ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Tatiana Carolino de Abreu Alecrim1
Ocilma Barros de Quental2
Ewerton Douglas Soares de Albuquerque3
Macerlane de Lira Silva4
Jorge Daniel Lucena de Santana5
Abstract: Continuing education plays a crucial role in enhancing the qualications of healthcare
professionals in Emergency Care Units (UPAs), fostering the ongoing development of the knowledge
and skills necessary to handle urgent and emergency situations. This study reviewed the literature on
the subject, highlighting benets such as increased safety in interventions, reduced medical errors,
and strengthened critical competencies like communication and decision-making under pressure.
Educational technologies, including digital platforms and practical simulations, were also identied
as effective tools for enhancing learning and addressing challenges related to time and resource
limitations in UPAs. However, implementing continuing education programs faces signicant
barriers, such as nancial constraints, resistance from professionals to adopt new practices, and the
lack of structured institutional policies. Additionally, the high workload and staff turnover in UPAs
hinder regular participation in training initiatives. These factors emphasize the need for strategies
that integrate continuing education into routine care, ensuring sustainability and a positive impact
on care quality. For future advancements, it is recommended to investigate the long-term impact of
1 Nursing from Santa Maria University Center
2 PhD in Health Sciences, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4075-2755
3 Nurse, Specialization in Oncology, https://orcid.org/0009-0004-7841-8965
4 Nurse, Master in Public Health, Santa Maria University Center, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
5 Nursing from the Federal University of Campina Grande
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
continuing education programs on care indicators, such as complication rates and patient satisfaction.
The combination of hybrid methodologies, integrating digital resources and in-person activities, also
deserves greater attention to overcome logistical limitations. Lastly, economic analyses of the costs
and benets of these programs can inform policy decisions and optimize investments in the eld.
Thus, continuing education establishes itself as an indispensable component for improving care in
UPAs, ensuring quality and safety in service delivery.
Keywords: Continuing Education; Emergency Care Services; Quality of Healthcare; Emergency
Care Units.
Continuing education is the continuous process of learning and professional improvement
that occurs after completing initial academic training. Its goal is to ensure that individuals, especially
in dynamic areas such as health, technology, and education, remain up-to-date with advancements,
innovations, and changes in their respective areas of expertise (Silva, 2020). In urgent and emergency
practices, it plays a crucial role in the context of an Emergency Care Unit (UPA). The demands and
challenges faced in emergency environments require highly trained health professionals, capable of
making quick and assertive decisions in critical situations. The constant updating and improvement of
knowledge and skills are essential to ensure quality care, minimizing risks and increasing the chances
of success in interventions (Oliveira, 2023).
The UPAs represent the front line of the health system, being responsible for attending to
a wide range of emergencies ranging from simple cases to discharge situations intricacy. In this
scenario, continuing education emerges as a fundamental pillar to keep professionals up to date with
best practices, protocols, and technological innovations that can directly impact the lives of patients.
In addition, continuous training allows teams to be prepared to face new diseases, health emergencies,
and other challenges that may arise (Bueno et al., 2021).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
The relevance of continuing education in urgent and emergency practices is also linked to
patient safety. Studies show that the lack of professional updating can lead to medical errors, which
are one of the main causes of complications and mortality in hospital environments. Therefore,
implementing effective continuing education programs is an essential step in ensuring that healthcare
professionals are always ready to provide the best possible care (Gomes, 2023).
However, despite its importance, the implementation of continuing education programs
faces several challenges. One of the main problems is the lack of time available for professionals
to participate in these activities, due to the high demand for work in the UPAs. In addition, health
institutions often do not have sufcient nancial resources to invest in quality training, which can
compromise the effectiveness of these initiatives (Gomes, 2023).
Another important aspect to be considered is the resistance to change on the part of some
professionals. The adoption of new practices and the updating of knowledge require a proactive
posture that is open to continuous learning. However, the lack of incentive and lack of knowledge
about the benets of continuing education can generate demotivation among professionals, making it
difcult to adhere to training programs (Oliveira, 2023).
