HISTÓRIAS QUE CURAM (Português (Brasil))


Mental Health. Humane treatment. Social reintegration. Psychiatric reform.

How to Cite

Raiane Vale Silvestre , D. ., De Macena Cordeiro , F. ., Paula Saraiva Silva , J. ., & Pryscilla Fernandes dos Santos, K. . (2024). STORIES THAT HEAL: THE ART OF BEING MYSELF. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 44. Retrieved from


In this article, the extension experience of a group of Psychology students at the Psychosocial Care Center for alcohol and other drug treatment (CAPS Ad) is portrayed. The work addresses a descriptive study carried out by students, of the experience report type, called STORIES THAT HEAL/: art of being myself. The objective was to provide a moment of reflection, interaction and strengthening bonds between users and service professionals. During the study, users were able to express feelings, memories and events without the fear of being judged or questioned. Given this, it is essential to discuss CAPS Ad as an important public mental health policy in Brazil, especially considering the historical context in which the asylum model was the only way to treat psychological illnesses. Despite having predominated from 1941 until mid-2000, inhumane practices left social consequences that continue to this day and, for this reason, need to be debated. The psychiatric reform was a major milestone that allowed the deinstitutionalization of asylums and humanitarian treatment as a right for anyone in need of psychological assistance. Students mention CAPS Ad as part of this transformation, demonstrating specialized work that seeks the well-being, rehabilitation and reintegration of users into society.

HISTÓRIAS QUE CURAM (Português (Brasil))


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