ARTE DE VIVER (Português (Brasil))


CAPS. Therapeutic Workshops. Music. Poetry. Mental health.

How to Cite

Stefany Nascimento Dantas, B. ., da Guia Araújo Gomes, M. ., Marilene Bezerra, M. ., Alice Duarte Silva, M. ., & Rodrigues Machado , U. . (2024). ART OF LIVING: THERAPEUTIC WORKSHOP AS A RESOURCE FOR AFFECTIVE AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING AT CAPS III IN CAICÓ/RN. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 44. Retrieved from


This report deals with the experiences lived by students in the 5th period of the psychology course, as a mandatory criterion of the discipline Extension Project V of Faculdade Caicoense Santa Terezinha (FCST), carried out at CAPS III - Psychosocial Care Center - in the municipality of Caicó -RN, in the year 2022. Contrary to the hospital-centric model, CAPS promotes mental health, integrity and dignity on several fronts and, among the various resources used, is art therapy. The proposal for the Arte de Viver therapeutic workshop aimed to stimulate affection, socialization and cultural expression in order to establish care, attention and interaction strategies for beneficiaries who frequent the environment. As well as providing advancement in the construction of practices that aim to expand users’ autonomy, further validating their citizenship and emancipation, in addition to granting a capacity for recovery and reintegration into the social environment. Through music and poetry, dynamics were carried out such as the recitation of the poem written by Luiz Campos, and songs that marked an era in the “what is the music?” dynamic. We noticed that users felt welcomed with a proposal for an affective and memorialistic activity; In addition to the poems, the songs allowed us to remember times of the past and connect with lost roots from the past, in addition, they were able to move from a space related to clinical treatment on a daily basis to a place of coexistence and reinvention of everyday life. The experience of the Project demonstrates the need to maintain this therapeutic proposal, mainly due to the importance of strengthening the bonds that exist between the user, the environment in which they are inserted and the people in their family and social environment.

ARTE DE VIVER (Português (Brasil))


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