Continuing education in urgent and emergency practices is not only a necessity, but a shared
responsibility among managers, health professionals, and educational institutions. By ensuring that
professionals are constantly updated, UPAs can signicantly improve the quality of care offered,
increasing the effectiveness of interventions and reducing risks for patients (Araujo; Reis, 2019).
To explore the importance of continuing education in urgent and emergency practices
in an Emergency Care Unit, highlighting its benets, challenges, and strategies for its effective
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
To carry out this study, an integrative literature review was carried out, whose approach
will be descriptive and exploratory, where information from different studies will be gathered in
an objective, complete and impartial way on the subject. To carry out the research, the steps of the
methodology proposed by Mendes were followed; Scott; Galvão, (2008) whose steps to be followed
will be: choice of the theme and research question, delimitation of the inclusion and exclusion criteria,
extraction and limitation of information from the selected studies, analysis of the studies included
in the review, analysis and interpretation of the results and presentation of the review or synthesis of
In view of all this theme that is sought to be unveiled, the guiding question that mobilized
this study refers to: How can continuing education in urgent and emergency practices inuence the
quality of care and the effectiveness of interventions in an Emergency Care Unit?
In order to reach the answers to the guiding question, the present study was carried out
through a bibliographic survey in scientic databases and databases: Scientic Electronic Online
Library (SCIELO), Virtual Health Library (VHL), The National Library of Medicine (PUBMED)
and Nursing Database (BDENF), intermediating the searches, the Health Sciences Descriptors
(DeCS): Continuing Education, Care Services, Quality of Health Care and Emergency Care Units by
applicability of Boolean operators AND.
The inclusion criteria dened for the selection of articles were: studies available in full and
that addressed the theme, indexed in the aforementioned databases, in Portuguese and published in
the last 5 years. Dissertations, monographs and those that do not correspond to the proposed objective
will be excluded.
The initial survey of the studies was carried out using descriptors related to the research
theme. The titles and abstracts of the identied studies will be evaluated according to the eligibility
criteria. Potentially relevant studies were selected for full reading. During the full reading, a detailed
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
assessment of the relevance of the study in relation to the research question and the objectives of the
study will be made. Studies that met the eligibility criteria were included in the review.
After selecting the pertinent studies, the data were systematically organized in a spreadsheet,
where crucial information such as the names of the authors, year of publication, type of study
conducted, objectives outlined, main results obtained and conclusions presented will be recorded. This
thorough structuring of the data will provide a solid basis for comparative and systematic analysis of
the information collected.
By selecting the sample, the studies were organized in Chart 1, following the structure
described below.
Table 1: Description of the selected sample.
Author(s) Study Title Key Outcomes Periodic
ARAÚJO, Bruna;
REIS, Cássia
Permanent and continuing
education for UPA nurses with the
use of educational videos
Use of promoted educational videos
greater engagement and retention of
information among UPA nurses.
Annals of SEMEX,
No. 12, 2019
BUENO Juliana
Vila Chã et al.
Continuing health education in
infection prevention and control in
emergency units
Continuing education has improved
adherence to infection prevention
and control practices among
Nursing Journal Atual In
Derme, v. 95, n. 36, 2021
COAST M i k a e l
Ferreira et al.
The Technologies Information
and communication in the eld of
ICTs (Information Technologies
and communication) facilitated the
learning and dissemination of good
nursing practices.
Magazine Recien-
Scientic Journal of
Nursing, v. 9, n. 27, p.
108-116, 2019
AXE Michelle
Eier; PAZ, Adriana
Aparecida; DA
Graciele Fernanda
Use of information and
communication technologies in
health by Brazilian nurses
Brazilian nursing presents
challenges and advances in the use
of ICTs for continuing education and
improvement of care.
Nursing in Focus, v. 10,
n. 5, 2019
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Source: Survey data, 2024.
The implementation of continuing education in urgent and emergency practices in Emergency
Care Units (UPAs) has shown a signicant impact on the quality of care provided. According to Araújo
and Reis (2019), the use of educational videos as a training tool for nurses in the UPAs increases the
retention of knowledge and practical skills, promoting greater safety in the interventions carried out.
