URGÊNCIA (Português (Brasil))


Women’s health; Obstetrics; Emergency.

How to Cite

Cristina de Moura-Ferreira, M. ., Adelaide da Silva Santos, J. ., Aparecida Maciel de Freitas, E. ., Lúcia Fernandes de Carvalho Marques, M. ., Duarte dos Santos Martins, F. ., Nunes da Silva, D. ., Pedrina Freitas Mascarenhas, A. ., Carneiro de Resende, T. ., Silva Borges, M. ., Borges de Morais, R. ., Thaise de Souza Barbosa, A. ., Rúbia Pereira Medeiros, R. ., Brito Batista, L. ., Rodrigues Ferreira, C. ., Kelly, G. ., Paula dos Santos Nascimento, J. ., Helena Farias Pinheiro, L. ., Antunes de Oliveira, P. ., Mêre Cesário Nóbrega, S. ., Maria Oliveira Martins Formiga, C. ., Ferreira Tannús, S. ., & Diane Braga Dantas Monteiro, M. . (2024). OBSTETRIC URGENCY AND EMERGENCIES: MULTIDISCIPLINARY VIEWS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. https://doi.org/10.51249/easn01.2024.1887


Pregnancy is a physiological process that causes physical and emotional changes in the mother’s body. However, the gestational period may be accompanied by emergency complications, capable of causing an imminent threat of death to maternal and/or fetal life, contributing to the increasing mortality rate in this population. Maternal morbidity and mortality is considered a public health problem and a challenge for health services in Brazil, in which the main obstetric emergencies involve conditions such as hypertensive syndromes during pregnancy, postpartum hemorrhages, infections, abortion, among others that occur during pregnancy. pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Hypertensive syndromes are in second place in causes of maternal mortality, second only to hemorrhages, which are one of the main causes of mortality in the world.

URGÊNCIA (Português (Brasil))


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