ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 06 - ano 2024
impact pregnancy. In addition, clear and effective communication allows pregnant women to better
understand their health process and make informed decisions about their care and that of the fetus
(Amaral et al., 2020).
Another fundamental aspect of humanized care is the personalization of care, taking into
account the social, cultural, and psychological context of each pregnant woman. Thus, humanized care
requires health professionals to adapt their practices and orientations to better meet the diversity of
situations experienced by women during pregnancy. In regions with high rates of social vulnerability,
for example, humanization can mean psychological support and more intensive follow-up, in order
to ensure that socioeconomic barriers do not negatively interfere with the outcome of pregnancy. For
pregnant women in situations of greater vulnerability, humanized care can be a decisive factor in
adherence to prenatal care and adequate care for maternal-fetal health (Santos et al., 2021).
The training and qualication of health professionals for humanized practices is another
central point to ensure the quality of prenatal care. According to recent studies, such as that of Nogueira
and Costa (2019), it is essential that doctors, nurses, and other professionals are trained to understand
the emotional and social specicities of pregnant women, in addition to the technical aspects of
care. These training programs include the development of skills in active listening, empathy, and
communication, with the aim of reducing the mechanistic view of care and promoting a more holistic
approach. The continuous training of professionals also contributes to the reduction of unnecessary
interventionist practices, in line with the humanization guidelines recommended by the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health (Nogueira and Costa, 2019).
In addition, humanization in prenatal care includes valuing the role of the family and the
support network of the pregnant woman. Souza et al. (2020) highlight that the involvement of family
members, partners, and other close people in the pregnancy process brings signicant emotional
benets to the pregnant woman and contributes to a more welcoming and safe environment. This
support can be essential for pregnant women who are facing emotional or socioeconomic difculties,
as it offers a support network that helps to strengthen their self-condence and resilience during