
Autism; Pedagogical resources; Education; Teaching.

How to Cite

Maria Da Silva Abrantes, I. ., & Gerlânia Soares Batista, K. . (2021). PEDAGOGICAL RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDERS. Humans in Perspective, 3. Retrieved from


Autistic Spectrum Disorder – ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can compromise communication and social skills. This research is a systematic review of the literature, which sought to demonstrate qualitatively the studies chosen for the analysis. The scientific bases used were DOAJ, Web of Science and Google Scholar. For this review, 10 (ten) articles were selected. The pedagogical resources identified were training in social and organizational skills; educational / professional support and monitoring; technological artifacts of audiovisual interaction; and, assessment tools with educational capacity. Pedagogical resources seek to help overcome difficulties related to communication, interaction and social skills of students with ASD.



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