Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade <p>The mission of Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade is to become one of the main national and international means of disseminating scientific research in the area of interdisciplinarity in the areas of the human sciences, through wide free access to the academic community and society to all published research. Our target audience are researchers and society in general. Thus, we accept academic works from professors and students of the most diverse levels of training, as well as works co-authored by up to 10 (ten) people.</p> Rua Josias Lopes Braga, nº 437, Bancários, João Pessoa - PB en-US Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2675-7451 TEACHING INTEGRATING PROJECT AS AN ACTIVE THEATER PRACTICE IN A RURAL SCHOOL <p>The application of an integrated project of language teaching in the new high school languages, led the authors of this work to develop an experience report that could combine the four components of the Language area - Portuguese Language and their literatures, English, art and Physical Education - with students of the São Felipe Annex School in the community of Cipoal in the municipality of Santarém. The work was developed in the 3 first year classes of that school in 2022, was based on the adaptation of the play of the Portuguese playwright Gil Vicente. The preparation lasted 2 and a half months from the beginning of the project, to rehearsals to the presentation. The evaluation process came from the observation of the students working in the theatrical / team of the scenario and selection of these for a night presentation to the community, with the evaluation of 1 to 40 points in each of the fields of knowledge, depending on their performance, besides Evaluation through PIE-LGG, having reference to authors such as Susan Holder, Gilian, Lazar, Domiguez, Granero, it was observed that integrating projects came to implement knowledge in contextualized practice for a development of linguistic skills, being the students the protagonists.</p> Vitor da Silva Carvalho Dilma Serrão Ferreira Silva Alcinete Lima de Souza Lúcia Maria dos Santos Lima Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-09-16 2024-09-16 5 05 1 11 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2207 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PEDAGOGICAL COORDINATOR AT SCHOOL <p>This present work aims to elaborate a work on the importance of the pedagogical coordinator in schools, analyzing its contribution to the development of an objective and effective pedagogical practice. The method used is the bibliographic, surveyed in books by authors specialized in the subject. The pedagogical coordinator has as its main need to have knowledge in the area, with an uninterrupted formation, which makes it possible to precisely develop its professional attributions within the institution, the main one being interaction and action with the teachers. The main relevance of participatory planning is that the work will take place together with the coordinator collectively, building reflective and mutable planning as needed, reinforcing that for an institution to have good quality results the integration of all is required. For the coordinator needs to rescue his identity to raise awareness of his true attributions, so that he does a success and quality work in school institutions.</p> Ellen Sabrina Trindade Pereira Geovane Andressa Daniel Paixão Elitânia da Silva Maria Antônia da Silva Mendes Clemilde Amaral Ramos Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-09-16 2024-09-16 5 05 12 23 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2208 MARILLION’S CLUTCHING AT STRAWS <p>This research provides a comprehensive and interpretative narratological analysis of the album “Clutching at Straws” released by the British progressive rock band Marillion in 1987. It explores the lyrical narrative, central themes, musicality, and structure of the album, as well as the historical, emotional, and artistic context of the band at the time the work was recorded and released. To achieve this, we draw upon the theoretical framework of authors such as Herman (2009), Genette (1972,1997), Reuter (2002), Bakhtin (1975), and Graudeault (2004). We believe that the narrative depth and emotional charge of the album make it a captivating topic for narratological analysis, offering a possibility for investigation into the power of narrative in the musicological context.</p> Alexandre da Silva Cortez Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-09-16 2024-09-16 5 05 24 39 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2209 ICT IN EDUCATION AND THE USE OF VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS <p>In human societies, the desire to adapt the environment to their needs has resulted in technological inventions that have gradually changed the ways of living, social interaction and the ways of producing work, and more recently, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). With ICT being used as a form of social and everyday interaction and replacing textbooks, a new way of connecting to knowledge and a new student profile has emerged. At the same time, the context of the digital society itself requires the development of skills that enable the critical and creative use of ICT, which is essential for entering the job market and for everyday life itself. Given the increased use of technologies, the idea has emerged that aligns the use of ICT with an educational environment that prepares students for this new reality. As a result, there has been not only the insertion of digital technologies into pedagogical practice, but also artificial intelligence and virtual learning environments, inserting technologies into an educational context called Education 4.0. In this context, the aim of this article is to investigate the possibilities and advantages of using digital technologies as a teaching resource in terms of developing skills and competencies inherent to creation, the critical and creative use of technologies and, more specifically, the use of virtual learning environments in the context of face-to-face teaching in basic education.