ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Carlos Renne Silva de Castro1
Miracelia dos Santos da Silva Castro2
Douglas José Angel3
Abstract: Dermatological diseases are one of the main causes of people seeking care in Primary
Health Care (PHC), often being treated by non-specialized doctors, which leads to an increase in
unnecessary referrals to dermatologists and an overload on specialized services. This scenario is,
in part, caused by the limited academic training of professionals, affecting their ability to diagnose
and treat dermatological conditions appropriately. Teledermatology appears as a promising solution
to optimize care, using information and communication technologies to facilitate remote diagnosis,
allowing PHC doctors to receive reports from dermatologists within 72 hours, without the need for
unnecessary travel. Objective: To report the experience of the Teledermatology joint effort held at
Policlínica Barral Y Barral in the municipality of Rio Branco in the State of Acre, aimed at reducing
waiting times and improving access to dermatological care. Method: This is a literature review
study in the form of a professional experience report with critical analysis. The data was collected
from medical and administrative records that provided the necessary information to carry out the
experience and its results. Results: During the joint effort, 200 PHC patients were expected, with 142
treated, 128 exams validated and 50 cases treated directly in PHC, avoiding unnecessary referrals.
The results showed a predominance of injuries classied as green (secondary) and blue (primary care)
risk, with some serious cases, such as skin cancer, being referred to specialized care. Conclusion:
1 Resident Physician in Family and Community Medicine – Acre Hospital Foundation (FUN-
2 Undergraduate student in Medicine at Centro Universitário Uninorte
3 Teacher of the medical course at the Uninorte University Center
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Teledermatology proved to be effective in speeding up diagnosis and treatment, improving the
resolution of PHC and optimizing public resources. The experience highlighted the importance of
training PHC professionals to diagnose and treat dermatological diseases, highlighting the need to
integrate telemedicine into health practices, contributing to more efcient and accessible care.
Keywords: Dermatological diseases; Primary Health Care (PHC); Teledermatology.
Skin diseases represent one of the main reasons for seeking care in primary health care, and
are often treated by physicians who are not specialists in dermatology (Bernardes et al., 2015).
Since dermatology nds a wide range of health conditions that vary greatly in complexity, it
is observed that in the Unied Health System (SUS) many cases referred for specialized consultation
could be resolved in Primary Health Care (PHC). This increases the waiting time for the consultation,
occupies the specialty queue with cases that can be solved in PHC, can delay the start of treatments,
causes unnecessary displacements and lower efciency of public spending. (Telehealth/UFSC (2024).
This reality is due, in part, to the limited learning during the academic training of these
professionals, which can negatively impact their ability to properly diagnose and treat these conditions.
As a result, many patients end up being referred to dermatologists, which not only increases the
burden on specialized services, but also increases the costs associated with treatment (Campos et al.,
2022 apud Jessica Corrêa Pantoja, 2024, pg. 2).
Thus, teledermatology emerges as a promising alternative, using information and
communication technologies to facilitate the exchange of medical information between non-
dermatologists and specialists. This approach, known as secondary teledermatology, offers the
possibility of optimizing care, making it faster and less costly. In this way, Teledermatology focuses
specically on the diagnosis and treatment of dermatological conditions through Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs). “This approach uses tools such as videoconferencing, high-
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
resolution digital images, and electronic information exchange to enable interaction through a
platform” (YARAK, RUIZ, and PISA, 2017, P. 3).
Within 72 hours, dermatologists evaluate the cases and provide reports to the requesting
doctors. In addition, they classify lesions by risk level and guide management, determining whether
the patient should be treated exclusively in PHC or should be referred to specialized care to continue
treatment, as in the case of cancer, for example.
