLE OF NEUROPSYCHOPEDAGOGY IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION WITHIN THE SCHOOL CONTEXT <p>The current article, entitled The role of neuropsychopedagogy in inclusive education within the school context, has as its primary objective the examination of the work developed by Neurosciences and how they can collaborate or intervene through their neuropsychopedagogical knowledge in an educational institution. Hoping that means can be found that appropriately prove information that triggers obstacles in learning, knowing that the cause of this problem may be based on the various types of biopsycho and socio-familial disorders. Believing that every practical action of the school must provide an effective interaction of the student and, by understanding education as the only reason for the improvement of the human being and society, it is at this moment that the Neuropsychopedagogy professional begins to obtain a primary role in the approach and elucidation of the blockage found in learning during the literacy phase. For this reason, the work was developed through bibliographic research so that we had theoretical subsidies that extended the universe of investigation of the treatment given to the work of neuropsychopedagogists. Following the idea that guides the proposal of the National Curricular Parameters, all education committed to the exercise of citizenship needs to create conditions so that students can develop their competence and skills. The intention is to ascertain which skills and competencies such individuals have, so that a neuropsychopedagogical intervention that is most appropriate to their problem can be indicated. Understanding the purpose of the duties of the neuropsychopedagogue is a question that is necessary at this time.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Gracilene Vieira da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 09 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 EMPATHY AND THE SCENES OF SPEECHES IN THE WRITINGS OF ANTÔNIO FRANCISCO MELLO, PE. MELLO <p>This article investigates the trajectory and intellectual legacy of Father Antônio Francisco de Mello, highlighting empathy in his speeches and his contributions to the historical and social context. Born in 1863, Mello addressed themes such as social justice and moral responsibility, encouraging ethical self-reflection. The analysis of his poems reveals three degrees of empathy: the experience of another person, the explanation that attributes meaning, and the objectification of the experience. The concept of ethos, based on Aristotle's Rhetoric, is central to the construction of the orator's image. The article also explores the discursive ethos according to Dominique Maingueneau, emphasizing the interaction between the ethos shown and said, in addition to the pre-discursive ethos. The research proposes a psychoanalytic analysis of the elements that influence the relationship between speaker and recipient.</p> Marcio de Lima Pacheco, Rawy Chagas Ramos Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 09 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN BASIC EDUCATION <p>This article seeks to explore the perspectives and challenges faced by teachers in the context of basic education in relation to professional development. Based on an analysis of training practices and public policies aimed at teacher training, we will discuss the main trends and innovations that have emerged in the field, in addition to offering reflections on how these initiatives directly impact the quality of teaching and student learning. To this end, a bibliographical research was developed to find academic productions, finding authors who research on the subject, expanding the theoretical repertoire. Professional development in basic education faces challenges due to recent transformations in the educational environment. The search for quality, equitable and inclusive education becomes increasingly complex in view of the realities found in schools. In recent years, the profile of children has changed, requiring new didactic and practical approaches from educators. This evolution requires the creation of more dynamic learning environments and the use of innovative resources that can meet the diverse needs of students. Therefore, it is essential that education professionals reflect on their methodologies and seek alternatives that provide new meanings to the contemporary educational system. These changes not only challenge educators to adapt, but also offer opportunities for the implementation of pedagogical practices that promote more collaborative and student-centered teaching. It was concluded, therefore, that continuing teacher training is essential for us to meet the current and future demands of basic education.</p> Alessandra hobold Soares, Elizangela Batisti Desbesell Borba, Suéli Trindade de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 09 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 TRANSGRESSION, DESTINY AND FREE WILL <p>We reflect here on the concepts of destiny, transgression and free will with regard to the process of human formation, dialoguing with Nietzsche, emphasizing that in the face of transgression there is no point in hiding, because the eyes are an opening. With regard to destiny, the promise of modernity is observed that each human being is in their own hands. On free will, Nietzsche claims to be a creation of the ruling strata. We conclude by considering the possibility of understanding destiny as normativity and social order, as the one that predetermines apprehensions and commitments in the family and social area, this opens the way to hyper-moira (transgression) and thus the human being may be accepting or no.