
Ovarian diseases; Diagnosis; Clinical exams.

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Eduarda Almeida de Souza, C. ., Aparecida Godoy Rocha, C. ., de Carvalho Mariano, B. ., Cavalcante de Moura, L. ., Maêdya Fernandes Cruz, F. ., da Silva dos Santos, E. ., da Silva Barbosa, M. ., de Sousa Assis, S. ., Gonçalves da Silva, C. ., Arabela Pereira Passos, K. ., & Flavia de Oliveira Toss, A. . (2023). EXAMS FOR DIAGNOSIS AND MAPPING OF OVARIAN LESIONS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 26. Retrieved from https://periodicojs.editoraperiodicojs.com.br/index.php/easn/article/view/1375


Introduction: Ovarian lesions are conditions that affect about 21.2% of women after the age of 55 years. These lesions can manifest themselves through cysts, malignant or benign lesions. Ovarian cysts are common benign lesions and can happen during the menstrual cycle. Generally, these lesions do not cause discomfort and usually disappear within a few days. However, some cysts can last for a longer period of time if they are related to other factors. Objective: To show, through the scientific literature, which exams can be performed for the mapping and diagnosis of ovarian lesions. Methodology: This is an integrative review study, carried out through a survey of data, in the scientific bases|: LILACS, SCIELO and MEDLINE Results and Discussions: A diagnostic option, including pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has the potential to generate images with remarkable sensitivity and specificity, allowing inferences about anatomical regions inaccessible to surgical and ultrasound methods. In view of the above, some processes are also necessary for an accurate diagnosis. These processes include taking a good history, physical examination (especially a vaginal exam), laboratory tests, and imaging tests are necessary to accurately diagnose endometriosis and determine what treatment should be given. Therefore, intravaginal ultrasound is one of the best methods to diagnose deep endometriosis, especially bowel and bladder endometriosis. Conclusion: The objective of this study was achieved, evidenced through the literature that the main mapping exams and that help in the diagnosis of ovarian lesions, include the accomplishment of a clinical investigation, accomplishment of clinical exams, as well as the recommendations for specialized exams, including magnetic resonance, USG, transvaginal, laboratory tests and laparoscopy are among the most recommended.



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