</p> André Luís Bender Antônia Íris Antunes de Carvalho Diego Porto Veiga Elizangela Carla Beserra da Fonseca Hildelane Pereira Albuquerque João Jorge Pereira dos Reis Marizete Borges Silva Serejo Valéria Lúcia Albuquerque Vildáquita Bezerra de Lira Carlos Manoel da Fonseca Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 5 05 40 49 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2216 BRAZILIAN MUNICIPALITIES <p>This article aims to address the issue of federalism and its consequences in conceptual terms allowing some historical setbacks that contributed to the construction of the current model in the country. The focus is on the municipality as a federated entity, the result of the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution and its consequences emphasizing the municipality as a federated entity and its current constitutional incumbers. In this reflection I intend to point and make reflections on weaknesses, challenges and achievements derived from the performance of this federative entity, with emphasis on the educational sector, when I present elements gathered from a survey of studies with the purpose of identifying political-institutional, economic and cultural factors that imply its performance.</p> Mirian Folha de Araújo Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 5 05 50 85 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2215 PLAYING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION <p>Play is an essential form of communication and learning for children, allowing them to reproduce their daily lives, develop reflection, autonomy and creativity. Through play, children face fears and insecurities, interact socially and build knowledge in a playful way. This study highlights the importance of playing in child development, showing that playful activities are fundamental to both mental and body development. In addition, play helps in socialization, respect for rules and development of imagination. Early childhood education should incorporate the playful as an integral part of the teaching process, promoting significant and pleasurable learning.</p> Elitânia da Silva Clemilde Amaral Ramos Maria Antônia da Silva Mendes Franciele Trevizan Tramontina Jessica Maria da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-09-29 2024-09-29 5 05 86 96 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2226 THE LONELINESS OF THE DYING <p>The text "La Soledad de los dying" is a comparative analysis of Norbert Elias's work, focusing on the phenomenon of death and loneliness during the covid-19 pandemic. Elias, a renowned sociologist, explores the experience of death and the impact of loneliness on modern society, emphasizing the fragility of this concept in contemporary times. The work reflects on how death became a privatized and medicalized event, far from family interactions that were common in past times. During the pandemic, many died alone in hospitals, revealing an exacerbated loneliness and a social fragility that previously existed, especially among the elderly. The text argues that the isolation of the dying highlights a weakness of modern societies, which, although advanced, fail to provide emotional and social support in the final moments of life. This analysis is especially relevant in the context of a global health crisis that exposed vulnerabilities in human relations and death management.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Joana D’arc Ferreira da Silva Sheila Erika Ferro Ramalho Nobre Roseane da Silva Farias Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-10-06 2024-10-06 5 05 97 104 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2233 STUDENT INTEGRATION STRATEGIES WITH DISABILITIES IN A REGULAR SCHOOL <p>The aim of this article was to introduce the topic Strategies for the Integration of Students with Disabilities in a Regular School. To present, with the aim of advancing the debates on inclusion in the school environment, to understand and evaluate the challenges faced in this process, through various ways and means, strategies for the effectiveness and permanence of students with disabilities in the regular schools of Brazil. As well as, analyze this process of inclusion, as a support for creating an environment in which differences are recognized and then encourage interaction and conviviality with other students and teachers of the institutions. The student is the protagonist of his own journey and for them, teachers need to recognize and seek improvements in their teaching methodologies, aimed at the effectiveness of education and the right of the student. With this, this article addresses pedagogical strategies to promote inclusion in school, its importance and a tool that can be very useful for the teacher and student that is the PEI Individualized Educational Plan, with it the teacher can observe the performance of these students and think in them as individuality, since each has its peculiarities and needs to be respected in its time. Quality education is a right of all to equal conditions to learn and to develop together in the school and social environment.</p> Bárbara Ferreira Ereni Radeck Letícia Irene Padilha Meurer Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-10-06 2024-10-06 5 05 105 119 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2234 THE ROLE OF THE DIRECTION AND PEDAGOGICAL COORDINATION AT THE MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL, IN VIEW OF DEMOCRATIC-PARTICIPATORY MANAGEMENT IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF TEACHING <p>The present article is part of the work of completion of a distance learning course in School Management from the Campos Elíseos College, and aims to present the role of members of the public school management team, as a basis in democratic-participatory management . In addition, it was sought to present the importance of adopting as a conception of democratic-participatory school management in the search for quality public education. The article is based on the bibliographic research obtained in the classes developed during the course. It was found that the functions attributed to the management team as a whole are numerous and of great responsibility. Thus, these professionals need to work their best to guarantee their students a significant and quality teaching. It is concluded that being a professional of education means being always built, in a process that starts, but has no end.