ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Cátia Martins Leite Padilha1
Norma Moreira Salgado Franco2
André Mendonça3
Talita Clerc4
Bruna Vitória de Almeida5
Isabel Cristina Gomes da Silva6
Abstract: In recent decades, more and more in higher education, active methodologies have been
applied, playing a signicant role in expanding knowledge. There is a consensus on the perception
of the need to use practical tools that contribute positively to learning in neuroanatomy. Therefore,
the present work aimed to present tools used in teaching practice based on active methodologies, of
which the following stand out: - handout with boards for activities in class, where students identify
neuroanatomical structures by colors and legends; - synthetic anatomical parts; 2D and 3D models;
made in groups by themes; - sample of neuroanatomy; - group dynamics and pedagogical gymkhana
1 Teacher at the Pontical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro / PUC-Rio, Brazil. Sta of the
National Cancer Institute / INCA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Professor at the Souza Marques Technical
Educational Foundation / FTESM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Technical Consultant at RadQualyCenter:
Medical and Laboratory Physics Services / RQC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2 Teacher at the Pontical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro / PUC-Rio, Brazil. Extension
Coordinator of the Souza Marques Technical Educational Foundation / FTESM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
3 Teaching Assistant (Doctoral Student) Pontical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro / PUC-
-Rio, Brazil.
4 Teaching Assistant (Master’s student) Pontical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro / PUC-
-Rio, Brazil.
5 Undergraduate student in Psychology by Pontical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro /
PUC-Rio, Brazil.
6 Undergraduate student in Psychology by Pontical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro /
PUC-Rio, Brazil
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
of knowledge and social responsibility. Considering the experiences based on more than twenty
years of the teaching sta in the exercise of higher education focused on health and aligned with
the instruments for evaluating undergraduate courses at the MEC, it is relevant to dene innovation
as creative ideas that contribute positively to the quality of teaching and learning process. Finally,
the activities demonstrated encouraged critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making and the
practical application of the contents studied.
Keywords: Active Methodology. Neuroanatomy. Laboratory of Biological Bases of Behavior.
Traditional teaching methods have been debated for many years because they focus on the
simple transmission of information from the teacher to the student and use a standardized assessment.
This discussion has been motivated by the importance that should be attributed to students’ prior
knowledge, as well as by the need to stimulate students proactivity and collaboration throughout the
educational process (SEABRA et al., 2023)element.
Several authors demonstrate that the adoption of active learning provides an improved
academic performance by students in various undergraduate areas, resulting in reduced failure
rates in the evaluation processes (AZEVEDO; AZEVEDO FILHO; ARAÚJO, 2022; PASTURA;
Increasingly, in higher education, active methodologies have been applied and have played a
signicant role in the expansion of knowledge, the exercise of freedom, the autonomy of choices and
decision-making, in addition to encouraging scientic initiation (ARAUJO et al., 2021)element.
In recent decades, the paradigm of health education has changed considerably in its priorities,
contents, and methods. Empirically, some disciplines are seen as more dicult and complex, especially
neuroanatomy (ARANTES; FERREIRA, 2016).
Currently, the teaching and learning process has been positively aected by innovations,
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
increasingly, the pedagogical objective has been guided by the evaluation of competencies. Some of
the changes are consequences of the growing complexity of scientic knowledge and the improvement
of technological means (FEITOSA et al., 2021)element. However, it is still a challenge to determine
which tool is the best for the study of neuroanatomy, considering the diversity of knowledge of the
students (ARANTES; FERREIRA, 2016).
Some strategies can be used to contribute to the identication of anatomical structures,
in addition to synthetic and cadaveric specimens (SANDERS et al., 2019). The study of human
neuroanatomy through the use of cadavers is relevant as it oers a deeper understanding of the
topography of the body, allowing students to analyze the anatomical relationships between distinct
organs and structures (PROHMANN et al., 2023)element.
However, the manipulation of the corpse by students is a practice that presents some obstacles,
in most educational institutions, the cadaveric bodies are of people who died and were not sought
by friends or family members who, according to Law No. 8,501 (BRASIL, 1992), can be used for
teaching and research.
However, it is possible to notice a reduction in the availability of unclaimed bodies today.
This is related to recent progress in the country’s socioeconomic conditions, along with costly
bureaucratic procedures for the regularization of unclaimed bodies (CURY; CENSONI; AMBRÓSIO,
2013; PROHMANN et al., 2023).
Thus, in recent years, as technology advances, diverse and varied teaching approaches have
emerged to meet the need to use the cadaver as an educational resource. We can cite as examples
the use of digital whiteboards, videos, 3D software, synthetic anatomical models and many other
innovative methods (OLIVEIRA et al., 2020; SOUSA et al., 2023)element.
In October 2017, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), through the General
Coordination for the Evaluation of Undergraduate Courses of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
presented new instruments for the evaluation of undergraduate courses where It includes innovation,
which it called “successful practices or innovations (CASTRO, 2011; DAVID; OLIVE TREE;
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
SCHALL, 2010).
