EMBOLIA (Português (Brasil))


Pulmonary Embolism; Multidisciplinary; Health.

How to Cite

Beatriz de Andrade Silva, M. ., Simões de Souza Santos, J. ., Michele de Araujo Pedro, F. ., Gomes da Silva, W. ., Raquel Thomaz Tertuliano de Melo, M. ., Lima Silva, L. ., Ellen Costa Vasconcelos, E. ., Amaral Leite, T. ., & Carolinne Marie dos Santos Gomes, A. . (2023). PULMONARY EMBOLISM: WARNING SIGNS AND MULTIPROFESSIONAL CARE. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 4. Retrieved from https://periodicojs.editoraperiodicojs.com.br/index.php/easn/article/view/1138


The presence of pulmonary embolism is prevalent in elderly octogenarians, however, there is still a difficulty in handling the situation, due to the presence of pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases that can lead to confusion in the identification of signs and symptoms, thus, and can lead to misunderstanding of the diagnosis. Taking into account the fact that this disease presents an imminent risk of death requiring a quick and accurate diagnosis, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to reduce the risk of recurrence and, consequently, mortality, also being essential to maintain a high level of of suspicion about the management of the patient’s clinical condition

EMBOLIA (Português (Brasil))


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