This article aimed to promote a reflection on the paths taken through theoretical studies and research sources already conducted. It was our contribution in the search for an ethical and urgent solution to school violence in contemporary society and thus contribute to the construction of an inclusive education that respects differences. It was observed that one of the challenges of raising awareness about bullying, both in private and public schools, is the fact that due importance and attention is not given to its existence in daily practices among students. Schools that say that bullying does not exist in their environment need to pay more attention, as they may not know the real definition of this term. It is of utmost importance that parents or guardians, education professionals, and public institutions are always alert to identify and prevent this type of violence, which is considered the most common in the school environment in our country. Young people with a more discreet, unsociable profile are the ones who become the biggest victims, as they have greater difficulty expressing themselves, communicating, and opening up to their families at home or to other adults at school. These victims usually do not speak out after suffering abuse, in addition to fearing that the situation could get worse, mainly due to the fact that they do not believe that measures will be taken to solve the problem, and they suffer from blackmail and threats that contribute to their silence. For this and other reasons that will be highlighted throughout this work, parents and teachers need to pay close attention to any sign of change in the student's behavior in their daily lives, inside and outside the school environment, including insomnia, daily aggression, isolation, lack of appetite.
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