</p> Everton Nery Carneiro Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 23 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 LINGUISTIC VARIATION AND ITS ASSUMPTIONS <p>This work deals with the study of linguistic variations, having as its core the differences found in social interaction in people's daily lives. It was constructed considering the difficulty some teachers have in dealing with the heterogeneity of verbal expressions used in communities. It does not aim to judge any conception, especially the standard norm, but to provide a new perspective in a judicious manner, taking into account the relationship with the events of these variations, observing factors such as: geographic space, the degree of formality required for each situation experienced, culture, the individual being and the community in which he or she is inserted. This is what is set out in the chapters that, when dealing with linguistic variation, bring in their core the historical and conceptual marks, in the light of various theorists, discussing the sociolinguistic phenomenon, as well as reflecting on the possibility of a variationist analysis, focusing on diatopic variation, orality and regionalisms in the light of popular culture. The research also provides an opportunity for a reflective approach, focusing on the analysis of the diatopic variation present in the poem “A triste partiu de Patativa do Assaré”.</p> Maria Mirele Alves Medeiros, Wesley Willames Cirino Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 23 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 SPECIAL AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION <p>This paper aims to present the challenges imposed on educational institutions that seek to adapt to the learning needs of students with special needs. A special and inclusive education that aims at the development of multiple skills through innovations and inclusive pedagogical practices. Where it is necessary to implement public policies inside and outside the school environment that will support the process of inserting these students into regular education classes, as they have a right to, as well as individual and specialized monitoring so that they can develop their potential. Here, we highlight the struggles and achievements that permeate the history of these people who so much seek their rights, having the validity of the process of change that is necessary in the search for a meaningful education. Thus, the objective of this work is to present the role of the school as an inclusive space that brings together, respects and welcomes differences, where it is necessary to subsidize the necessary resources for the improvement of new practices, with trained professionals, an inclusive education that serves students in their entirety, from physical resources, highlighting the school structure itself, to specific teaching materials and the various resources that support this process.</p> Maria Mirele Alves Medeiros, Wesley Willames Cirino Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 23 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 INITIAL TRAINING OF MATHEMATICS TEACHERS <p>This study portrays the importance of initial training for mathematics teachers with aspects of praxis, with reflective practice as a relevant factor in the teaching/learning process. It is necessary to integrate specific and pedagogical knowledge with mathematical content, valuing the diversity of knowledge, contributing to the student's critical stance. The aim is to emphasize that initial training needs to be ongoing, developing skills related to how to mediate knowledge for students, as well as understanding the specific knowledge of the subject taught. Training focused on praxis, as discussed throughout this work, allows educators to review their teaching methodologies and strategies with a view to student learning. It is essential that this preparation be consistent with the practice experienced in educational institutions, that is, future educators must be aware of the reality they will experience when they take over a classroom while still in their undergraduate studies. Therefore, significant initial training should guide students to constantly reflect on educational praxis.</p> Maria Mirele Alves Medeiros, Wesley Willames Cirino Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 23 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT OF LAND PACKAGE COMPANIES IN CIUDAD DEL ESTE <p>The main purpose of this study was to analyze the current situation and logistics management of parcel distribution companies in Ciudad del Este during the 2022 school year. The methodology used qualitative descriptive research has been used, which has served to develop the most important aspects of this work, from the approach to the contracting of the results obtained in the interview conducted. The interview technique was applied in a population of 10 companies located in Ciudad del Este, of which 3 companies were taken for the application of the research, the surveys were directed to the managers and officials in charge of logistics management. The research work consists of four units. Unit 1: Logistics planning system. Unit 2: Distribution logistics. Unit 3: Distribution planning. Unit 4: Quality control. The findings indicated that the different units of the logistics process such as: inventory management, load distribution and transport managers, information flow and order processing, storage and distribution have a favorable influence on the logistics management of the companies studied. Based on the results in all companies, in order to achieve competitive advantages, a comprehensive logistics system is necessary that allows all processes to be carried out in an orderly and efficient manner, thus reducing costs, organizing processes, exercising control and improving each of the company's areas. With the constant improvement of transport, and the correct distribution of materials in the construction process, it will be more efficient and this will lead to a reduction in direct and indirect costs.