
binarism - Sex Education - queer child

How to Cite

Paula Bezerra de Farias, A. ., Bezerra de Farias Filho, P. ., & Ferreira Rodrigues, J. . (2022). THE UNIVERSE OF QUEER CHILDREN IN THE SCHOOL SPACE. Humans in Perspective, 6.


The sexual and gender manifestations observed in the school space are still superficially worked by some teachers and that the contributions of Berenice Bento on gender and sexuality as well as Guacira Lopes Louro have brought to Education regarding sexuality are not being discussed in the school environment. Under this umbrella, human society remains polarized in the system of binarism (attributions, behaviors, boy-girl practices) excluding and silencing growing minorities. And that even in the 21st century, pedagogical work focused on gender, sexuality and diversity issues continues to be reproduced in a repressed way based on a lot of prejudice and that education professionals were not included in their graduation of disciplines focused on Sexual Education and, as a result, they feel uncomfortable when approaching such a theme, as they are the result of a dominant sexist system and, therefore, transposes such a posture to their school experience, demonstrating apathy and disrespect for differences. So that we can change this scenario, we propose a work aimed at queer children can identify themselves in the school space so that they feel belonging to this space as a place of construction of the being and the acceptance of the other in all its particularities, emotions , feelings, because from the moment we understand the school as a space of belonging and acceptance of being as a historical and social construct, it is to guarantee the child and their families an environment where there are no restrictions and silences, where the child can forcefully not be the target of rejection for the simple fact of having broken with the barriers of those considered “normal” but that it is accepted and respected as a being, therefore, even though it is not a pioneer in the theme, it aims to be another possibility of understanding it. trying to fill some gaps between child sexuality and teaching work.


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