UMA ANÁLISE (Português (Brasil))


Devaluation. Physical education. Teacher. Prospects.

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Pereira de Araujo, V. ., Francisca dos Santos Brizola, S. ., Fernandes, T. ., Angélica Francischini, A. ., Lorrayne Barbosa dos Santos Freitas, K. ., Silva da Mota Gonçalves, S. ., Polassi Gonçalves, V. ., Iraci Malaquias, M., Vieira dos Santos, Z. ., Alves da Silva, E. ., do Nascimento Silva, E. ., da Silva, I. ., & Mara Tossi, T. . (2023). AN ANALYSIS ABOUT THE DEVALUATION OF SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION CURRENTLY. Humans in Perspective, 9. Retrieved from


School Physical Education has become an essential discipline in schools in basic education, but it has not always been valued by society, given that it is often seen only as a form of recreation and/or pastime. In addition, some teachers in the area encounter various difficulties in carrying out their activities, such as, for example, the lack of materials and physical structure; the lack of interest from students and the little recognition of the profession. The present work tends to demonstrate, through a bibliographical research, some difficulties that affect the devaluation of the professional of Physical Education at school and also seeks to bring the importance of the discipline in the development of students. This study proposes, in its general objective, to identify some motivators of the devaluation of professionals in the exercise of school physical education, demonstrating some barriers that they find in the practice of their activities. In the same line, the specific objectives will be to observe the importance of school physical education; bring some methodologies that can contribute to its appreciation in the school space and in the student’s life and also points out how much the profession is undervalued, needing resources and materials so that these educators can develop, adequately their functions and providing students with a better quality of life and educational development.

UMA ANÁLISE (Português (Brasil))


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