
Orientation. Pregnancy. Maternity. Nursing.

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Paixão de Macêdo , W. ., de Souza Miranda Rio Lima, B. ., de Medeiros Tavares, L. ., & Maria de Souza, C. . (2021). IDENTIFYING THE PERINATAL EDUCATION OFFERED TO PREGNANT WOMEN BY THE NURSING TEAM. Health and Society, 1(02).


Perinatal education aims to prepare women through scientific based evidence information about their options, providing knowledge that allows them to make conscious choices that favor the improvement in health and well-being of the mother and baby. Knowing that in the female universe, one of the most important phases in the life of some women is motherhood. This study aims to identify perinatal education actions performed by pregnant women by the nursing team during prenatal care, avoiding possible complications. This is an integrative literature review, using documents already prepared by other authors, including scientific articles and documents published on an electronic basis, addressing the theme of perinatal education offered to pregnant women by the nursing team. The results presented without a doubt demonstrate that pregnancy is always marked by different, objective and subjective aspects, for each woman. For many, being a mother can change their plans and transform their lives. Thus, for the pregnancy to proceed safely, prenatal care is necessary and essential. It concluded, therefore, that the nurse is a professional qualified to monitor pregnancies. In this context, prenatal care is a process of monitoring the pregnant woman, serving as a learning experience for the woman and the family. In addition, during this period, abnormalities can be detected with the mother and the child. During nursing consultations, guidelines for favorable measures should be provided for a specific approach to the specific needs of pregnant women with whom nurses interact in health units during prenatal consultations.


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