ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Alexandra do Nascimento Souza1
Maria Gisele Carneiro da Silva2
Danielle Alves da Silva Rios3
Leandro Soares Damasceno4
Ana Gislaine Lira Magalhães de Oliveira5
Vitória Raina Rabelo6
Rita de Cássia Runo de Sousa Miranda7
Nayara Luana Guillen Pumar8
Vania Maria de Morais9
Cíntia Galeno Araújo10
Abstract: The consumer increasingly associates quality food with safe food. Consequently, major
brands publicize their products by emphasizing quality, always associating them with strict control of the
1 Nutritionist Centro University Estácio do Ceará
2 Nutritionist Centro University Estácio do Ceará
3 Master in Engineering and Food Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG
(2009) and graduated in Nutrition from the Estácio do Ceará University Center (2020) and Food En-
gineering from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC (2006), a teacher at the Center UNIATENEU
4 Messejana Hospital Dr Carlos Alberto Studart Gomes
5 Santa Isabel Hospital and Maternity Hospital - Aracoiaba- Ceará, Cesar Cals Hospital
6 Our Home Hospital
7 Undergraduate Nutrition from Estácio Ceará and Post in Public Health from Uniasselvi
8 ESP. Quality Management in Food Services. UECE, Masters student in Business Administra-
tion and Business Direction.
9 Graduated in Nutrition (UECE), specialist in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Forta-
leza Unifor)
10 Specialist in Clinical Nutrition (IPGS), Specialist in Infectology (Residence/ESP)
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
production system. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary conditions
of refrigerators located in the municipality of Paraipaba (CE). This was a descriptive case study with
quantitative approach conducted in three refrigerators in which it was coded as F 01, F 02 and F 03. To
obtain the data, a Chec Klist list was used as resolution no. 216 of 2004, to evaluate the buildings, facilities,
equipment, furniture and utensils and their hygiene, manipulators, raw materials and packaging, food
preparation, storage and exposure to the consumption of prepared food. The results of fridge 01
showed a total percentage of 67.56% of conformities and 32.44% of nonconformities, refrigerator 02
presented 67.56% of conformities and 32.44% of nonconformities, refrigerator 03 presented 70.27% of
conformities and 29.73% of nonconformities. In this way, the awareness and training of manipulators
with guidance on basic health and hygiene and good practices in food manipulation is necessary.
Keywords: Good manufacturing practices; Food security; Consumer; Conservation.
In recent decades, food has been a cause for concern, as many problems related to food quality
have been highlighted. Two important aspects involving the food-health binomial are the nutritional
content and the hygienic-sanitary control (COSTA et al., 2017). The emphasis on the attributes of
quality and responsibility regarding the safety of food has been growing signicantly in the world
market, as the risk to the product oered directly aects the consumer and this implies a search for
safe food (BUAINAIN; SPERS, 2010).
Data from the notiable diseases information system (SINAN) indicate that there were
12,660 outbreaks of ATD in Brazil in the period from 2000 to 2017, of which 239,164 were the
total number of patients with a record of 186 deaths, the Southeast was the region of Brazil with
the highest distribution of outbreaks with 39.1%, followed by the South with 33.7%, the Northeast
with 16.2%, the Midwest with 6.0% and the North with 5.0%. Pointing to a prevalence of outbreaks
in homes of 36.5%, restaurants and bakeries with 15.4%, and mixed foods (pizzas, risotto, meat in
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
sauce) as the main vehicle for transmission of microorganisms equivalent to 11.37%. Ten transmitters
of microorganisms were identied, however, Salmonella predominates with 35%, presenting the main
etiological agent from the year 2000 to 2017 in the country (BRASIL, 2017).
The epidemiological prole of DTAS in Brazil is not popular, as few cases of diseases
involving food contamination are reported to inspection agencies and health agencies. And because
the true causes are not known, it is dicult to understand the subject, thus making many of the
resources used for the implementation of solutions awed (BATISTA; BEZERRA, 2015).
