This book is a fiction, or if they wish, a scientific novel, it is not intended to be didactic, it is just a walk through the Garden of Science, but it took a few decades of study and reading of a few hundred scientific works and scientific dissemination. , which enriched and expanded the author's scientific and literary universe, almost all of the content of the text was inspired by the work of the giants whose works are listed in the bibliographic reference and who for those who want to go deeper into the various topics covered, the recommendation Reading is mandatory, and as it was a walk through the garden, the presence of children was indispensable, so I used as actors two imaginary children who with a nerd friend, play and have fun with the diversity of the natural world and that step by step begin Inquiring about the mysteries and puzzles of this, marveling at the explanations of his friend, the narrative takes the form of a graceful and at the same time deep and epistemic dialogue about the origin of matter, the cosmos, life, intelligence, mind, thought, thought Language, philosophy, existence and death.
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