SUS (Português (Brasil))


Present evidence about the importance of the SUS for women's health.

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Eduarda Almeida de Souza, C. ., Aparecida Godoy Rocha, C. ., Martins Ribeiro, A. ., Rodrigues da Silva, N. ., Vitor Nascimento Silva, J. ., Cristina Silva Rego, R. ., & Maria da Silva Lima, V. . (2023). SUS: FEMALE PUBLIC HEALTH INDICATORS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 26. Retrieved from


Introduction: The Unified Health System - SUS has a national policy of comprehensive care for women's health, developed in collaboration with women's movements in different sectors of society. The policy takes into account the idea that women's health is related in addition to reproductive and sexual issues, as it also involves sociocultural aspects. SUS services include several axes, including health promotion, prevention of injuries and diseases, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of identified pathologies. In view of this, carrying out this research is justified by its academic, scientific and social relevance, with the aim of presenting the main outcomes and updates regarding SUS indicators in the public health network, aimed at comprehensive care in women's health . Objective: To present evidence about the importance of SUS for women's health. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review study, with a descriptive approach, carried out through a survey of data in the scientific bases: SCIELO and LILACS. Results and Discussion: Through the analysis of the SUS guidelines, as well as the selected articles, the main outcomes related to the contributions of the SUS to women's health were evaluated. In light of this, it is evident that all women are entitled to services such as immunizations, testing and family planning assistance. In the case of pregnant women, women also have the right to prenatal care and a humanized delivery. Health services also offer assistance and treatment for menopause and aging according to your health condition. In addition, it is a woman's right to be admitted to health centers and receive care in the event of violence. All these care can be offered by the Unified Health System (SUS), as they are also part of the indicator lists. Conclusion: According to the facts presented, this study therefore presents the main indicators of the SUS, aimed at women's health, which include the right to family planning, guidance and access to contraceptive methods, assistance during the climacteric and menopause, assistance psychological rights, the right to vaccination against HPV, screening for cervical cancer, among others. Therefore, the defined objective was achieved, highlighting the importance of the Unified System, and the fundamental indicators for guaranteeing women's health.

SUS (Português (Brasil))


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