LESÕES NA REGIÃO (Português (Brasil))


Athletes. Soccer. Knee. Lesion. Rupture.

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Danilo Soares, W. ., Souza Bastos, I. ., Cangussu Coelho, K. ., Julliana Costa Diniz, H. ., Monteiro Lima Martins, I. ., Luiz de Moura, W. ., Ribeiro de Oliveira Matos, C. ., Pimenta Ribeiro, A. ., Evangelista Nascimento, J. ., & Almeida de Magalhães, T. . (2023). INJURIES IN THE KNEE REGION IN SOCCER PLAYERS. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 14.


Introduction: Soccer is a team sport consisting of two groups of 11 players during two halves of 45 minutes. It is a modality of high physical and tactical performance, characterized by excessive physical contact, sudden changes in position, short and non-continuous movements. Objective: To identify the most prevalent injuries in the knee region in soccer players in the city of Montes Claros - MG. Methodology: This study is characterized by its descriptive nature, with a quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The studied population will consist of 31 soccer players, randomly selected, belonging to a soccer team of the city of Montes Claros - MG. They will be evaluated using the Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale questionnaire, which was developed and validated by Lysholm in 1982, translated by Peccin in 2006. Results: The highest rate of injuries was rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, totaling 12.9% of acquired pathologies. It was also observed that the other most prevalent injuries were meniscus tear, hamstring injury and patellar tendinopathy (9.7%). The most injured position was attacker and defensive midfielder (19.4%), and the most preserved position was goalkeeper (3.2%) and center forward (6.5%). Discussion: According to the exposed table, it can be concluded that the highest incidence of knee injuries in soccer players is ligament rupture, a pathology that refers to the injuries found in the present study. Conclusion: Through this study, it was possible to observe that the main knee injury in players is ligament rupture.
LESÕES NA REGIÃO (Português (Brasil))


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