Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2025-03-05T15:38:34-03:00 Filipe Lins dos Santos Open Journal Systems <p>The mission of Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade is to become one of the main national and international means of disseminating scientific research in the area of interdisciplinarity in the areas of the human sciences, through wide free access to the academic community and society to all published research. Our target audience are researchers and society in general. Thus, we accept academic works from professors and students of the most diverse levels of training, as well as works co-authored by up to 10 (ten) people.</p> THE ADEQUATE MEANS OF ESTABLISHING COMMUNICATION BETWEEN TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 2025-01-12T17:39:25-03:00 Shafa Kazimova Konul Mammadli <p>The effective organization of training is a critical aspect of modern education systems, requiring innovative teaching methods that align with the needs of the XXI century learner. This study explores the application of new teaching methodologies, focusing on their implementation strategies and effectiveness in various educational contexts. By examining a range of pedagogical techniques—including collaborative learning, technology integration, and experiential methods—this paper identifies practical approaches to enhancing teaching efficacy. Findings suggest that adopting diverse and student-centered methodologies significantly improves engagement and learning outcomes.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade DIRECTIONS OF TEACHER-STUDENT COOPERATION 2025-01-12T17:39:23-03:00 Nusiya Karimli Jale Rzayeva <p>This article examines the importance of teacher-student cooperation in the educational process and its various aspects. Teacher-student cooperation is not only about transferring knowledge, but also about the personal development of students, the development of creative thinking skills, and social responsibilities. The article emphasizes that education is not just about providing information, and highlights the role of teachers in actively communicating with students, shaping their way of thinking, arousing motivation and interest, and strengthening students’ independent thinking and creative problem-solving skills. The article also highlights the importance of teachers’ continuous self-development. Various aspects of teacher-student cooperation are important factors that stimulate the development of both parties. This cooperation serves the positive development of both teachers and students and forms an educational environment that will guide the future of society.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade IDENTIFICATION OF DIRECTIONS FOR THE APPLICATION OF NEW TEACHING METHODS FOR THE EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION OF TRAINING 2025-01-12T17:39:22-03:00 Shixalizade Nijat Nasibova Ulviyya <p>The effective organization of training is a critical aspect of modern education systems, requiring innovative teaching methods that align with the needs of the XXI century learner. This study explores the application of new teaching methodologies, focusing on their implementation strategies and effectiveness in various educational contexts. By examining a range of pedagogical techniques—including collaborative learning, technology integration, and experiential methods—this paper identifies practical approaches to enhancing teaching efficacy. Findings suggest that adopting diverse and student-centered methodologies significantly improves engagement and learning outcomes.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade PSYCHOPEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMS OF EMOTIONAL BURNOUT SYNDROME IN TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 2025-01-12T17:39:20-03:00 Sabina Muradova Natiq Qizi Matlab Bayramov Bashir Oglu <p>This article explores the psychopedagogical problems associated with emotional burnout syndrome in teachers and students. Emotional burnout, characterized by chronic fatigue, emotional exhaustion, and decreased motivation, has become a significant concern in educational settings. The study aims to identify the causes and mechanisms of burnout, its impact on professional performance, and the importance of teacher-student relationships in mitigating burnout effects. Through a comprehensive literature review and qualitative analysis, the findings highlight the prevalence of burnout in educational environments and suggest strategies for prevention and intervention.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade THE ROLE OF PLAY IN THE SCHOOL INCLUSION OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES 2025-01-30T21:01:00-03:00 Sirlei Alves dos Santos <p>This article explores the role of play in the school inclusion of children with disabilities, highlighting how play activities can facilitate the integration and development of these children in the educational environment. Through a literature review and case studies, the study analyzes how play contributes to the socialization, learning and emotional well-being of children with disabilities. The article identifies playful practices and strategies that promote inclusion, such as adapted games, cooperative activities and the use of assistive technologies. Furthermore, it discusses the importance of an inclusive approach on the part of educators, who must be prepared to create a welcoming and accessible environment. It is concluded that play is a powerful tool for school inclusion, capable of breaking down barriers and fostering an environment of respect and appreciation of diversity. It is recommended that schools systematically integrate play into their pedagogical practices to promote inclusive and equitable education.