To ensure the presence of safe food, it is necessary to carry out a complete assessment of its
risks through good manufacturing practices (GMP), which encompass a set of processes in the food
production chain, ranging from the acquisition, handling, storage, preparation and preservation of the
same prepared and ready for consumption (FORTUNATO; VICENZI, 2014).
According to Costa et al. (2017), meat belongs to the class of perishable products, and gains a
prominent role when it comes to hygienic-sanitary control. This control involves stages ranging from
slaughter to the commercialization of the nal product, as it is a food of excellent nutritional quality
due to the proteins of high biological value present in its composition, in addition to other nutrients
essential to the body, but which provide, on the other hand, the ideal environment for the development
of microorganisms.
The export meatpacking industry is going through a series of transformations, both to achieve
acceptability in the world market and to become competitive. Having changes in sanitary hygienic
control, adaptations to certication standards of the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) Integrated Management Systems – GIS, preparation of Good Manufacturing Practices Plans
(GMP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), as well as actions that promote
animal welfare. In general, the national slaughterhouses still point to a low level of qualication, a
condition that is changing with the advance of exports (MIRANDA, 2001).
Exposure of meat in environments where packaging conditions are inadequate can cause
an excessive multiplication of bacteria. When this meat is exposed, it arrives at the consumer with a
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
high microbial load, with the possibility of pathogenic microorganisms, associated with foodborne
diseases. It should be taken into account that in small municipalities there are still points of sale that
are not regularized and/or qualied to sell these products. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate
the hygienic-sanitary conditions of slaughterhouses in the municipality of Paraipaba-CE.
Materials and Methods
The survey was carried out between June and July 2018, in the municipality of Paraipaba-
CE, located in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza. Three slaughterhouses were evaluated, with the
focus of the research being the evaluation of their hygienic and sanitary situation.
For the situational diagnosis of these environments, an inspection script known as a checklist
was used to verify conformities and non-conformities. This verication instrument was based on RDC
No. 216/2004, which provides for the technical regulation of good food service practices (BRASIL,
2004). The questionnaire was adapted to pay attention to the hygienic-sanitary aspects of refrigerated
establishments, this list contains 37 verication items, grouped by subject into seven blocks: as well as
building, facilities, equipment, furniture and utensils; cleaning of facilities, equipment, furniture and
utensils; Handlers; raw materials and packaging; food preparation; storage; exposure of the prepared
food for consumption.
For each item there were three possible answers, such as yes for conforming items, no for
non-conforming items and no applies to items that do not apply. The items, whose answer was “not
applicable”, were not evaluated as a percentage
Initially, the result of the evaluation of each block of the checklist was obtained, generating
an average of compliance for this and comparing them. The nal result was acquired with the sum of
all items in compliance and divided by the total number of items in the questionnaire.
The criteria for classifying the establishment were grouped according to the percentage of
items in compliance and classied as group I (good), ranging from 76 to 100% of the items met;
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
group II from 51 to 75% (fair) and group III (risk) from 0 to 50%. The data collected were calculated
according to the percentage of the degree of compliance with RDC No. 216/2004 by Ordinance No.0
31 / 2005 and 28 / 03 / 2005 (FORTALEZA 2005).
Results and Discussion
Three slaughterhouses in the city of Paraipaba – CE were evaluated, the data collected are
shown in the graph below.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Graph 01 shows the three establishments, indicating the average compliance per item
evaluated in the checklist. In block 1 referring to building, facilities, equipment, furniture and utensils,
78.78% of conformities were obtained for the three establishments, with an individual result of 81.8%
for refrigerators 1 and 3 and 72.7% for refrigerator 2, it was found that in all establishments the
physical facilities such as oors, walls and ceilings were in an adequate state of conservation with the
existence of washbasins in the handling area and supplied with products intended for the hygiene of
the with waste collectors without manual activation and with periodic calibration of the measuring
equipment. On the other hand, in all refrigerators, the luminaires are not appropriate and do not oer
protection against explosion and accidental falls.
