O PAPEL DO COORDENADOR (Português (Brasil))


Coordinator. conflicts. Teacher. Student.

How to Cite

Guedes Da Silva , I. ., & Imaculada De Medeiros Guedes, M. . (2022). THE ROLE OF THE PEDAGOGICAL COORDINATOR IN CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Humans in Perspective, 2.


In recent times, many discussions have been gaining ground around the work of the pedagogical coordinator and how he acts in resolving conflicting situations at school. There are countless challenges facing the figure of this education professional in everyday school life. Faced with this problem, this study seeks to understand the true role of this professional. In this sense, the aforementioned work entitled “The role of the pedagogical coordinator in conflict resolution” aims to identify the different roles of the pedagogical coordinator within the school. This work presents a bibliographic research, based on previous studies on the aforementioned topic. During the writing of this article it was necessary to resort to different points of view on the role of the coordinator. For that, the contribution of some theorists was of great relevance, among them, Placco (2009), Cortella (2014), Freire (1996), and Moran (2000). In view of this study, it is observed that the pedagogical coordinator faces great challenges in the school dynamics, but it is known to say that his main role is linked to the articulation of knowledge between teacher and student, as well as in the interlocution of the interrelation between family and school.
O PAPEL DO COORDENADOR (Português (Brasil))


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