</p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade A NEW VISION OF THE BRAZILIAN RESEARCH 2025-01-30T21:00:58-03:00 Yvison Tonni da Silva Diomedes Tolentino de Almeida Dorgival Tolentino Filho Rosimary Paulo Pereira <p>This article aimed to understand a new vision of Brazilian research: the knowledge and pedagogical practices in teacher training, contributing to The enrichment and the strengthening in the formation of the pedagogical practice, resulting essentially in the construction of new knowledge in the teaching work. In this context, the relationship between pedagogical practice and professional experience is discussed first. Secondly, consideration is given to knowledge and pedagogical practices in teacher training, and consequently, aspects that may influence the development of the formation of pedagogical practice in the professional experience of the teacher. Finally, the study concludes that the professional development of the teacher is related to the pedagogical training and the knowledge acquired in the course of his life, especially those coming from professional experience.</p> 2025-01-30T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade ENVIRONMENTAL LICENSING IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE 2025-02-04T19:29:08-03:00 Homero de Giorge Cerqueira <p>This article analyzes environmental licensing as an essential instrument for environmental protection, comparing the models adopted in Spain, France, Portugal and the United States. The research, using a comparative approach, evaluates the practices and legislation of these countries, identifying good practices and challenges. It is concluded that the effectiveness of licensing depends on adaptation to local specificities and the ability to balance environmental protection and economic development. This study provides support for improving regulatory systems in different contexts.</p> 2025-02-04T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade CHALLENGES AND PROGRESS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LAWS Nº 10.639/2003 AND Nº 11.645/2008: 2025-02-06T20:41:11-03:00 Heloisa Maria Luna Santos Maria das Graças Andrade Ataíde de Almeida Leopoldo Oscar Briones Salazar Luis Antonio Ayala Silvera <p>This paper analyzes the implementation of Laws No. 10.639/2003 and No. 11.645/2008 in the Brazilian educational system, highlighting their advances, challenges, and potential. These laws aim to incorporate Afro-Brazilian, African, and indigenous history and culture content into school curricula, promoting a more inclusive and anti-racist education. The research, which uses a qualitative approach, uses a bibliographic review and documentary analysis to examine examples of good practices, limitations, and implementation strategies. The results reveal specific advances, such as interdisciplinary pedagogical projects, and government initiatives for teacher training and teaching materials. However, significant challenges persist, including institutional resistance, insufficient teaching resources, and lack of preparation of educators. It is concluded that investments in teacher training, expansion of teaching materials, and strengthening of partnerships with local communities are essential to ensure the transversality and effectiveness of the laws. This study contributes to the debate on public education policies and to the construction of a more equitable society.</p> 2025-02-06T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade ROMANI/GYPSY WOMAN 2025-02-19T11:49:44-03:00 Voria Stefanovsky Elisa Costa <p>Reflection on the subjective dimension of being a Romani/Gypsy woman is the central axis that starts and guides this text. The proposal to decolonize and combat epistemological racism in academic practice is also carried over into the language used by the authors in the text, which includes poetry and the first person voice, and to the very process of intellectual construction of the same, which privileged the oral dialogue between two women who share common destinies and struggles and reflect on them. In the light of theories, but also of experiences, of scholars who also belong to the group to which they dedicate their work. Issues related to exclusion, anti-gypsyism, stereotypes and representations and the manifold subordination of Romani women are themes that permeate the discussions.</p> 2025-02-19T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade GOIÁS X SANTOS 2025-02-19T11:49:43-03:00 Tatiane Elias Garcia <p>This study analyzes the song “Goiás e Santos”, composed by Benê, Benedito Mário Trindade and performed by the duo Os Piracans de Goiás, as an example of intangible heritage that connects oral memory, popular culture and regional identity. Using the methodology of analyzing musical lyrics, the article explores how the sports narrative transforms into cultural resistance, highlighting the role of country music in preserving collective memory and strengthening the identity of Goiás. Based on the approach of Critical Environmental History, the impacts of socioeconomic transformations on the musical culture of the Piracanjuba region are also discussed.