For cases referred, the risk classication allows, through the regulation service, a faster
resolution of serious cases. Teledermatology - Telehealth UFSC (2024). The classication is carried
out through the analysis of elementary lesions according to color modication, solid constitution,
liquid content, thickness modication, skin continuity solution or tissue losses (those that tend to
spontaneous elimination) and sequelae (scarring lesions). BAETA (2021). As specied in gure 1,
guiding the prioritization of the patient within the care network.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Figure 1: Risk classication in Dermatology
Source: Telesaúde Acre and Santa Catarina, 2024
The reports issued, accompanied by diagnosis and clinical conduct, allow PHC physicians to
solve many cases without unnecessary travel or specialized consultation.
The objective of the present study is to report the experience of the teledermatology care
project carried out at the Barral Y Barral Polyclinic in the city of Rio Branco - AC, with the purpose
of speeding up the care of the most severe cases, reducing the queue in specialized care, expanding
access and saving public resources.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
From August 31 to September 1, 2023, the teams of Telessaúde Acre and the Municipal
Health Department - SEMSA Rio Branco carried out a “joint effort, lasting 2 days, to intensify
Teledermatology actions with the objective of reducing the queue of referrals from the Regulation
System (SISREG) and increasing the resolution related to cases already referred. With the support
of the national Teledermatology offer of the Telehealth Center of the Federal University of Santa
Catarina (UFSC).
“Teledermatology is an important tool that has provided diagnosis via the
internet, through the STT portal, which enables and facilitates the approxi-
mation of Primary Care to specialized care. The innovative technology used
by STT is developed by the Federal University of Santa Catarina, through
INCoD (National Institute for Digital Convergence). The great differential
of this form of Teledermatology is in the use of clinical protocols for photo-
graphic registration of lesions that allow the physician to describe the lesion,
classify the risk and, when necessary, suggest the clinical conduct in Primary
Care.” (Telehealth UFSC, Telemedidina Santa Catarina, 2024, online).
It took place at the Barral Y Barral Polyclinic, located in the urban area of the Municipality
of Rio Branco-AC, the unit acts as a Health Center/Basic Unit, and comprises several specialties,
including teleconsulting.
The experience is about Teledermatology care with the use of information technologies
capable of offering specialized care through medicine in primary care
During the action, a team of four teleconsultants from the Telehealth Acre, Family and
Community Medicine (FCM) residents and interns of the internship of the Medicine Course at the
Federal University of Acre - UFAC joined the SEMSA Rio Branco team to carry out the exams at the
Barral y Barral Polyclinic, with the forecast of offering 200 teledermatology exams to patients who
are in line waiting for care with a dermatologist. The exam was reported by dermatologists from the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Telehealth Center of Santa Catarina within a maximum period of 72 hours.
The action was carried out with Primary Care patients who were identied with a skin lesion
that made the doctor suspect something to refer him to the specialist. The patients referred were
reassessed by this task force, in order to identify those who could be treated in Primary Care and
stratify the risk, thus being able to prioritize the care of patients referred to the Specialized Outpatient
Clinic of the Acre State Hospital Foundation (FUNDHACRE). This action took place for 2 days,
through risk classication and after these consultations, the results of the tests received were analyzed.
It was extremely important to participate in this service, offering quality care, with agility to
patients already referred by the basic care, but who, due to the extensive, costly and limited demand,
would wait a long period for this care to reach the specialized professional, causing severity to the
prognosis of the lesions.
This is a literature review study in the form of an experience report, with a deductive method,
descriptive objective, basic nature and a qualitative-quantitative approach.
Data were obtained from the databases of the regulation system of the Municipal Health
Department of the Municipality of Rio Branco, to obtain the waiting list for dermatological care and
from the patients themselves at the time of care to assess the need for care.
The patients were called from the waiting list for dermatology consultations in the
municipality of Rio Branco-AC, composed of approximately 771 patients at that moment , the rst
200 were called for care. The service had a platform with internet access, which enabled agility in
the service, in this way the evaluations through image that are carried out at the Telediagnosis Point
existing in the municipality or by the doctor himself with the use of the cell phone and ruler next to
the lesion, to estimate the size.
