
teachers, dissatisfaction, education

How to Cite

Gomes Cabral Filho , M. . (2022). TEACHER DISSATISFACTION: AN ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES. Humans in Perspective, 4. https://doi.org/10.51249/hp04.2022.862


The main purpose of this work is to emphasize the importance of the teaching profession in the construction and development of society, while there is recognition that these are essential professionals, it is also clear that they are increasingly dissatisfied and unmotivated. In view of this finding, the possible causes responsible for the growing dissatisfaction presented among the teachers will be analyzed (low salaries, the education system, the lack of conditions and work, the students’ family structure, the accumulation of tasks and the constant disrespect). From this analysis, it is intended to better understand the current situation experienced by Brazilian teachers. The lack of appreciation and the consequent lack of motivation for teachers ends up triggering several consequences for the teaching-learning process (early removal of teachers, drop in learning, disagreements between teachers and students, truancy, etc.). In this context, what should be paramount to any education system, which is student learning and their formation as citizens, simply does not happen. In the current scenario presented by Brazilian education, everyone ends up being harmed, at first the impacts directly affect those who are at the end of the system (teachers and students), but in the end the whole society ends up paying a high price for not prioritizing education. education and its professionals.



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