</p> Luciana Irala Olazar, Silvia Beatriz Benítez de Amarilla Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 SHARED CUSTODY <p>This paper analyzes shared custody in the context of Brazilian law, highlighting its legal and social implications. The research addresses the responsibilities of the family institution and the changes introduced by the new Code of Civil Procedure, seeking to promote a critical understanding of the topic. The methodology used is bibliographic in nature, based on doctrines relevant to the discussion.</p> Rosilene Lopes Schabbach Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON TEACHING THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE IN THE 8TH YEAR OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, IN A PUBLIC STATE SCHOOL IN MANAUS <p>This article aims to analyze the educational innovations developed by Portuguese language teachers in the final years of Elementary School, during the Covid 19 pandemic, and the difficulties faced by teachers in relation to the use of digital technologies in the pandemic context. In this sense, we developed qualitative research, of an exploratory nature, using as an instrument for data generation a form built, on the social network Whatsapp, for teachers from the state public network in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazonas. Furthermore, our analyzes point out the difficulties and innovations that teachers and students have suffered with the constant changes imposed by the remote teaching context with the coronavirus viral pandemic. The transformation scenario, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, challenged both authorities and teachers in the public network of the state of Amazonas and, consequently, its capital Manaus, caused new reflections related to the use of digital educational resources to emerge in pedagogical planning. This research aims to analyze the educational innovations developed by Portuguese language teachers in Elementary School, during the Covid-19 pandemic. There was recurring concern among teachers, managers and pedagogues at all levels of education in the search for methods, techniques and activities capable of engaging students and promoting teaching appropriate to the online modality required. Despite the technological apparatus offered by the Department of Education and Sports, the joint action of students, parents and teachers, many challenges made teaching the Portuguese language difficult.</p> Heliana Mendes Gandra Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 UNDERSTANDINGS AND EXPRESSIONS ABOUT THE QUOTA SYSTEM AS AFFIRMATIVE POLICY ACTION BY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>This article deals with the understanding of high school students about the right to racial and social quotas as a public policy that allows the rise of socially disadvantaged populations to higher education. It is the result of research carried out with students from 3rd year high school classes at Colégio Estadual Professora Terezinha Scaramussa (CEPTS), located in the city of Santa Cruz Cabrália, state of Bahia. Data were obtained through the application of a didactic sequence involving exposition, a questionnaire with mixed questions – open and multiple choice, associated with an individual textual production. Based on the data analysis, the perspectives of content analysis were considered and, in a preliminary manner, it is possible to understand that it is necessary to promote differentiated and continuous strategies so that students are clear about the importance of appropriating public policies in their daily lives and, in this case more specifically, about racial and social quotas, as well as realizing that the observance of discursive practices about racial and social quotas in the subjects that make up the curriculum is not yet common in schools.</p> Isabel Francisca Lamarão, Stéfano Couto Monteiro, Carla Regina Zasso Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 POLITICAL SCIENCE FOR THEORY AND ACTION <p>Given the undeniable contribution of Political Science to history, it is also necessary to understand the context in which its postulates were developed, as well as its most prominent figures. By exploring the main works and authors in the field, we can deepen our understanding of its content. From this perspective, this study aims to discuss the life and work of one of the most important international references in Political Science, the Italian scholar Gian Franco Pasquino, and the significant contributions he has made and continues to make to the field, with a focus on action-oriented approaches.