The photos were taken with rulers, so that we could characterize each injury. The description
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
began with the patient’s initial letters, age, mention of the existence or not of comorbidity and the
duration of the disease. Next, a summary was made of the evolution of the lesions, the medications in
use, the evolution and the current situation, as shown in the example of Figure 2. The same example was
used to refer the patient’s case via the internet to the specialized care at the STT of Teledermatology.
Figure 2: Example of a case summary to send for Teledermatology care
Source: prepared by the task force team
Then, the photo was sent to a dermatology specialist at the Santa Catarina Center through
the Telehealth platform for the issuance of the report. In the report, the specialist already makes the
risk classication.
The data were provided by the Teledermatology Task Force at the Barral y Barral Polyclinic
in August/September 2023. The task force aimed to serve 200 patients with referrals to a dermatology
3 , 5 x 4
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
began with the patient’s initial letters, age, mention of the existence or not of comorbidity and the
duration of the disease. Next, a summary was made of the evolution of the lesions, the medications in
use, the evolution and the current situation, as shown in the example of Figure 2. The same example was
used to refer the patient’s case via the internet to the specialized care at the STT of Teledermatology.
Figure 2: Example of a case summary to send for Teledermatology care
Source: prepared by the task force team
Then, the photo was sent to a dermatology specialist at the Santa Catarina Center through
the Telehealth platform for the issuance of the report. In the report, the specialist already makes the
risk classication.
The data were provided by the Teledermatology Task Force at the Barral y Barral Polyclinic
in August/September 2023. The task force aimed to serve 200 patients with referrals to a dermatology
3 , 5 x 4
specialist in Rio Branco - Acre. Of these, 142 exams were performed, and a total of 128 of them were
considered valid by the specialist via Teledermatology. Of the 128 valid lesions classied through
Teledermatology, only 77 of them were diagnosed and received care according to their diagnosis, and
50 were guided and treated in PHC, they did not need to go to the Dermatology service.
In the experience, there was no emergency classication - red, with only: yellow - tertiary
referral with 9 consultations 7%, green classication - secondary network 69 patients 53.9%, being
the most prevalent classication, followed by blue - UBS protocol with 35 patients 27.3% and white
- UBS orientation with 15 diagnoses, 11.7% who could have received only guidance in primary care.
And the 9 tertiary referral visits included three non-melanoma cancer diagnoses. As shown in Table
1 below:
Table 1: Risk classication
Source: Prepared by the task force team
Of the 77 diagnostic hypotheses, the following were included: 14 Nevi, keratosis and warts
18.2%; 11 Sun dermatoses 14.2%; 10 Eczema 13%; 10 Diseases caused by fungi 13%; 9 Acne 11.7%; 6
Autoimmune diseases 7.8%; 5 Diseases of the annexes 6.5%; 3 Diseases caused by bacteria and mites
3.9%; 3 Skin cancer 3.9% and 3 dermatitis linked to atopy 3.9%. Table 2 shows:
Colour N %
White 15 11,7
Blue 35 27,3
Green 69 53,9
Yel low 9 7
Red 0 0
Tot al 128 100
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Table 2: Disease groups
Source: prepared by the task force team
Within the disease groups, the patients received the following diagnoses: 9 Diagnosis of
Acne 11.7%, 8 Melanocytic Nevus 10.3%, 6 Contact Dermatitis 7.8%, 6 Chronic Photodamage 7.8%,
5 Pityriasis versicolor 6.5%, 4 Seborrheic Keratosis 5.2%, Vitiligo 5.2%, 4 Alopecia 5.2%, 3 Non-
melanoma cancer 3.9%, 3 Eczema 3.9%, 3 Melasma 3.9%, 2 Atopic dermatitis 2.6%, Folliculitis
2.6%, 2 Leucoderma 2.6%, 2 Tinea corporis 2.6%, 2 Tinea pedis 2.6%, 2 Viral wart 2.6%, the others
as shown in table 3 below:
Disease groups N %
Nevi, keratosis and warts 14 18,2
Sun dermatoses 11 14,2
Eczema 10 13
Diseases caused by fungi 10 13
Acne 9 11,7
Autoimmune diseases 6 7,8
Diseases of the annexes 5 6,5
Diseases caused by bacteria and mites 3 3,9
Skin cancer 3 3,9
Dermatitis linked to atopy 3 3,9
Other benign diseases 3 3,9
Tot al 77 100
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Table 3: Diagnoses of the consultations.
