EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL (Português (Brasil))


Early childhood education; Playful; Learning process; Pedagogy.

How to Cite

Alves Marinho, E. . (2021). EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: : A PLACE TO LEARN OR PLAY?. Humans in Perspective, 12. Retrieved from https://periodicojs.editoraperiodicojs.com.br/index.php/hp/article/view/551


The aim of this paper is to analyse the school environment an early childhood education from the perspective of learning and playing in the educational context, starting methodologically from the cross-sectional descriptive study, with parents of students from schools located in the cities of Bezerros-PE and Brejo da Madre de Deus-PE, and active teachers. The data collection was done by applying a questionnaire to the study participants, date was tabulated and typed in windows excel 2017 program, being analyzed and described in graphs and tables. Nineteen parents and eleven teachers were interviewed and answered questionnaires elaborated by the author of this literature. Data were observed on parents’ perception of play and the applicability of playfulness by the teacher in the classroom, the interaction and the learning process of the students through play and games. In the context, the adhesion of students to the proposals of active methodology in the classroom are evidenced, ad well as the gaps that exist in this process for both teachers and students, showing the need for training and improvements in stimulating and offering subsidies for performance of this practice. The analysis of the perspective of parents and teaches under the inclusion of the ludic as a teaching instrument, bring the change about this practice over the years, as well ad the insertion of it as an active teaching methodology that helps the teaching process and learning.

EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL (Português (Brasil))


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