</p> Reginaldo Pinho de Abreu Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE VOICE OF MEMORY <p>This article explores the intersection between oral history, country music, and intangible heritage, with an emphasis on the experiences of the elderly. Using oral history as a methodology, we seek to understand how the personal narratives of the elderly contribute to the preservation and transmission of country culture. We analyze country music not only as an artistic expression, but also as a vehicle for collective memory and cultural identity. We highlight initiatives such as the Memórias Vivas Project in Piracanjuba, which promote intergenerational dialogue and strengthen community ties. We conclude that valuing the voices of the elderly is essential for the maintenance and revitalization of Brazil's intangible cultural heritage.</p> Tatiane Elias Garcia Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sun, 01 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE NARCISSIST PERSONALITY TYPE AND RELATIONSHIPS: ANALYSIS FROM MALE AND FEMALE PERSPECTIVES <p>This article analyzes the dynamics of narcissistic personality disorder in male and female relationships. Narcissistic individuals are characterized by high self-esteem, lack of empathy, and manipulative behavior. The fact that such persons put their needs in the center in their relationships and are prone to emotional manipulation towards their partners has a negative impact on the strength of relationships and the emotional sphere. The article also highlights the differences between narcissistic men and women and explores the problems gender-specific behavior patterns create in relationships. The results show that people who are in relationships with individuals with narcissistic personality traits can suffer serious psychological damage, and in such cases, the need for professional intervention comes to the fore. This study provides an in-depth understanding of the difficulties narcissistic personality poses in romantic relationships and has important implications for contemporary psychological research.</p> Vüsal Alquliyev Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 GALILEU GALILEI <p>This paper has the goals to introduce the Galilei’s contribution to science. Galilei leaved in medieval historical time. He took the Francis Bacon’s theory to make observation on skay. Galilei was a big creator of instruments to research. Galilei invented a series of instruments during your life. He involved in the context of the theories of geocentrism e heliocentrism. Because this, Galilei was problems with ecclesiastical power.</p> Cloves Barbosa, Armando Wilson Tafner Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION POLICY IN SPECIALIZED EDUCATIONAL SERVICES <p>The article reflects on pedagogical practice and inclusion policies in the contemporary educational context, emphasizing inclusion as a fundamental right for all people with disabilities. The author discusses the need for a less prejudiced and segregationist approach, highlighting the importance of a government commitment to guarantee investments that enable inclusive educational actions. The research also addresses diversity in schools, proposing that they become spaces that welcome and respect differences.</p> Ana Cristina de Medeiros Azevedo, José Amilton da Costa, Francisca de Cascia da Costa, Marluce Araújo da Costa, Cleide Dias Costa, Salésia Medeiros Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Fri, 06 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 ETHICS, SUBJECTIVITY AND THE SEARCH FOR JUSTICE <p>This article explores the relationship between the subject and the norm, addressing how ethics acts in the construction of individual subjectivity and in conflicts with social and legal norms, especially in contemporary issues such as the objectification of women on social media and civil disobedience. With an approach based on naturalist ethics and postmodern morality, and supported by the theories of Fraser (2007) and Fabriz (2003), the research investigates the effects of norms on mental health and fundamental rights, highlighting how the search for social recognition clashes with practices and structures that perpetuate oppression and patterns of behavior. The analysis criticizes objectification and the imposition of aesthetic and gender standards, defending an inclusive ethics that respects diversity and individual autonomy, thus promoting a more just and egalitarian society.</p> Rose Alves de Oliveira, Marcus Vinicius Lopes Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Fri, 06 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE STATION ROTATION METHODOLOGY <p>The active methodologies to ensure teaching learning, are pedagogical approaches that seek to involve students actively in the learning process, promoting the construction of knowledge in a more significant and participatory way. The active methodology by revolutions consists of a learning approach in which students are divided into small groups and work in stations of different activities. Each station usually contains a specific task or design for students to perform within a certain period of time. After this period, students move to the next season and so on, until they have passed all the stations. The research was conducted with a 7th grade class of elementary school from a municipal school located in the rural area of ​​Vianópolis, Goiás. The data collection was due to the observation of the students during the activities and a questionnaire that they answered after the application of methodology. The results indicate that the use of this methodology promotes a stimulus to discussion, creation and reflection on the content addressed, making the students protagonists of their learning. The activity allowed students to work independently and collaboratively, exploring different themes, skills and aspects of content. In addition, it promoted students' active engagement and learning autonomy. Attitudes such as providing listening to students, valuing