The teaching of physics is approached in this article with one of the most crucial points for learning, the methodologies and techniques. The points that lead to students’ lack of interest: mathematization of content, lack of infrastructure, insufficient workload. The predominant problem in this area of education and methods or theories are presented, proposed by Ausubel (1980), Libâneo (2006), Lima (2016), Moreira (1982) and Silva (2018) to alleviate these factors. The present work had as research focus to adapt which of the pedagogical trends is the best to be adopted when it comes to the teaching of thermal physics for high school students. With the analysis, the Progressive Renewed Liberal Tendency proved to be the most appropriate, for valuing experimentation, active study and previous knowledge, the latter defended by Ausubel in his Theory of Learning, where the student captures new information and improves at his own pace. preexisting. However, the research addressed the important contents for the development of learning in the discipline of physics, merging the assumptions by the pedagogical practices studied, where the role of the teacher and the student were the main focus in obtaining means that facilitate learning, coming to verify that both are important and must be complementary, as there will be situations in which one will be more efficient than the others.
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