COMPRENSIÓN LECTORA (Português (Brasil))
CARTA DE ACEITE (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


addition problems, graph interpretation, subtraction problems, and academic performance

How to Cite

Esmeralda Ibarguen-Cueva, F. ., Maribel Mercedes Chipana Fernández, Y. ., Pilar Cacsire Castillo, M. ., Emilio Agustín Padilla Caballero, J. ., & Jessica Nieto Fernandez, G. . (2021). READING COMPREHENSION AND THE RESOLUTION OF MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN SECOND GRADE STUDENTS FROM LA UGEL 01, PERU. Humans in Perspective, 2. Retrieved from


The objective of the study was to determine the relationship between reading comprehension and the resolution of mathematical problems in students of the second grade of primary school in the Unidad de Gestión Local 01. The study was of a non-experimental and transversal type, the design was correlational, the population was composed of 274 students, using a sample of 100 students. Two tests, a reading comprehension test of linguistic complexity, form A (CLP 2 - A), and a mathematical resolution test according to the national curriculum design of the Ministry of Education, were used to carry out the research. To assess the reliability of both instruments, they were subjected to a pilot test with a sample of 20 students and then applied the KR20 statistic. To contrast the hypotheses, the nonparametric statistic, Rho de Spearman, was used. The results obtained concluded that there is a direct and significant relationship between the variables analyzed, when obtaining a value of 0.874, there is also a positive relationship between reading comprehension and the resolution of addition problems, subtraction and solving problems involving the interpretation of graphs, where a value of 0.765, 0.282, 0.826, and 0.714 was obtained respectively.

COMPRENSIÓN LECTORA (Português (Brasil))
CARTA DE ACEITE (Português (Brasil))
PARECER FINAL (Português (Brasil))


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