their opinions, exercising empathy, answering questions, encouraging them, among others, were observed and favoring the creation of a favorable environment for teaching learning. The structure of the Station Methodology by rotation is flexible and should be adapted according to the learning needs and objectives of each discipline and class. The important thing is that students have the opportunity to actively interact with content and develop collaborative, reflective and criticism</p> Magaly Jeane Freire Pereira, Suzelita Eterna Meneses Dias Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sun, 08 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 EMOTIONAL EDUCATION AND ITS IMPLICATION IN ADOLESCENCE <p>This article has as its title “Emotional Education and its implication in adolescence”, and aimed to present and discuss the main concepts and particularities regarding emotional education and its implication in adolescence. The study provides a reflection on the adolescent's education and emotional balance, where this is an indispensable element for a more significant coexistence. To this end, the theme cited from the bibliographic research regarding the subject exposed seeks through the authors, to understand that emotional education has been developed in the most varied situations of social daily life and the current socio-political conjuncture and the need for its reach in Life of the teenager.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Francisca Regilânia Ferreira Lima, Valdênia Nunes de Sousa, Sueli Fernandes Carneiro Marinho Ferreira, Fabíola Camurça Janebro Damasceno, Higor Daniel Silva Brandão, Geane Correia Rocha Cavalcante, Luzia Duarte Rodrigues, Leandro Soares Damasceno, Ana Cristina Cavalcante Rodrigues Dantas, Maria Eugênia Ferreira da Silva Leão Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sun, 08 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 FROM COURTLY LOVE TO CHIVALRIC LOVE <p>This article examines the tradition of courtly love in chivalric romances from the 12th century, based on a bibliographical review that includes authors such as Doudet, Raimondo, C.S. Lewis, and Massaud. It concludes that the tradition of courtly love has its roots in Lancelot ou le Chevalier de la Charrette, by Chrétien de Troyes, and evolves over time, reflecting the social and cultural transformations of the period, especially under the increasing influence of the Church. In later works, such as Los cuatro libros del virtuoso caballero Amadís de Gaula, by Garcí Rodríguez Montalvo, the treatment of love already incorporates the moral and social values of the chivalric romance, demonstrating a significant adaptation to Christian ethics and the sociocultural reality of the 16th century.</p> Carlos Enrique Musse Torres Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE POLITICAL SCENE, THE SOCIAL WORLD AND THE FIELD OF POWER <p>The objective of this article is to explore the theme “THE POLITICAL SCENE, THE SOCIAL WORLD AND THE FIELD OF POWER” within the scope of Brazilian education, based on the bias of IPEA PNAD with the text “Map of the hole &amp; the search for solutions to get out of it”. The dialogue will guide some classic and contemporary authors such as OLIVEIRA (2000) and SANTOS (2015), which will open a range of conversations about the paths that must be followed for the transformation of quality Brazilian education. This analysis will have as its methodology bibliographical research, and in the procedures a research survey was carried out on the works that agree with the theme, later the works related to the theme were read.</p> Kênia Sousa da Mota Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Tue, 10 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 UNTANGLING THE GREEN WEB <p>This article explores the concepts of “greenhushing” and “greenwashing” as distinct approaches to the communication of sustainability initiatives by companies. The importance of avoiding confusion between these terms is highlighted, emphasizing their opposite nature. Greenwashing involves the practice of companies exaggerating their environmental actions, creating a false impression of ecological responsibility. For example, they label products as “environmentally friendly” based on minimal changes, while overall operations remain unsustainable. In contrast, “greenhushing” occurs when companies minimize or omit their genuine sustainable achievements, often for fear of backlash. An example is a company that buys materials sustainably, but chooses not to publicize it. Both practices reveal a lack of transparency in companies’ sustainability communication, representing different forms of inauthenticity. This analysis seeks to elucidate the nuances of these behaviors and their relationship to transparency in corporate communication about sustainable practices.</p> Carolina Fabiane de Souza Araújo Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sun, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 TEACHING KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE IN THE CONTINUING EDUCATION OF TEACHERS WHO TEACH MATHEMATICS IN THE EARLY YEARS <p>The subject of this article is teaching knowledge and the continuing education of teachers who teach mathematics in the early years of elementary school, and the guiding question is: what are the contributions of the theories of Tardif, Shulman and Pimenta to the understanding of teaching knowledge for the continuing education of teachers who teach mathematics in the early years? The aim is to analyze the literature on teaching knowledge and knowledge necessary for the practice of continuing education for teachers who teach mathematics in the early years of elementary school, based on theories of teaching knowledge and the reflective teacher. The research is based on a qualitative, interpretative bibliographical approach, based on the works of the authors Tardif (2014), Shulman (1986) and Pimenta (1999), which provide comprehensive perspectives on teaching practice, professional identity, teacher training and the different types of knowledge involved. The conclusion is that it is important to understand the definition of teaching knowledge and its articulation with the continuing education of teachers who teach mathematics in the early years. This subject is complex and multifaceted, as it requires a theoretical and methodological approach that takes into account the cognitive, psychological, curricular, pedagogical, social, historical and cultural dimensions linked to the process of teaching and learning mathematics. It is therefore necessary for both teacher educators and future teacher educators to reflect on their training, their professional identity and their teaching practice. </p> Renata Aparecida da Silva, Marta Maria Pontin Darsie Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sun, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 CURRICULUM ADAPTATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS <p>This article addresses a topic that is relevant to the present day and of paramount importance for regular schools, which is curricular adaptation for students with special educational needs, discussing the importance of specific training for teachers in regular schools who receive inclusive education students. To guarantee quality education. Its objective is to discuss how to promote social inclusion and at the same time guarantee quality education and guarantee equity, since the audience for special education has been increasing in regular schools. Therefore, curricular adaptation, appropriate strategies and methodology are extremely necessary, but this specific audience needs a more in-depth look on the part of the teacher. In this sense, it is observed that there is a need for continued training of teachers to guarantee quality education to all students without distinction.</p> Aline Maria Ramos de Oliveira Vargas Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sun, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 EDUCATION AND SOCIAL INEQUALITY <p>This article analyzes the relationship between education and social inequality, highlighting how socioeconomic disparities impact access, retention, and educational success. Considering the classroom as a reflection of broader social dynamics, the study examines how inequalities manifest in this environment and how teaching methods can contribute to either reproducing or mitigating these disparities. A literature analysis is conducted, based on the contributions of authors such as Bourdieu (1998), Freire (1996), Saviani (2013), Santana (2010), and Skliar (2014). The research identifies that inclusive teaching practices, involving active student participation, are essential for reducing educational inequalities. By adopting methods that recognize the diverse needs of students, these practices have the potential to transform the classroom into an equitable space. The analysis suggests that overcoming social inequalities in education requires adopting a pedagogical approach that values diversity and promotes inclusion, as well as empowering educators to address the specific needs of each student. The study also emphasizes the crucial role of public policies in promoting inclusive education and equitable access to quality education. Well-implemented policies can have a significant impact on creating conditions for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, to have equal learning opportunities. The research highlights the importance of ensuring that educational policies are truly effective, with proper allocation of resources and support for teacher training. Finally, the article concludes that inclusive education cannot be achieved without collaborative efforts from different societal agents, including governments, schools, families, and the community. The implementation of public policies focused on equity, combined with pedagogical practices that respect and value differences, is essential for promoting a more just and accessible education. Continuous research is also recommended to assess the impact of these practices and policies, with the goal of strengthening strategies that combat social inequalities in the educational system.</p> German Aquiles Linhares Gouvea, Gézimo Nascimento Martins, Valdira Nascimento Martins, Sidney da Costa dos Santos, Wilsinho dos Santos Cobos, Emerson Penaforth Pinto, Givanildo Cobos dos Santos, Terezinha de Jesus Antônia de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sun, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE RELATİONSHİP BETWEEN STUDENTS' LEARNİNG MOTİVATİON AND ACADEMİC ACHİEVEMENT <p>The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between students’ learning motivation and academic achievement. Here, the directions of formation of learning motivations, including their role in achieving academic achievement, are investigated. Also, the manifestations of academic achievement motivation, including its main directions, are brought into focus. It is noted that various factors play a role in maintaining the optimal level of learning motivation, increasing academic indicators of requirements, including the establishment of academic performance. Here, internal and external motives predominate. Here, research on learning motives and academic achievements is systematized, including the requirements, directions for optimizing learning motives in the field of education. It has been established that academic achievement depends more on the student’s mental abilities than on his perseverance, independence, self-confidence and self-control. Therefore, learning motivation, as a rule, should be presented as one of the main factors affecting the achieved learning results.