ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Juliana Sousa Oliveira 1
Gerson de Oliveira Dias2
Francisco José Pinheiro Araújo 3
Gabriel Morais Silva4
Maria Eduarda Araujo Florêncio5
Adeildo Pereira dos Santos Junior 6
Arthur Vinícius Pereira de Oliveira7
Maria Eduarda Abreu de Oliveira8
Aryanny Furtado Lucena Dos Santos9
Dalila Molinare de Araújo Maciel 10
Karen Alves de Sousa11
Francisco Álamo Furtado Lucena 12
Natália Leal Pacheco Vasconcelos13
Anne Isabelly Gomes ima Vasconcelos 14
1 Olinda School of Medicine
2 Olinda School of Medicine
3 Olinda School of Medicine
4 Olinda School of Medicine
5 Olinda School of Medicine
6 Olinda School of Medicine
7 Olinda School of Medicine
8 Olinda School of Medicine
10 Centro Universitário Christus
11 Olinda School of Medicine
12 Olinda School of Medicine
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Abstract: Child sexual violence is a serious public health problem in Brazil, with devastating impacts
on the physical, psychological, and social development of victims. The epidemiological analysis carried
out, based on data from DATASUS between 2015 and 2021, revealed a high incidence of cases of child
sexual violence in the country, with a predominance of female victims and male aggressors. São
Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro had the highest numbers of conrmed cases, reecting both
greater exposure and effectiveness in reporting these incidents. On the other hand, states with less
health infrastructure, such as Roraima and Amapá, showed signicantly lower numbers, suggesting
difculties in detection and reporting. The research also identied the large number of unconrmed
cases and blank data, which indicates aws in the process of collecting and recording information. The
relationship between victims and aggressors is predominantly familial, highlighting the importance of
prevention strategies aimed at strengthening the protection network and raising awareness among the
population, especially in schools and in the family environment. Despite advances in public policies,
such as the Health in Schools Program, the implementation of preventive and educational actions still
faces challenges, including cultural resistance and lack of resources, which highlights the need for
a more integrated and effective approach between health, education and social assistance. Thus, the
research highlights the importance of strengthening existing public policies and improving detection,
reporting and support for victims of child sexual violence in Brazil.
Keywords: Child Sexual Abuse; Child Abuse; Epidemiology
Child sexual violence is a serious public health problem that affects children and adolescents
around the world, including Brazil. It is characterized by any sexual act imposed on minors under
18 years of age without their consent, ranging from sexual abuse to commercial sexual exploitation.
These acts have devastating consequences for the physical, psychological and social development of
the victims, compromising their well-being and future.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
In Brazil, sexual violence against children and adolescents is alarming. According to the
epidemiological bulletin of the Ministry of Health, between 2015 and 2021, 202,948 cases of sexual
violence were reported in this age group, 83,571 against children and 119,377 against adolescents. In
2021, the highest number of notications was recorded, with 35,196 cases (Brasil, 2023).
Most aggressors are male, responsible for more than 81% of cases against children aged 0
to 9 years and 86% of cases against adolescents aged 10 to 19 years. The victims are predominantly
female: 76.9% of the notications of children and 92.7% of the notications of adolescents in these
age groups occurred among girls (BRASIL, 2023).
In addition, it is observed that the victims’ homes are the place where 70.9% of cases of
sexual violence against children aged 0 to 9 years and 63.4% of cases against adolescents aged 10 to
19 years occur. Family members and acquaintances are responsible for 68% of aggressions against
children and 58.4% of aggressions against adolescents in these age groups (Brasil, 2023).
These data highlight the urgent need for effective strategies to prevent and combat child
sexual violence in Brazil. It is essential that public policies are implemented to protect children and
adolescents, in addition to promoting society’s awareness of the seriousness of this problem.
The epidemiological analysis of child sexual violence allows the identication of patterns, risk
factors and more vulnerable groups, providing subsidies for the development of targeted interventions.
Understanding the magnitude and characteristics of this phenomenon is essential for the development
of preventive actions and support for victims.