</p> 2025-02-19T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF CASES OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE AND EXPLOITATION, AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING, BASED ON THE HOPE & JUSTICE FOUNDATION SYSTEM 2025-02-19T11:49:41-03:00 Anna Alves-Lazaro <p>Introduction: Domestic violence is characterized as a form of physical, psychological, sexual, economic, or social abuse committed within the domestic environment, usually among family members or people living in the same space. In this context, descriptive mappings of domestic violence can help identify patterns of occurrence, vulnerable groups, and specific contexts where violence is more prevalent. Objective: To describe cases of domestic violence, child sexual abuse and exploitation, and human trafficking, based on data from the Hope &amp; Justice Foundation system. Methodology: The research adopts a quantitative approach and is a descriptive study. The study population consisted of 473 individuals assisted by the Hope &amp; Justice Foundation from 2022 to 2024. Results: The research found that between 2022 and 2024, the Hope &amp; Justice Foundation primarily assisted women (93.24%). Domestic violence was the most prevalent crime, accounting for 81.82% of the cases, followed by child sexual abuse and exploitation (15.64%) and human trafficking (6.55%). Most victims were Brazilian, with a gradual increase in victims of other nationalities over the years. The nationality of the aggressors was predominantly Brazilian, with annual variations and a notable increase in the number of identified aggressors. Conclusion: We can conclude that there is a growing diversity in the nationalities of both victims and aggressors over the years. These results highlight the importance of targeted interventions to mitigate different types of violence and support victims, as well as the need for effective and inclusive public policies to address the complexity of these issues.</p> 2025-02-19T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC POLICIES AND ASSISTANCE TO VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING 2025-02-19T11:49:39-03:00 Anna Alves-Lazaro <p>Introduction: Human trafficking is increasingly victimizing more people, and the consequences of these actions are drastic, affecting various aspects of victims' lives and impacting their overall integrity. Public policies can play a fundamental role in both preventing and assisting victims, promoting comprehensive and effective support.Objective: To synthesize, based on the literature, the importance of public policies and assistance for individuals who are victims of human trafficking.Methodology: This study is a bibliographic review that followed the steps of formulating the guiding question. Subsequently, literature searches or sampling, data collection, critical analysis of the selected studies, and discussion of the results were conducted. The databases used were LILACS, Google Scholar, and SciELO. The search for descriptors was carried out in both English and Portuguese, with the main ones being public policies, human trafficking, and Brazil.Results: This bibliographic review identifies that public policies play a crucial role in combating human trafficking and supporting victims, being essential tools for prevention, protection, and social reintegration. Additionally, comprehensive victim assistance, including psychological, legal, and socioeconomic support, is indispensable for their recovery and reintegration into society. However, the studies point out significant gaps in the development and implementation of more robust and effective actions. There is a pressing need to develop more public policies and assistance strategies in this context, as well as to promote debates, events, and scientific studies on the subject. This is necessary because society as a whole is still far from achieving an effective assistance framework for human trafficking victims.Conclusion: It can be concluded that more public policies to combat human trafficking are necessary. However, the results highlight significant gaps in the development and implementation of more robust and effective measures.</p> 2025-02-19T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade THE EFFECTIVE USE OF ACTIVE METHODOLOGIES IN TEACHING ACTIVITIES 2025-02-19T11:49:36-03:00 Maria Dalva da Silva Santos Erasmo Batista Leonez Josilene Dantas Santos Costa Tiago Santana de Souza Ítala Nayara Ferreira de Souza Bezerra <p>This article studied the integration of active methodologies in teaching activities. As such, the problem aimed to determine to what extent active methodologies can be adapted to different educational contexts and levels of teaching. Aware of this, the main objective was to analyze the effective use of active methodologies in teaching activities, focusing on problem-based learning, project-based learning, and flipped classroom. As a methodology, a qualitative literature review was explored. In the results, it was observed that the application of active methodologies has shown significant improvements in the understanding and retention of content, as well as the development of essential skills for the 21st century, such as critical thinking, autonomy, and problem-solving ability. These methodologies have the potential to be adapted to various educational contexts, from early childhood education to higher education. A suggestion for future research is to further investigate the specific challenges faced in the adaptation of active methodologies, such as educators’ resistance to change, lack of material resources, and insufficient institutional support.