</p> Nilufer Gahramanli Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 21 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE COGNITIVE PROCESSES OF MEMORY, EMOTION AND FEELINGS IN TEACHING PRACTICE THE ROLE OF RESEARCH IN TRANSFORMING LEARNING <p>This research presents the final results of the scientific initiation project, whose objective was to identify the interrelationships between the cognitive processes of memory, emotions and feelings in the development of learning in the school context of the initial years of Elementary School. The research is bibliographic in nature (Gil, 2022), carried out in two stages: on a theoretical level, studies on Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology were reviewed; on a documentary level, dissertations and theses produced between 2015 and 2024 were collected, with the aim of identifying the learning concepts of teachers in the initial years of Elementary School. It was concluded that teaching research is essential both to exercise researcher and teacher skills, as well as to learn about new foundations that are crucial for pedagogical practices, as they promote significant learning, which not only consolidates knowledge, but also fosters environments motivating, inclusive and culturally relevant, crucial elements for a transformative education adapted to students’ needs.</p> Kellen Vitória Costa de Oliveira, Thaiany Guedes da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 21 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT AND THE USE OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN MANAUS <p>Integrated management and the use of emerging technologies have become fundamental for the advancement of education in public schools. In Manaus, the implementation of these practices still faces significant challenges, but also represents a great opportunity to transform local education. This article discusses the importance of integrated management, the application of emerging technologies in Manaus public schools and the challenges faced in the implementation process. From a literature review, we seek to understand how these tools can improve teaching and learning, promoting a more inclusive and efficient education, analyzing the impact of integrated management combined with the use of emerging technologies in the context of public schools in Manaus</p> Jomariaze Gomes Viana Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 21 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 FROM THE CRADLE TO THE GRAVE <p>The problem with this paper refers to a brief analysis of urban conflicts in the municipality of Vitória \ ES. Pointed out as confrontations between rival groups in the vulnerable territories of the city, these conflicts have caused new forms of sociability among residents of the municipality, as well as the need to review the entire public policy apparatus of the city. It seeks to analyze Practical discourses based on the fight against these conflicts, which build a new modality of subjection and extermination of young people, mostly blacks.</p> Luizane Guedes Mateus Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 NAVIGATING THE MANICHEAN PERSPECTIVES IN MODERN EDUCATION <p>Modern education faces a central tension between traditional pedagogical practices and the adoption of digital technologies, resulting in a Manichean dichotomy that often polarizes educational debate. This study critically analyzes the impacts of this polarization on teaching practice, emphasizing the challenges and opportunities resulting from the integration between technological innovation and traditional pedagogical methods. Research addresses the influence of dualistic thinking on contemporary education, exploring how resistance to innovation or the uncritical adoption of technology can compromise educational balance. The concept of teaching proletarianization is highlighted as a significant consequence of this tension, reflecting on the precariousness of work, the loss of autonomy and the emotional wear of teachers. The central proposal is to overcome Manichaeism through hybrid models that combine the humanistic values ​​of tradition with the transformative possibilities of technology. Based on a theoretical and empirical analysis, the study suggests integrative strategies for the formation of teachers and more inclusive pedagogical practices, reflective and adapted to contemporary demands. Research concludes that the balance between tradition and innovation is essential to promote critical, humanizing education and prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.