
Postpartum depression. Nursing Assistance. Knowledge

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Silva Braga, L., Assis dos Santos, D., de Sousa Dantas Rodrigues, M. ., Martins Gonçalves, A. ., Figueredo Carreiro Soares, P. ., & Barreto de Almeida Leôncio, A. . (2021). NURSING CARE IN THE POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. Retrieved from


Introduction: Postpartum Depression (DPP) directly affects the mother-baby relationship with definite consequences for the mother, the family, and the child who feels rejected. Objective: To analyze nursing care in postpartum depression. Methodology: This is a field research, exploratory, descriptive, qualitative approach and will be performed at Family Health Units (USF), in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. The study universe will be composed of all the nurses who work in primary care and the sample will be composed of 8 nurses working in in integrated FHUs who have attended postpartum women with signs and symptoms of DPP. The instrument that will be used to collect the empirical material will be a semi-structured interview script and a demographic socio-economic questionnaire. After the production of the empirical material, the transcription stage will begin, where the oral narratives will be transformed into a written message. For the analysis of the empirical material, the technique of content analysis will be used. Conclusion: Considering the collections and the results obtained, is exposed how important is the formation of a qualified nurse to identify cases of postpartum women with DPP, since with the course of the research it was identified that most nurses find a barrier regarding identification of the signs and symptoms of postpartum women with DPP.



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