Santini and Seixas (2016) reported in their study that the buildings, facilities, equipment,
furniture and utensils of 10 food and nutrition units presented a great inadequacy, and what contributed
to this was the layout of the establishments that are inadequate, leading to the possibility of cross-
contamination with food.
Regarding the cleaning of facilities, mobile equipment and utensils, 61.11% of conformities
were computed, in the results per slaughterhouse, where 66.6% for slaughterhouse 1 and 3 and 50%
for slaughterhouse 2. The most frequent non-conformities observed in all establishments were the
use of products with odorizing substances in the cleaning of meat handling and storage areas. And
in slaughterhouse 02 and 03 the dilution, contact time and method of application of the same did not
comply with the instructions recommended by the manufacturer.
Rodrigues et al. (2017), evaluated 17 sub-items of their study on equipment hygiene, of which
it stood out with greater inadequacy with regard to both the periodicity and the lack of a trained
person to perform this service.
In the item of handlers, 50% as the average of compliance, and 50% as an individual result
for the three establishments. Of the 6 items evaluated, the most frequently associated with non-
conformities were the non-use of light-colored caps and uniforms compatible with the activity, and
there were no posters to guide handlers regarding correct hand washing and other hygiene habits.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
A similar result was found in the study by Oliveira et al. 2016 in meal production units in
which thirteen establishments evaluated, the handlers did not wear light-colored uniforms restricted
to the production area and wore adornments, favoring contamination.
In raw materials and packaging, 66.67% of compliance, obtaining refrigerator 01 87.5% and
refrigerators 2 and 3 50% each. In refrigerator 03 the raw material was not stored on pallets and pallets
and in refrigerator 02 the raw material was not submitted to inspection and approval at reception.
Regarding the reception of the raw material in Oliveiras study et al. 2016 also reported that
in six establishments analyzed, the correct method of inspection was not carried out in a protected
place, favoring the proliferation of microorganisms.
Santini and Seixas (2016) assessed that the receipt of goods presented the highest number of
inadequacies, and there was a great apprehension on the arrival of raw materials.
In the item of food preparation, 83.33% as average, and 83.3% for the three establishments
as an individual result, since the raw material is integrated for preparation and only exposed to room
temperature in the minimum time necessary for cutting. On the other hand, in all establishments there
is no monitoring of storage temperature, since it is necessary when they are stored in refrigeration and
Santos et al. (2012) in their study reported that during the visits to the establishments, the
temperatures found were between 4.7° and 1C, that is, above the safe limit for the preservation of
Regarding storage, 50% of compliance, and 50% as an individual result, 50% for such
refrigerators, as a result of the temperature of the food not being monitored. The exposure to the
consumption of prepared food was 66.67%, with compliance of 50% for slaughterhouse 1, and 75%
for slaughterhouses 2 and 3. RCD 216 of 2004 recommends that food subjected to refrigeration must
be stored at temperatures below 5ºC (ve degrees Celsius), or frozen at a temperature equal to or less
than -18ºC (minus eighteen degrees Celsius) and the equipment necessary for the display or distribution
of food under controlled temperatures, must be in an adequate state of hygiene, conservation and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
Figure 2 shows the average percentages of adjustments of the three slaughterhouses evaluated.
All slaughterhouses are among the group II classication of 51 to 75% (regular). Slaughterhouse
1 and 2 presented 67.56%, while slaughterhouse 3 presented 70.27% compliance. Such a similarity.
The results showed that the three slaughterhouses evaluated presented inadequacies,
classifying them as regular group II, based on RDC No. 216/2004 by ordinance No. 31/2005 of
28/03/2005 (FORTALEZA, 2005).
However, the results obtained with the application of the checklist demonstrate that it is
necessary to have corrective measures in all establishments and that good handling practices and
training of employees are applied, in order for them to provide a better quality food product and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
minimize the risks to the health of consumers.
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BRAZIL, Ministry of Health. National Health Surveillance Agency. Resolution-RDC No. 216, of
December 15, 2004.
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Evaluation of the hygienic-sanitary conditions of meats sold in the municipality of Nossa Senhora da
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ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 05 - ano 2024
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