</p> Charles Portos Rodrigues, Dayvison Bandeira de Moura Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 SYSTEMATIC REVIEW STUDY <p>The use of digital repository as an auxiliary pedagogical tool in teaching practice in the context of hospital and home classes has been the subject of study and research. This approach seeks to explore how technology can be used to support teaching and learning in situations where students are away from traditional school. Digital repository is an online platform that allows you to store, organize and share educational resources such as study materials, activities, videos and scientific articles. This tool can be especially useful in hospital and home class contexts, where students are facing health challenges or physical restrictions that make their physical presence impossible at school. The use of the digital repository can also facilitate communication between teachers and students, allowing the exchange of information, clarifying questions and feedbacks. This virtual interaction can help minimize students' feeling of isolation in hospital and home contexts, promoting the connection to school and the construction of support relationships. However, it is important to note that the use of the digital repository as an auxiliary pedagogical tool does not replace the presence and support of teachers. It is still necessary to have qualified professionals who can guide students, plan appropriate activities and evaluate their progress.</p> Ivanise Almeida Rodrigues de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 IMPACT OF THE NEW LAW ON PUBLIC BIDDING AND PURCHASES IN MUNICIPALITIES IN THE STATE OF TOCANTINS <p>This article aims to present a field research with the theme: “Impact of the new law on public bidding and procurement in municipalities in the state of Tocantins. This article explores the impacts of Law No. 14,133/2021, the new Bidding Law, in the context of public procurement in the State of Tocantins, through qualitative and field research. The legislation introduces significant changes aimed at improving efficiency and transparency in bidding processes, directly impacting the government and companies. At the government level, the highlights are reducing bureaucracy, encouraging innovation, and introducing modalities such as competitive dialogue. For companies, the law provides greater legal certainty, predictability in procurement, and facilitates the participation of foreign companies, promoting sustainable practices. The research in Tocantins, based on interviews with 21 professionals and public managers, reveals perceptions about adaptation to the new legislation and the challenges faced. The authors cited contribute with theoretical and practical analyses that enrich the understanding of the effects of the law on public administration and the private sector: Matos, M.C. (2021) org, Abrucio, F. L (2021) Fernandes, R. (2022), Dias, M. A.(2022). Despite the limitations of the study, the new bidding legislation in Tocantins, although challenging, opens doors for administrative modernization, and despite limited resources, it is positively impacting local development, but still needs investment in training and readjustment in planning. Finally, the conclusions also point to the need for future research that explores the adaptability of these interventions in different institutions.</p> Gilson de Paiva Ferreira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0300 THE SUFFERING IMPOSED ON STUDENTS BY MILITAN TEACHERS WHO USE VARIOUS TYPES OF VIOLENCE AGAINST STUDENTS <p>This article aims to discuss the difficulties faced by young high school and university students in the school environment due to the simple fact that they do not agree with some ideologies imposed in schools by certain militant groups regarding topics such as sexuality, abortion, gender ideology, drug release and politics. Declared conservative and Christian students are prohibited from dissenting from certain militant groups, including those led by teachers, who, theoretically, should be impartial, but become relentless persecutors of students who dare to confront them on the topics mentioned above. The construction of this article is based on some interviews with young students from a Federal School and a Federal University based in a city in the Southern Agreste region of the state of Pernambuco. We will understand in the interviews the suffering and embarrassment to which students are subjected almost daily by classmates and teachers. Christian students, spiritualists, Muslims, etc. No matter what religion the student is, they cannot even express any contrary opinion to the militant teachers on duty and colleagues co-opted by the teachers. </p> Giovanne Cardoso de Farias Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 04 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0300 REMNANTS OF QUILOMBOLAS <p>Based on the observation of the social dynamics of quilombola communities in the Municipality of Garanhuns-PE, this article provides a brief summary of the Master’s Dissertation in Educational Sciences carried out by Veni Creator Christian Universit, whose research focuses on the black community of Caluete, where social and political problems are identified, culminating in discrimination due to territorial location, social, political and religious issues. The people descended from enslaved black Africans still suffer segregation and discrimination similar to the suffering imposed during the slavery period, which is more evident in the aforementioned community, which is located 22 km from the headquarters of Garanhuns, considered distant from the city, as well as from other communities. quilombolas in the municipality, and bordering the municipality of Brejão-PE. In this context, the research has the general objective of investigating the causes that lead Quilombo do Caluete to be neglected by the municipality’s public authorities and, consequently, by the state and federal spheres. </p> Giovane Cardoso do Farias Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade Sat, 04 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0300