This article aims to perform an epidemiological analysis of child sexual violence in Brazil,
using updated data from the Ministry of Health and other reliable sources. The main aspects related to
this problem will be discussed, including denitions, statistics, risk factors and prevention strategies.
An in-depth understanding of child sexual violence is crucial for building a fairer and safer
society for children and adolescents, guaranteeing them the right to full development and protection
against all forms of violence.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
To carry out a descriptive epidemiological analysis of child sexual violence in Brazil, based
on data extracted from the Notiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) and the Mortality
Information System (SIM), available at DATASUS.
The methodology of this study was descriptive in nature, with the objective of identifying,
classifying and analyzing data on child sexual violence in Brazil, using information from DATASUS,
specically from the SINAN (Notiable Diseases Information System) and SIM (Mortality
Information System) data systems. These systems provided detailed information on reported cases
of sexual violence, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the occurrences registered throughout the
national territory.
Data collection was carried out by consulting the public databases available in DATASUS,
which provided information on the incidence of cases of child sexual violence, as well as data on the
prole of victims and aggressors, such as age, gender, location and relationship between victim and
aggressor. Data on notications of sexual violence registered between 2015 and 2021 were considered
in order to obtain an updated and representative overview of the occurrences of this type of violence
in Brazil.
To ensure the quality and relevance of the data, a ltering process was carried out, selecting
only cases of sexual violence involving victims under the age of 18. In addition, a critical analysis
of the consistency of the data was carried out, identifying possible inconsistencies or failures in the
records and seeking ways to mitigate these impacts in the interpretation of the results.
Data analysis was done quantitatively, using descriptive statistical techniques, such as
means, percentages, graphs and tables. These tools allowed a clear and objective visualization of the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
information, facilitating the identication of patterns and trends in the occurrences of child sexual
violence. The variables analyzed included the age group of the victims, the gender of the victims and
aggressors, the place of occurrence, the relationship between victim and aggressor, and notications
by geographic region.
The analysis was stratied by categories, such as age group (children aged 0 to 9 years and
adolescents aged 10 to 19 years), sex of the victims (female and male), and the classication of the
victims according to occurrence (sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and other forms of violence). In
addition, special attention was paid to geographic variables, considering regional differences and
the distribution of cases in Brazil, in order to identify areas with greater vulnerability and need for
specic interventions.
The research also sought to identify the main characteristics of the aggressors, such as
gender, age and relationship with the victims, in order to understand the prole of these individuals
and their possible motivations. The analysis of this variable was fundamental for the development of
prevention strategies, as it allowed for the targeting of awareness and guidance actions to the most
prevalent risk groups.
Finally, the results obtained were analyzed in the light of the existing literature on the
subject, comparing them with national and international studies on child sexual violence, in order
to contextualize the data found and provide a more in-depth diagnosis of the situation of sexual
violence against children and adolescents in Brazil. The conclusions of the study aimed to support
the development of more effective public policies and the implementation of prevention measures,
in addition to contributing to the advancement of knowledge about child sexual violence and its
implications for public health.
Based on the data presented, information on the incidence of cases in several states was
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
analyzed. The grand total of records was 235,008, of which 67,214 are conrmed cases, 153,966
unconrmed, 3,053 unknown and 10,775 blank. This set of data was crucial to identify the states
with the highest incidence of cases and, consequently, the region that requires the most attention. The
analysis is described in graph 01.
Graph 01: Frequency by state Notication
In rst place, the state of São Paulo (35) stands out with the highest number of conrmed
cases, with a total of 17,633. This result can be attributed to the large population number in the
state, which naturally leads to a greater number of records, in addition to the more accessible health
infrastructure and the possible greater detection capacity. However, this also implies that the high
incidence of cases in São Paulo may reect both greater exposure and better case notication.
Another state that has a high incidence rate is Minas Gerais (31), with 12,189 conrmed
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
cases. This number is also among the highest in Brazil, which may be related to the population density
and the state epidemiological context, including the quality of health services and the populations
awareness of symptoms and diagnoses. Minas Gerais has a wide network of health units and public
health initiatives, which may have led to the detection and notication of a signicant number of cases.