Therefore, committed to the quality of teaching and focusing on the learning process in
neuroanatomy, this work aimed to present tools used in teaching practice based on active methodologies.
The present work was based on the qualitative nature and narrative approach, that is, it refers
to the understanding and explanation of lived experiences of the teaching-learning process of the
discipline of Laboratory of Biological Bases of Behavior (LBBC) that is inserted in the curriculum
of the rst periods of the Undergraduate courses in Psychology and Neurosciences of the Pontical
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).
Neuroanatomy guides the syllabus of the LBBC discipline, which has as its syllabus the
identication of regions of the nervous system. The methodology adopted was based on the active
participation of students, where the student becomes the protagonist of his own learning. The tools are
employed through practical, collaborative and reective activities, they are:
Workbook with boards for class activities, where students identify neuroanatomical
structures by colors and legends.
Synthetic anatomical parts.
3D anatomy atlases, available online.
2D and 3D models, made in groups by themes, using dierent types of materials as part
of the evaluation process.
Neuroanatomy exhibition: students and monitors exhibit videos, anatomical pieces and
Group dynamics: quiz (using the moodle platform and kahoot app) and pedagogical
gymkhana of knowledge and social responsibility.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
The scavenger hunts are worked in a playful way, where students participate in group tasks
and collect donations (non-perishable food, clothes and hygiene items) that are donated to institutions
that help people and communities in need.
All procedures had the participation of monitors (students who had excellent performance in
the discipline) and teaching assistants (masters or doctoral students).
The selection process for monitoring the LBBC discipline takes place through a practical and
theoretical test. The teaching assistants are teaching interns and are involved in a representative way
in the training of the monitors.
Figure 1 presents illustrations of the booklet “Uncomplicating Laboratory Practices in
Neuroscience”1 containing 186 pages, used as a tool in practical classes, where students identify
neuroanatomical structures by colors and legends. On the right, three boards with drawings and
neuroanatomical areas worked by the students during the classes of the LBBC discipline stand out.
The content of the workbook is divided into two parts, the one especially focused on the LBBC
discipline has 47 pages (containing the boards with the drawings) and their respective legends.
1 The workbook is oered to students through the page created for the LBBC discipline at
PUC-Rio, available at: http://bio-neuro-psicologia.usuarios.rdc.puc-rio.br/assets/livro_completo.pdf
- Accessed on: 06/30/2023
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
Figure 1 – Workbook and boards used in classes
In Figure 2 we can see photos taken during classes, where some anatomical pieces are used
in practical classes by teachers, monitors and teaching assistants.
Figure 2 – Anatomical specimens used in class
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
In Figure 3 it is possible to highlight some models produced by the students and exhibited
in the neuroanatomy exhibition that took place on the pilotis of the Cardeal Leme building, PUC-Rio,
in the rst semester of 2023.
Figure 3 – Models and on the right the neuroanatomy show
The practice-based learning approach motivates students and empowers them to develop
problem-solving strategies, providing a more dynamic educational experience in which they acquire
knowledge and skills in an active and process-oriented way (GIMENEZ-LOPEZ et al., 2010)element.
According to Marques et al. (2021), in the traditional teaching method, students are limited
to being mere consumers of knowledge, without being seen as creators. However, active teaching-
learning methodologies transform this reality, promoting greater student engagement, stimulating
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
self-learning and creativity. Under this new perspective, students are no longer just receivers of
information and start interacting with both the teacher and classmates, allowing them to experience
more meaningful and deeper learning experiences.
The present study reinforced the heated discussions that currently permeate the eld of
teaching, addressing one of the most debated themes. Several authors describe the importance of
choosing teaching strategies, and currently active methodologies have gained more prominence,
proving to be a current and fundamental theme (DINIZ; OLIVE TREE; SCHALL, 2010; PAIVA et
al., 2019; PEDROSA et al., 2011).
Educational institutions face constant challenges to create teaching approaches that improve
the understanding and retention of anatomical knowledge (OLIVEIRA et al., 2020; PEDROSA et al.,
Sanders et al. (2019), developed a pedagogical approach that implemented learning based
on practical neuroanatomy classes, which diers from the usual teaching of neuroanatomy, in that it
actively involves students in learning with satisfactory results.
Also in this work, the authors showed that it is possible to adapt methods developed in the
laboratory to classrooms, with strategies based on retrieval in anatomy classes that are easy to apply,
low cost and can be implemented in practically any educational environment (SANDERS et al., 2019)
Considering the experiences based on more than twenty years of the faculty in the exercise
of higher education focused on the health area and aligned with the evaluation instruments of
undergraduate courses of the MEC, it is relevant to dene as innovation the creative ideas that
contribute positively to the quality of the teaching and learning process.
The active methodology applied in this study valued the construction of knowledge in a
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
meaningful and contextualized way and promoted a more engaged, participatory and eective
In this scenario of initiatives, academic monitoring also emerges as a tool for the training of
qualied student-monitors – undergraduate and graduate students, who in this context were focused
on learning neuroanatomy.
Therefore, the activities demonstrated encouraged critical thinking, problem solving,
decision-making and the practical application of the contents studied.
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