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Courtly Love. Chivalric romance. Troubador. Arthurian cycle.

How to Cite

Musse Torres, C. E. (2024). FROM COURTLY LOVE TO CHIVALRIC LOVE: FROM LANCELOT TO DON QUIXOTE, IVANHOÉ AND AMADÍS. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 5(06), 352–371.


This article examines the tradition of courtly love in chivalric romances from the 12th century, based on a bibliographical review that includes authors such as Doudet, Raimondo, C.S. Lewis, and Massaud. It concludes that the tradition of courtly love has its roots in Lancelot ou le Chevalier de la Charrette, by Chrétien de Troyes, and evolves over time, reflecting the social and cultural transformations of the period, especially under the increasing influence of the Church. In later works, such as Los cuatro libros del virtuoso caballero Amadís de Gaula, by Garcí Rodríguez Montalvo, the treatment of love already incorporates the moral and social values of the chivalric romance, demonstrating a significant adaptation to Christian ethics and the sociocultural reality of the 16th century.
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