CÂNCER DE PÂNCREAS (Português (Brasil))


cancer, pancreatic cancer, epidemiology.

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Emanuelle Aguiar Fagundes, K. ., Pereira Montenegro, M. ., Victor Velasco Peixoto, J. ., Henrique Santos da Cruz, G. ., Fonseca Lisboa, B. ., Souza Pinheiro, J. ., Edson de Oliveira, D. ., Rocha Melo de Almeida, L. ., Macedo da Costa, L. ., Vanessa Araújo Brito, T. ., Vitoria Silva Rodrigues, A. ., Fernanda Rodrigues Lima, M. ., Dias Gomes, G. ., & Guilherme Pereira, V. . (2023). PROFILE OF PANCREATIC CANCER IN PATIENTS REGISTERED IN THE INTEGRATOR SYSTEM OF HOSPITAL CANCER REGISTRIES OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 17.


Objective: to describe the clinical-epidemiological profile of patients with pancreatic cancer. Methods: this is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach using secondary data from patients registered in the Integrator System of Hospital Cancer Registries of the National Cancer Institute. The study population consisted of cancer cases that were treated in the period from 2018 to 2022 and residents of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais – Brazil. The analysis variables were: gender, age, self-reported race, education, marital status, history of alcoholism, family history of cancer, primary location, histological type, basis of diagnosis, TNM staging and treatment received. Descriptive analysis of the data was conducted using the statistical software Statistical Package Social Science. Results: in the historical series investigated, 87 cases of pancreatic cancer were registered. Conclusion: the patients who were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer were mostly men aged between 60 and 85 years and with low schooling, married, former consumers of alcoholic beverages and with a positive family history, the cases were more advanced and chemotherapy was the most used therapeutic modality. Systematic efforts and public health education policies are needed for patients to recognize risk factors and protective measures to favor timely diagnosis and treatment.
CÂNCER DE PÂNCREAS (Português (Brasil))


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