This educational approach is fundamental, as it adapts to the specic demands of the emergency
context, optimizing the time and resources available.
Bueno et al. (2021) highlight that continuing education in health is essential for the prevention
and control of infections in emergency units. The continuous practice of multiprofessional training
contributes to the updating of care protocols, reducing the risk of complications and promoting a safer
environment for both patients and professionals. This shows that continuing education transcends
technical updating, directly impacting the indicators of quality of care.
The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has been widely recognized
MENDES Giovanna
Nascimento et al.
Continuing and permanent
education in primary health care:
a Multiprofessional Need
Need for multiprofessional
approaches for continuing education
in primary care, highlighting gaps in
training and practice.
Educational Scenes, v.
4, P. E12113-E12113,
The Importance of Nursing Care
in Clinics of the Family for the
Reduction of Primary Care...
Nursing in Family Clinics contributes
to the reduction of the burden in
UPAs and hospitals, highlighting the
relevance of continuing education for
Scientic Journal, v.
4, n. 1 , p .
E414269-E414269, 2023
Gabriel et al.
Educational technologies for the
development of health education:
an integrative review
Educational technologies such as
effective tools to promote continuing
health education, overcoming
logistical challenges.
Archives o f
Health Sciences at
UNIPAR, v. 26, No. 3,
BROOK Bárbara
Caroline Oliveira;
DE SOUZA, Rafael
Gomes; DA SILVA,
Rodrigo Marques
The importance of continuing
education and continuing
education in the intensive care unit
– literature review
Continuing and continuing education
have improved critical skills and
reduced errors in the ICU, but they
face institutional and logistical
Journal of Scientic
Initiation a n d
Extension, v. 2, n. 3, p.
167-175, 2019
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
as a facilitator in the process of professional training. Costa et al. (2019) afrm that ICTs allow access
to educational content in a dynamic and interactive way, improving the engagement of professionals.
In emergency nursing, these tools have proven effective in disseminating good practices, especially
when integrated with practical simulations and real case studies.
Machado, Paz and Linch (2019) reinforce that the application of ICTs by Brazilian nurses
is a strategic component for health education. In the UPA environment, these technologies allow
the simulation of critical scenarios and the training of technical skills in a controlled environment,
promoting greater condence and precision in interventions. This integration of digital resources
into care practice has the potential to increase the effectiveness of health actions in highly complex
Another relevant aspect is the interdisciplinarity promoted by continuing education. Mendes
et al. (2021) point out that this practice is a multiprofessional need, strengthening teamwork and
communication between different professional categories. In the UPAs, where rapid and coordinated
response is crucial, integrated training results in more cohesive and patient-centered care, contributing
to better clinical outcomes.
Oliveira (2023) emphasizes the importance of educational strategies to reduce the overload
in the UPAs, directing primary care to the Family Clinics. This model of care reorganization can be
complemented by training that enables professionals to differentiate urgent cases from less serious
situations, optimizing workows and resources available in emergency units.
Educational technologies, according to Pavinati et al. (2022), play a central role in the
development of continuing education programs. The integrative review conducted by these authors
demonstrates that the use of interactive platforms and digital resources enhances learning, in addition
to allowing the continuous evaluation of educational results. In the context of UPAs, these tools offer
viable solutions to overcome the limitations of time and space faced by professionals.
Ribeiro, Souza and Silva (2019) highlight that continuing education is particularly important
in intensive care units, but its principles also apply to UPAs. Regular training improves the preparation
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
of professionals to deal with critical situations, promoting more effective interventions and reducing
the risks associated with medical errors. This positive impact on the quality of care reinforces the
relevance of institutional policies that prioritize health education.
In addition, continuing education practices promote an organizational culture of continuous
learning, which values professional development and innovation. Bueno et al. (2021) highlight that
this approach is essential for adapting to the constant changes in health protocols and epidemiological
demands, especially in emergency units where the variability of the cases treated is high.
