This case study deals with organizational cultures, based on Charles Handy’s theory of organizations (2003). With the aim of understanding the predominant culture in these organizations led by female managers in Macaraju (MS), the Greek symbology gods Zeus, Athena, Apollo and Dionysus were identified, respectively, representing a type of culture that each organization is managed. In this sense, 4 (four) managers and their employees were interviewed, making a comparison whether the vision of the managers is the same as that of their employees, as well as whether the vision of how they would like it to be is what it really is, as proposed by Handy’s methodology. The present study was carried out through a literature review and a case study, descriptive, with a qualitative approach. The questionnaire proposed by Handy was transcribed and administered in person by the researcher. As a predominant culture, the culture of the goddess Athena stood out, which represents the culture of tasks, creativity, innovation and youth.
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