ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
João Pedro do Valle Varela1
Kerlen de Sousa Martins2
Alice Borem Camargos3
Júlia Pinheiro Amantéa Vilela4
Maria Luisa Araujo Lopes5
Izabel Brito Teixeira6
Hamilton Ricardo Moreira de Oliveira Carriço7
Jaqueline Carrara Folly Valente8
Ciro Cunha Daruich Tannus9
Isadora Larissa Morozewsky Costa10
Enrico Resende Carletti11
Rodney Freire Andrade12
Paulo Victor Elias Sobrinho13
Yago Machado dos Reis14
1 UniSãoCarlos
2 UniSãoCarlos
3 PUC Minas
4 PUC Minas
5 PUC Minas
6 PUC Minas
7 Unisul Pedra Branca
8 University of Vassouras
9 Unig Itaperuna
11 Multivix Vitória
12 Famesc
13 Universidad Sudamericana
14 Unifeso
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Beatriz Rebonato de Souza Ribeiro15
Wanessa de Oliveira Gualandi16
Abstract: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become an indispensable tool in the
research and clinical assessment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Its ability to map changes in cerebral blood ow associated
with neuronal activity provides insights into the mechanisms underlying these diseases, allowing for
advances in diagnosis and monitoring. This paper aims to analyze recent advances in the application
of fMRI in the assessment of neurodegenerative diseases, highlighting its usefulness in early
detection, monitoring disease progression and evaluating therapeutic responses. The literature review
explores the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in the study of neurodegenerative
diseases, addressing technical advances, biomarkers based on functional connectivity, and deep
learning applications. The analysis includes studies on Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis
and frontotemporal dementia, with a focus on diagnosis, disease progression and potential therapies.
Advances in fMRI, such as resting-state functional connectivity and machine learning-based analysis,
have made it possible to identify specic patterns of altered brain connectivity associated with
neurodegenerative diseases. Recent studies show that fMRI can detect subtle changes in the early
stages of these conditions, enabling early interventions. In addition, the use of standardized protocols
and the integration of fMRI with other modalities, such as PET and EEG, have improved diagnostic
accuracy and provided a comprehensive view of brain alterations. Therefore, fMRI represents one
of the most promising technologies for understanding and managing neurodegenerative diseases. Its
technical and methodological advances are expanding its application, from early diagnosis to the
evaluation of personalized therapies. However, challenges such as inter-individual variability and high
costs still need to be overcome for this technology to be widely incorporated into clinical practice.
15 Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Cacoa
16 UniRedentor University
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Keywords: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Neurology; Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging;
Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has revolutionized the diagnostic
and monitoring approach to neurodegenerative diseases, standing out for its ability to map brain
changes at the functional and structural level. Unlike traditional imaging modalities, fMRI offers
dynamic insights into neural connectivity and brain activity at rest or during specic tasks, and is
an indispensable tool for understanding the underlying mechanisms of diseases such as Alzheimer’s,
Parkinsons, and multiple sclerosis (Bullmore and Sporns, 2018).
In recent years, technological advances have expanded the reach of fMRI, with emphasis
on the integration of machine learning techniques and an increase in spatial and temporal resolution.
These advances have made it possible not only to identify early changes in neural networks, but also
to differentiate stages of neurodegenerative diseases and predict their progression. For example, in
Alzheimer’s patients, changes in default mode network (DMN) connectivity have been associated
with cognitive and functional decline, indicating that fMRI can act as a reliable biomarker for early
diagnosis (Pereira et al., 2021).
In addition, fMRI has contributed to the development of precision medicine in neurology.
Recent studies show that brain connectivity patterns obtained by fMRI can help stratify patients based
on specic characteristics, allowing for more personalized treatments. In the context of Parkinsons,
the technique has been used to map changes in motor and non-motor pathways, improving the
understanding of disease progression and therapeutic response (Smith et al., 2022).
These advances reinforce the role of fMRI as a powerful and promising tool in the ght
against neurodegenerative diseases. By integrating technological innovations and advanced analytical
approaches, the technique not only offers unprecedented perspectives for diagnosis and treatment, but
also enhances scientic understanding of the complexities of the human brain (Johnson et al., 2023).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
This paper aims to analyze recent advances in the application of fMRI in the evaluation
of neurodegenerative diseases, highlighting its usefulness in early detection, monitoring disease
progression, and evaluating therapeutic responses.
The literature review explores the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in
the study of neurodegenerative diseases, addressing technical advances, functional connectivity-based
biomarkers, and deep learning applications. The analysis includes studies on Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons,
multiple sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia, focusing on diagnosis, disease progression and
potential therapies.
Guiding Question:
How does fMRI contribute to the identication of biomarkers and advances in the diagnosis
and management of neurodegenerative diseases?
Boolean Markers:
- “Functional MRI” AND “Neurodegenerative Disorders”
- “fMRI Biomarkers” AND “Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
- “Resting-State fMRI” AND “Parkinsons Disease”
- “Deep Learning” AND “Functional Connectivity Biomarkers”
Inclusion Criteria:
Studies published between 2018 and 2023;
Peer-reviewed articles, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and experimental
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Publications focused on biomarkers and advances in fMRI for neurodegenerative diseases.