Finally, the reviewed literature shows that continuing education in urgent and emergency
practices not only improves the technical skills of professionals, but also strengthens skills such as
decision-making, leadership, and effective communication. This skill set is critical to the effectiveness
of interventions in high-pressure contexts, ensuring greater safety and quality in patient care.
It was evidenced in this research that continuing education in urgent and emergency practices
plays a crucial role in improving the quality of care in Emergency Care Units (UPAs). The main
outcomes observed include increased safety in interventions, reduction of errors, and promotion of
a safer environment for patients and professionals. Regular training also strengthens essential skills,
such as communication and decision-making in high-pressure situations, contributing to better
clinical outcomes and greater user satisfaction. In addition, the use of educational technologies and
interactive methods has expanded the possibilities of learning, allowing the adaptation of strategies to
the specicities of the emergency context.
Despite the advances, there are limitations that compromise the full implementation of
these initiatives. Among them, the scarcity of nancial and human resources, the resistance of some
professionals to the adoption of new practices, and the lack of institutional policies that prioritize
continuing education stand out. In addition, high workloads and staff turnover in UPAs make it
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
difcult to participate regularly in training programs. These barriers reinforce the need for strategic
planning that contemplates the integration of continuing education as a fundamental part of the care
For future research, it is suggested that studies be carried out that evaluate the longitudinal
impact of continuing education on different indicators of quality of care, such as complication rates,
length of care, and patient satisfaction. In addition, it would be relevant to investigate hybrid models
of training, combining digital technologies with face-to-face activities, to overcome the limitations
of time and space. Studies aimed at the economic analysis of these initiatives could also provide
subsidies to justify investments and guide decision-making in public health.
ARAUJO, Bruna; REIS, Cássia Barbosa. permanent and continuing education for UPA nurses with
the use of educational videos. ANNALS OF SEMEX, n. 12, 2019.
BUENO, Juliana Vila Chã et al. Continuing health education in infection prevention and control in
emergency units. Revista Enfermagem Atual In Derme, v. 95, n. 36, 2021.
COSTA, Mikael Ferreira et al. Information and communication technologies in nursing. Revista
Recien-Revista Cientíca de Enfermagem, v. 9, n. 27, p. 108-116, 2019.
MACHADO, Michelle Eier; PAZ, Adriana Aparecida; DA COSTA LINCH, Graciele Fernanda. Use
of information and communication technologies in health by Brazilian nurses. Enfermagem em Foco,
v. 10, n. 5, 2019.
MENDES, Giovanna Nascimento et al. Continuing and permanent education in primary health care:
a multiprofessional need. Educational Scenes, v. 4, p. e12113-e12113, 2021.
OLIVEIRA, Suzi Mello. The importance of nursing care in family clinics for the reduction of primary
care in emergency care units and hospitals. RECIMA21-Multidisciplinary Scientic Journal-ISSN
2675-6218, v. 4, n. 1, p. e414269-e414269, 2023.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
PAVINATI, Gabriel et al. Educational technologies for the development of health education: an
integrative review. UNIPAR Health Sciences Archives, v. 26, n. 3, 2022.
RIBEIRO, Bárbara Caroline Oliveira; DE SOUZA, Rafael Gomes; DA SILVA, Rodrigo Marques. The
importance of continuing education and continuing education in the intensive care unit literature
review. Journal of Scientic Initiation and Extension, v. 2, n. 3, p. 167-175, 2019.
SILVA, Camila Pureza Guimarães da et al. From in-service education to continuing education in a
federal hospital. Anna Nery School, v. 24, p. e20190380, 2020.
SOARES, Brenda Kelly Pontes et al. Impacts of information and communication technologies as a
strategy for continuing education in health for nursing professionals. Ciência Plural Magazine, v. 8,
n. 2, p. 1-18, 2022.
UCHIDA, Tânia Harumi et al. Perception of health professionals about the use of information and
communication technologies. Revista Sustinere, v. 8, n. 1, p. 4-22, 2020.