ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 05 - n 01 - ano 2025
According to Bandura’s concept of self-ecacy (1986), teachers will cope best with stressful
situations if they believe in their ability to fulll the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them and
overcome the challenges associated with their professional roles. Flammer (2015) believes that people
who perceive their ability to make a dierence feel good about themselves and, as a result, they
act. Self-ecacy beliefs inuence how people perceive themselves, how they feel, and how they are
motivated in dierent situations, which increases their likelihood of success. Teachers’ self-ecacy
is dened as their belief in their ability to push themselves further and have a positive impact on their
students’ learning, as well as plan, organize, and implement the instructional activities required to
achieve educational goals. Self-condent teachers are those who believe in their ability to eectively
teach students with learning and behavioral challenges, provide necessary subject knowledge, foster
positive relationships with parents, be patient in implementing instruction, positively inuence their
students’ personal and academic development, use innovative strategies to overcome barriers, such as
limited resources, and encourage students to engage in creative activities (Mikaël et al,,2011).
Teachers should use self-regulation strategies in addition to self-ecacy to eectively and
eciently manage their own behavior. Self-regulation allows people to acquire the knowledge and
skills they need to succeed in their personal lives as well as to function eectively (Sitzmann & Ely,
2011). It is also the ability to develop cognitive control of emotions in order to adapt to the processes
that people encounter on the way to their perceived goals, as well as to the changes imposed on them,
and it includes people’s control over their own thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and learning environment
(June ,2023). It is also an active, systematic, and self-directed process by which people identify their
learning goals and then attempt to regulate, manage, and control their cognition, motivation, and
behavior, as well as to transform their mental abilities into practical skills; thus, they can be learned
and applied (Eric.,2020). Self-regulation strategies are essential skills for people who plan and
control their behavior; they have both direct and indirect eects on human behavior and are a more
comprehensive and versatile alternative to the concept of learning strategies. People use more cognitive
and metacognitive strategies to self-regulate, trust their abilities, and use a variety of resources to