Exclusion Criteria:
Work outside the delimited period;
Studies on imaging techniques without a focus on fMRI or biomarkers;
Articles with non-representative samples or limited methodology.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) represents an essential tool in the
understanding of neurodegenerative diseases, allowing the mapping of brain changes based on
cerebral hemodynamics. By detecting variations in the level of blood oxygenation, fMRI assesses
the functional activity of specic brain regions during tasks or in a resting state, which is crucial for
studying diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, and multiple sclerosis (Beckmann et al., 2022).
One of the central aspects of fMRI is its ability to identify early changes in brain circuits.
In Alzheimers, for example, studies show a reduction in functional connectivity in important brain
networks, such as the default mode network (DMN), even before the appearance of clinical symptoms.
This dysfunction in DMN is associated with beta-amyloid accumulation and synaptic degeneration,
which are crucial factors for the development of the disease (Zhang et al., 2022).
In the case of Parkinsons, fMRI has been used to evaluate changes in motor and non-motor
networks. Recent research indicates that dysfunctions in the connectivity of the primary motor cortex
and in dopaminergic pathways are correlated with disease progression and characteristic motor
symptoms, such as tremors and muscle stiffness. These ndings help in stratifying patients and
targeting personalized therapies (Vanderah et al., 2023).
Another signicant advance is the application of fMRI in the study of multiple sclerosis.
The technique makes it possible to detect changes in functional connectivity that precede axonal
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
degeneration and loss of brain volume, critical factors for the worsening of the disease. This information
has been used to monitor the efcacy of immunomodulatory treatments and predict long-term clinical
outcomes (Harrison et al., 2021).
In addition, the combination of fMRI with other modalities, such as diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI) and high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging, has expanded its applicability. The integration
of structural and functional data allows for a more comprehensive analysis of brain changes, offering
a multimodal view of neurodegenerative diseases. This approach has been particularly useful in the
study of complex conditions such as frontotemporal dementia, where specic changes in cortical and
subcortical networks are often observed (Khan et al., 2023).
Finally, the use of articial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the analysis of data obtained
by fMRI. Deep learning-based models have been developed to identify specic brain connectivity
patterns associated with different stages of neurodegenerative diseases, improving diagnostic accuracy
and enabling early interventions (Chen et al., 2022).
It is concluded that advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have played
a crucial role in expanding knowledge about neurodegenerative diseases. fMRI’s ability to identify
changes in brain connectivity before clinical symptoms emerge offers a unique opportunity for early
diagnosis and more effective interventions. In the case of Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, and multiple
sclerosis, fMRI has allowed a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms, contributing to
the development of personalized treatments and continuous monitoring of disease progression.
In addition, the integration of fMRI with other imaging modalities and the use of articial
intelligence have enhanced its applicability, making it an indispensable tool for both research and
clinical practice. These innovations have facilitated the identication of specic patterns of brain
degeneration and dysfunction, allowing the stratication of patients and the personalization of
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
therapies, optimizing clinical outcomes.
Despite signicant advances, challenges such as high cost, technical complexity, and the need
for standardization in protocols still limit the broad application of fMRI. However, continued progress
in imaging and data analysis technologies, coupled with collaborative efforts between researchers,
healthcare professionals, and industries, promises to overcome these barriers, consolidating fMRI as
an essential pillar in the management of neurodegenerative diseases.
Thus, functional magnetic resonance imaging not only transforms the understanding of
neurodegenerative diseases, but also paves the way for a future in which personalized medicine and
precision neuroscience are the foundation of patient care.
Bullmore, E., & Sporns, O. (2018). Complex brain networks: graph theoretical analysis of structural
and functional systems. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 10(3), 186-198.
Pereira, J. B., et al. (2021). Network-based biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease progression using
functional MRI. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 715.
Smith, R., et al. (2022). Functional MRI insights into Parkinsons disease progression and treatment.
Journal of Neurology, 269(4), 2001-2013.
Johnson, L. A., et al. (2023). Advances in functional MRI for the study of neurodegenerative diseases.
NeuroImage Clinical, 37, 103112.
Beckmann, C. F., et al. (2022). Advances in resting-state fMRI for neurodegenerative disorders.
Annual Review of Neuroscience, 45, 343-366.
Zhang, Y., et al. (2022). Functional connectivity biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease: Insights from
resting-state fMRI. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 86(3), 1245-1260.
Vanderah, T. W., et al. (2023). Functional MRI and Parkinsons disease: New horizons in diagnosis
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
and management. Movement Disorders Journal, 38(1), 22-34.
Harrison, D. M., et al. (2021). Functional MRI applications in multiple sclerosis: Current insights.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 27(4), 541-552.
Khan, S., et al. (2023). Multimodal neuroimaging in frontotemporal dementia: Functional and
structural perspectives. Neurobiology of Aging, 124, 13-25.
Chen, X., et al. (2022). Deep learning applications in fMRI for neurodegenerative diseases: A
systematic review. Articial Intelligence in Medicine, 132, 102368.