
Violence; Psychological tests; family context

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Henrique Oliveira Silva, S. ., Perla Alencar R dos Santos, M. ., & Matos Souto da Rocha, L. . (2021). SERVICE OF THE PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSIONAL IN CASES OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Humans in Perspective, 1. Retrieved from


The present work refers to the psychological assessment in cases of domestic violence learned from the subject Psychological examination techniques II. One of the main objectives of the pair was to understand the situation of couples in social isolation caused by the coronavirus quarantine and the consequences of an abusive relationship, using the descriptive research method, and thus verifying relevant data for this matter. Therefore, the study promotes greater knowledge and understanding about the social context facing the difficulties presented both by the pandemic and for living with the partner. The work experience was of great relevance in order to understand the behavior of the aggressor and the victim of violence, highlighting the importance of a closer look at women's health and the romanticization of abusive relationships where jealousy is seen as a form of love and care. The study shows the importance of psychological assessment in these cases, in order to work individually or together on the psychosocial issues of those who are part of the family context, given the difficulties presented.



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