RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA (Português (Brasil))


Anatomy, Education, Learning.

How to Cite

Eduarda Serafim Crispim, M. ., Kelly Bezerra Serrano, L. ., Texeira Amaro Vieira, C. ., Vasconcelos Nunes de Farias, E. ., & Rangel Nunes Ramalho, E. . (2022). EXPERIENCE REPORT: AN IMPORTANCE OF THE INTRODUCTION OF PRACTICAL CLASSES OF HUMAN ANATOMY IN THE LEARNING OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 5. https://doi.org/10.51249/easn05.2022.832


This article is an experience reporto f the experience lived by undergraduates in Medicine in the Extension Project “Living Anatomy” of the Faculdade de Medicina Nova Esperança in 2018. The objective was broach about Human Anatomy, throygh training classes of the human body, in order to align them with theory and make them easier to understand. This strategy configured an instrument that facilitates education and creativity, transforming the student in a subject of the action of learning. This experience was make possible for the academics training their oratory skills, as well as improving interpersonal contact, adding a future doctor-patient relationship. Given or exposed, is clear the relevance of the Project to all students involved, in order to enable the absorption of contente more clearly, culminates in the improvement of student quality, in order to enter a future career in the field of Biological Sciences, the learning is facilitated.

RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA (Português (Brasil))


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