ENSINO TRADICIONAL (Português (Brasil))


Traditional teaching. Artificial intelligence. Meaningful learning. Cooperative and collaborative learning

How to Cite

Silva Santana Borges, E. ., Carla Beserra da Fonseca, E. ., Castro Martins, M. ., Jones dos Santos, R., Araújo Rocha, R., Lúcia Albuquerque, V., Maria de Melo Silva, V. ., & Luis Bender, A. . (2024). TRADITIONAL TEACHING VERSUS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLIED TO TEACHING: REFLECTIONS ON THE ADVANTAGES OF EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS FOR THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS. Humans in Perspective, 10.


School education is characterized, above all, by its relationship with the social context, as it is through this that the perception of student training necessary for the development of skills consistent with social demands emerges. From this, objectives are formulated that end up affecting the way teachers understand and promote the teaching and learning process. In this context, with this research, we seek to reflect on the characteristics inherent to the traditional teaching methodology and pedagogical practice based on artificial intelligence, as well as their influences regarding the development of meaningful, cooperative and collaborative learning.
ENSINO TRADICIONAL (Português (Brasil))


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