GESTIÓN DE CALIDAD (Português (Brasil))


Eco-innovation, environmental innovation

How to Cite

Dante Ramírez Ormeño, R. ., Janet Villamares Hernández, E. ., Luigi Benavides Mayaute, A. ., & Del Carmen Benavides Mayaute, L. . (2021). GESTIÓN DE CALIDAD Y SU IMPACTO EN LA INNOVACIÓN ECOLÓGICA DEL DISTRITO DE ICA, PERU. Humans in Perspective, 1. Retrieved from


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the existing impact between quality management and ecological innovation in the District of Ica, during 2018. The model used is a basic research of correlational and explanatory level, with a cross-sectional and non-experimental design. The sample determination technique was stratified by census type, consisting of 60 collaborators, of which 30 were administrative workers of the Municipality of Ica and the other 30, were administrative workers of the Regional Government of Ica to whom a questionnaire with in order to evaluate each of the study variables. The research concluded with an r2= 043, that there is a direct and positive relationship between quality management and ecological innovation. Likewise, the specific hypotheses could be verified, where the existing relationship between each of the stages of the continuous improvement cycle of the quality management system with respect to ecological innovation was tested, concluding that there is a direct and positive relationship in the stages of Plan, Do, Verify, Act and the ecological innovation variable.

GESTIÓN DE CALIDAD (Português (Brasil))


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