Source: prepared by the task force team
The proposal was to serve patients referred to dermatology and refer them to Teledermatology,
Diagnostics N %
Acne 9 11,7
Melanocytic nevus 8 10,3
Contact dermatitis 6 7,8
Chronic photodamage 6 7,8
Pityriasis versicolor 5 6,5
Seborrheic keratosis 4 5,2
Vitiligo 4 5,2
Alopecia 4 5,2
Non-melanoma cancer 3 3,9
Eczema 3 3,9
Melasma 3 3,9
Atopic dermatitis 2 2,6
Folliculitis 2 2,6
Leucoderma 2 2,6
Tinea corporis 2 2,6
Tinea pedis 2 2,6
Viral warts 2 2,6
Pilaris cyst 1 1,3
Dyshidrosis 1 1,3
Scabies 1 1,3
Stretch marks 1 1,3
Fibroma 1 1,3
Chronic simple ligem 1 1,3
Onychomycosis 1 1,3
Pityriasis alba 1 1,3
Psoriasis 1 1,3
Syringomas 1 1,3
Tot al 77 100
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
to speed up care and optimize waiting time and treatment. According to Cristiana Silva; Murilo Souza
(2009), in telemedicine, in the teleconsultation modality, there are two main forms of data exchange:
“store-and-forward” when the transmitted information is stored until it is accessed and “real-time
when there is real-time interaction between the parties involved. In this experience, the information
(photos) was sent, along with the detailed anamnesis of the patient, to reduce costs and time, due to
the time zone and availability of professionals.
As already mentioned, the participants were residents of Family and Community Medicine
and medical interns of the Federal University of Acre - UFAC, under the supervision of UFAC
preceptors, who received the patients and made the rst care and referred them to Teledermatology
for evaluation. The photographs taken of the lesions on the skin of each patient were sent to the doctor
responsible for the action, who inserted them into the system. This practice was able to explore to the
fullest the learning from the practice of case monitoring.
In this study, the degree of total agreement between face-to-face and distance diagnosis
was not achieved, since the task force included only the care of patients referred by the UBS and the
sending of data for analysis through teledermatology.
Regarding the security and operation of the system used for the transmission and storage of
data, no type of failure was observed. Nor was any type of difculty in handling the interface used,
and its use was assimilated with great ease by all participants.
Acre has few dermatologists who provide care through the SUS. And in addition to serving
the entire territory of Acre, they serve some municipalities in Amazonas and Rondônia. And taking
into account the great demand, the Teledermatology task force was important to speed up care,
reducing the waiting time for patients to screen for referrals. The task force was able to redistribute
the cases to their appropriate sectors with the specialist’s vision.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
In this way, this experience was potentially positive. All these consultations were carried out
for 2 days, causing this specialty to receive deserved attention, taking into account the delay in the
care of this specialty due to the demand and misdirected screening.
Therefore, the fact of medical deciency in the dermatology specialty, which comes from
academic training, contributes to the increase in referrals that in most cases could be diagnosed and
treated in the basic unit, in some cases only with guidance on the use of sun protection.
Therefore, it is essential to involve Primary Health Care professionals in Teledermatology
care, in order to outline possible paths of care based on the specic needs of the communities, thus,
it is crucial to implement measures that improve the problem-solving capacity of PHC, support their
training in general dermatology and assist in the management of referrals to specialized services.
Teledermatology is one of the solutions for improvement.
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