</p> Larissa Teixeira Lima Juliana Rocha Lopes Ana Paula Bochi Élida Maria Bochi Silva Jacqueline Pereira Gusmão Edcler da Silva Dias Viviane Cristina de Oliveira Amorim Pedro Renata de Souza Oliveira Leni Soprani Santos Carla Manuela Bárbara Belizário Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-10-06 2024-10-06 5 05 120 133 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2235 AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER <p>This article is part of the conclusion of the Postgraduate Course in Special Education from Favimo University. It focuses on discussing some educational proposals aimed at students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which are inserted in the regular school classrooms. It is the classroom teacher who will mediate the whole of the inclusive process, he is the one who promotes the child's initial contact with other children in the class and is responsible for including him in everyday activities. In this perspective, this theme reaffirms the need that everyone understands and accepts human diversity, and can contribute to the construction of a fairer and more egalitarian society. The article will be divided into three great moments. In the first one will be made a global contextualization of special education. Then the autistic spectrum disorder will be presented- Tea its main characteristics and needs. Finally, some pedagogical proposals that can be used in the classroom will be presented. It is concluded that a lot has changed since the beginning of history when we talk about people with ASD. Of schizophrenics there are numerous distinct characteristics even in the same disorder. Of communication difficulty to high skills. Autism is one of the syndromes as the largest variants of behavior, without modeled patterns.</p> Larissa Teixeira Lima Juliana Rocha Lopes Ana Paula Bochi Élida Maria Bochi Silva Jacqueline Pereira Gusmão Edcler da Silva Dias Viviane Cristina de Oliveira Amorim Pedro Renata de Souza Oliveira Leni Soprani Santos Carla Manuela Bárbara Belizário Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-10-06 2024-10-06 5 05 134 147 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2236 READJUSTMENTS OF PUBLIC SERVANTS AND THE IMPACT ON THE CONCORD ECONOMY <p>The economic analysis of a location is often based on the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, GDP alone does not provide definitive conclusions about the population’s quality of life. For a more comprehensive assessment, it is necessary to consider multiple indicators that reveal economic and social dynamics. This work investigates the relationship between the adjustment of public servants’ remuneration and economic performance in Concórdia, Santa Catarina, from 2014 to 2021. The analysis includes inflation data, comparison between real growth in remuneration and agriculture, and other indicators. We hope to identify correlations and impacts on quality of life, contributing to more effective and equitable public policies.</p> William Ampese Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 5 05 148 157 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2242 THE NEUROSIS OF RACISM <p>This paper aims to present an analysis of racism based on the studies of Brazilian philosopher and sociologist Lélia González. The author brought a different view from her contemporaries on this subject, since racism had its premises of analysis only through sociology. With this, Lélia González brought richness and an innovative reflection on how we can broaden and deepen the reflection on this concept, expanding and making intersections with the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, in order to raise the following question within several questions: does racism as we know it until its extension to structural racism have in its genesis an influence of the psychoanalytic unconscious?Finally, the work intends to lead the reader to reflections on the new perspectives that Lélia González inserted into the studies of racism so that we can understand what this concept would be and how it operates in the unconscious of the Brazilian individual based on a neurosis; a concept studied in psychoanalysis.</p> Magno Jonas Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 5 05 158 176 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2249 THE BRAZILIAN LEGAL SYSTEM AND THE INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLES <p>This article aims to analyze the environmental principles established in the international order and recognized by the Brazilian legal system, in particular the 1988 constitutional text, with the aim of evaluating the effects of international legislation with regard to environmental matters, based on verification of a staggered and more accentuated regulatory development in the environmental field. The aim was to define the parameters of the new world economic order and the importance attributed to the outstanding principles of precaution, sustainable development and prevention, with a view to consolidating a relevant tool for promoting environmental protection. In this sense, by synthesizing a study on the adoption and adequacy of the principle elements of the international environmental order, an investigative aspect is created to promote awareness of the primacy of an environment that receives collective care both at a global and national level. The strengthening of international environmental law was also a concern of this article, even though it was a brief analysis, so that it shows the exact notion that the issue must involve all social actors, from individuals and even the most complex state structure, with the goal of defining and applying a normative framework on environmental issues, in the international sphere and its applicability in national territory, through the due process of internalization of treaties and, in particular, the economic order in the 1988 Constitution, facing the challenges arising from growth world population and the urgent need to confront the catastrophic effects of the process of industrialization and large-scale consumption, considering environmental sustainability.</p> José Humberto Gomes de Oliveira José Ferreira Júnior Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 5 05 177 193 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2250 THE CHALLENGES OF BRAZILIAN EDUCATION IN THE FACE OF THE SANITARY CRISIS IMPOSED BY THE EMERGENCE OF CORONAVIRUS-COVID-19 <p>The present work has the main objective of analyzing, together with the facts that have occurred in the last few months, the behavior adopted by the Brazilian educational system in the face of the immense challenge presented by the spread of a global level and reach pandemic, which has started to hit head on, not only the educational system of Brazilian education, but also the whole modus vivendi of our unexpected challenge, which demanded, and still requires, urgent decisions and as far as possible, correct, since for catastrophes and pandemics there are no ready-made formulas, but extreme decisions.</p> Gilson de Souza Cazaes Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade 2024-10-14 2024-10-14 5 05 194 203 10.51249/gei.v5i05.2251