A CONFIANÇA (Português (Brasil))


Periodical Editions. Quality Criteria. Trust. Reader.

How to Cite

Gomes do Valle, L. . (2023). READERS’ CONFIDENCE IN PERIODICAL EDITIONS. Humans in Perspective, 9. Retrieved from


Today, in the competitive world, there are numerous productions, publications and journals vying for readers who seek a scientific deepening on seemingly similar topics. However, a great challenge for professionals from different areas is to acquire the trust of their audience amidst the many options offered. Such confidence, however, does not happen randomly, it is a consequence of the application of several criteria that together guarantee the quality and security of information. In this way, some journals that invest in their technical professionals and are seriously dedicated to meeting some quality criteria required by the evaluating institutions tend to be more sought after, both by writers for a better score for their productions, and by readers. The present article, following the systematic review methodology, at first, verifies the main productions aimed at observing the quality criteria of journals existing in Brazil. In the second moment, it indicates the elements that establish the fundamental distinctions between the different scientific periods, making some have greater credibility and scope before the readers than others.

A CONFIANÇA (Português (Brasil))


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