</p> 2025-02-19T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTINUING EDUCATION IN GENERAL DIDACTICS FOR PEDAGOGY TEACHERS 2025-02-25T14:56:56-03:00 Bruno Domingos de Lira <p>This article discusses the relevance of continuing education for teachers in the Pedagogy course, with a special focus on the discipline of General Didactics, as an effective strategy to improve educational quality. Continuing education is essential for teachers to stay up to date with the constant transformations in the field of education, ensuring the implementation of innovative and effective pedagogical practices. However, this journey of professional development is accompanied by significant challenges, such as the need for constant updating of pedagogical methods and limited resources. In this study, we analyze several strategies and methodologies that can be implemented to overcome these difficulties, highlighting the use of educational technologies and innovative approaches. Furthermore, we investigate how these practices directly impact the pedagogical practice of teachers and the academic results of students, providing a practical view through case studies. Existing policies and programs to support continuing education are also examined, offering constructive criticism and suggestions for improvements to maximize their effectiveness. Finally, this article proposes a set of recommendations for the future, with the aim of improving continuing education programs and, consequently, promoting quality and sustainable education.</p> 2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRAM OF THE CURRICULAR UNIT ON RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNIQUES IN THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 2025-03-05T15:38:34-03:00 João Manuel Correia Filho <p>Currently, due to the complexity of Higher Education, there is a need for the participation of teachers who, faced with the practices and challenges of the subsystem, can develop teaching-learning environments that provide conditions for the formation of competent students, guiding them to learn in a coherent and contextualized manner. From this perspective, the curriculum and its different views allow for the structuring of the programs for the Curricular Units that are designed within it. Thus, the aim of the study was to critically and reflectively analyze the program of the Curricular Unit on Research Methods and Techniques, with a view to improving the teaching-learning process in the Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. Therefore, the research is situated within the interpretative paradigm using a qualitative approach, relying on documentary analysis of the program under study. The aim of this study is not to generalize the results but to interpret the phenomenon in context based on the existing theoretical references. The study allowed for an understanding of the need to improve the program of the curricular unit under study, as it will enable the teacher’s action to be more efficient in a coherent manner, so that the teaching-learning process delivered by the teacher achieves its intended objectives.</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade ADVANCES AND CHALLENGES OF EDUCATIONAL POLICIES IN ANGOLA FOR THE INCLUSION OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION 2025-03-05T15:38:31-03:00 Sinclética Madalena Sebastião Pedro Ngombe João Manuel Correia Filho <p>Recently, Inclusive Education for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Angola has been a subject of reflection, particularly at the educational level, as the implementation of educational policies in line with international organizations’ recommendations is considered important. From this perspective, the article aims to analyze the advances and challenges associated with Angolan Educational Policies for children with Special Educational Needs in Preschool Education, based on the perceptions of teachers and early childhood educators from the Benfica district for integral development. Thus, the study relied on a qualitative methodology, configured as a case study based on bibliographic and documentary review, which supported the understanding of the Angolan policy focused on the inclusion of these children. Therefore, the results corroborated that, despite the legislative advancements, many challenges still exist in the implementation of Educational Policies that ensure the right to education for all. In fact, there is a willingness to face this Special Education challenge, which is not always easy, but the incompatibilities between the adopted policies, in relation to the real context of educational practice, need better attention and monitoring.</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade GUIDANCE STRATEGIES FOR VULNERABLE FAMILIES IN THE INCLUSION OF 3 TO 5-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE ZANGO DISTRICT 2025-03-05T15:38:28-03:00 Madalena José Correia Lucena João Manuel Correia Filho <p>Family guidance in educational contexts is a set of training and intervention actions with the family on specific topics and realities, in the best interest of the children and the proper functioning of the family system as the foundational unit of social life. Thus, the purpose of this article is to propose a system of activities to guide vulnerable families of children aged three to five years old in Preschool Education in one of the neighborhoods of the Zango District, through participatory techniques that enable their integration into the educational context. In this regard, the study relied on a qualitative methodology, configured as a case study based on bibliographic and documentary review, which supported the observation and interview. Consequently, it was found that the study enabled family involvement in the education of their children; behavior modeling and control; motivation; and activities integrated into family routines. Therefore, it was possible to positively impact the families’ awareness of the importance of preschool education for their children.</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade