Ditadura Civil-Militar Brasileira (1964-1985)
Ebook - Ditadura Civil-Militar (Português (Brasil))


dictatorship, civil, Brazilian

How to Cite

Alessandro Sagrillo Figueiredo, C. ., José Rosa de Carvalho, M., & Aparecido Gonçalves , I. . (2024). Ditadura Civil-Militar Brasileira (1964-1985): Institutional rupture and consequences of the 21-year dictatorial period. Humans in Perspective, 64. https://doi.org/10.51249/hp64.2024.248


In the nine texts presented in this book, with a socio-historical approach to the impacts of the dictatorship on Brazilian citizens, it is evident that the fabric woven by those in power, and continues to command sectors of society to this day, covers the socio-political-economic power of partnership between the military, businesspeople and sectors of civil society. All articles are the result of extensive research and debates on the historical memory of the military regime in the country.

Ebook - Ditadura Civil-Militar (Português (Brasil))


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