Next, the state of Rio de Janeiro (33) also draws attention, with 6,121 conrmed cases. Rio de
Janeiro, being one of the most populous states with a robust health infrastructure, has high incidence
numbers, reecting both the effectiveness of the health network and the possibility of underreporting
in other states with fewer resources. The variability in state data suggests that regional disparities
directly inuence detection rates.
At the other end of the table, states such as Roraima (14) and Amapá (16) have signicantly
lower numbers, with only 459 and 165 conrmed cases, respectively. These states have smaller
populations and a health network that, although present, may not be as efcient in terms of detection
compared to large capitals. In addition, the socioeconomic particularities of regions farther from the
center of the country also inuence these numbers.
Another relevant data is the large number of unconrmed cases, especially in states such
as Bahia (29), which has 8,407 unconrmed cases, which may indicate a failure in data collection
or analysis, or even a resistance of the population to seek care for diagnosis. This phenomenon of
underreporting may be common in areas with less access to health care or in more vulnerable regions,
reecting inequalities in health care.
The analysis of blank and ignored data shows the importance of a continuous process of
reviewing health records. The signicant number of blank (10,775) and ignored (3,053) cases in several
states indicates that there is a lack of consistency in the completion of data, which can hinder the
accuracy of statistics and make it difcult to develop more effective public health strategies. Facing
this challenge requires improvements in the processes of collecting and systematizing information.
This information reveals an alarming picture, with a signicant concentration of cases in
states such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. This phenomenon can be interpreted from
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
the literature, which highlights the relationship between higher case notication and the availability
of health services, as well as greater awareness of the importance of reporting. Anjos et al. (2022)
reinforce that nursing in the school environment has been an effective strategy in the early identication
of signs of child violence, especially when it involves sexual violence. However, underreporting in
states with less infrastructure remains a challenge, as discussed by Cruz et al. (2023), who point out
that the scarcity of prevention programs in health services contributes to the perpetuation of violence.
The literature also highlights that, in most cases of child sexual violence, the aggressors
are family members or people close to the victim. This is corroborated by the study by Araújo Sá
et al. (2024), which warns about the “silenceof academia and society in the face of these abuses,
suggesting that violence occurs in environments in which the child should feel safe. For the authors, the
strengthening of public policies aimed at educating and sensitizing the population, with an emphasis
on the family, is one of the most effective ways to reduce sexual violence. The need for a more active
approach in the training of health professionals to recognize signs of sexual abuse is also emphasized
by Anunciação et al. (2023), who state that the school is a crucial space for the early detection of
In addition, the data suggest that states with higher rates of sexual violence have more
resources and health programs, but these data also reect the greater detection and notication of these
cases, which may be a positive indication that the child support network has been strengthened. The
Health at School Program, analyzed by Cavalcanti et al. (2015), is an example of government action
that aims to integrate health and education, allowing for joint action in the ght against violence.
However, the implementation of this program has shown gaps, especially in municipalities with fewer
resources. Muñoz (2019) observes that the effectiveness of the Health at School Program depends
on the ability to articulate between schools and health units, in addition to continuing education of
professionals who work in the eld of child health.
Thus, when confronting the data with the theories of prevention and intervention in the
literature, it is observed that, although there is an increase in complaints and visibility on child sexual
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
violence, there are still failures in the execution and monitoring of public policies, as pointed out by
Justina (2021) and Kirsch (2022). The implementation of integrated health and education programs,
such as the Health at School Program, is fundamental, but the challenges are many, including cultural
resistance and lack of resources. The literature suggests that an interdisciplinary approach, involving
health, education and social assistance, may be the key to building a more robust and effective
protection system.
In view of the above, this research highlights the magnitude of the problem and the disparity
in notication between the states, which can be attributed to factors such as health infrastructure
and the populations awareness. The literature reviewed indicates that, although public policies,
such as the Health at School Program, have advanced, there are still signicant challenges in their
implementation, especially in areas with fewer resources. Integrated action between health, education
and social assistance, with a focus on raising awareness and continuous training of professionals,
is essential to improve detection, prevention and support for victims. Therefore, it is essential to
continue investing in effective prevention strategies and a multidisciplinary approach to combat child
sexual violence more effectively.
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