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violence at work; primary health care; Family Health Strategy.

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Oliveira Facin Souza, D. ., Michelle Fagundes Oliveira, B. ., Eleandro Costa, F. ., Bianca Oliveira de Aquino Godinho, C. ., Sampaio Amariz, D. ., Luiz de Moura, W. ., Geovanna Santos Leopoldo, A. ., Abrahão Neto, A. ., Daianny de Paiva da Silva, A. ., Alves da Silva, S. ., Sousa Silva, G. ., Cesar dos Santos, B. ., dos Santos Barbosa, D. ., Antônio Gaspar, V. ., Ferreira dos Reis, V. ., Gloria dos Santos, P. ., & Carneiro de Mendonça, G. . (2025). VIOLENCE SUFFERED BY HEALTH PROFESSIONALS WORKING IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 3.


The present study sought to know the modalities and factors associated with violence against professionals who work in hospital care. An integrative literature review was carried out, and articles retrieved from the Virtual Health Library, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Scientific Electronic Library Online and Online System for the Search and Analysis of Medical Literature were analyzed based on the descriptors violence at work; hospital and hospital care. The results indicated that the most frequent modalities of violence suffered by professionals who work at this level of care: verbal and physical aggression, moral harassment and sexual harassment, in this sense, the factors associated with these episodes of violence were the worker’s function, physical contact with the user, recognition at work and concern with violence at work, and problems with relationships with colleagues and management. Efforts by managers are needed to protect professionals against violence in the workplace.
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