
Feminism, Anticapitalism, Anti-Neoliberalism and Feminism for the 99%.

How to Cite

Santos da Silva Júnior, J. (2021). OPPRESSOR VERSUS OPPRESSED: 99% FEMINISM AGAINST HEGEMONICAL CAPITALISM. Humans in Perspective, 1. Retrieved from https://periodicojs.editoraperiodicojs.com.br/index.php/hp/article/view/356


Writing an article with this theme is a herculean task, which requires not only strength, more to understand the paths taken by women and feminist movements for centuries, up to the contemporary apex, to support our thoughts in different bibliographic studies, but mainly on the ideas of the manifesto “feminism for the 99%” of (Arruzza et al., 2019). We intend here through different readings to address the interferences of capitalism within feminist oppression and different social groups such as: blacks, LGBTQ+, women and others. Capitalism and neoliberalism that have shaped the actions of democratic society, breaking with the rights of minority groups and subjugating actions in defense of these. Feminist manifestos tend to an anticapitalism and the disruption of the fragmentation of struggles, or idealistic representations of meritocracy, which is much dissolved in society. On the fronts women represent the equality of different classes and not only of women, defense is based on everything that capitalism interferes with its corrosive actions, which superficially represents development, but which behind it enslaves the less favored and inherent in the development cycle that favors small capitalist groups.



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