ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
João Pedro do Valle Varela1
João Pedro de Morais Siqueira2
Fernando Silva Campos3
Graziella Marques de Araújo Fernandes4
Hugo Volponi Pessoti5
Abstract: The gut microbiota, made up of trillions of microorganisms that inhabit the gastrointestinal
tract, plays a fundamental role in human health, inuencing immunological and metabolic processes
and even wound healing. Recently, studies have shown that the gut microbiota can also signicantly
impact post-operative recovery. This emerging eld of research is revealing new insights into how the
composition and function of the microbiota can aect the recovery of patients after surgery and the
eectiveness of wound healing. Understanding these interactions paves the way for the development of
innovative therapies that can improve surgical outcomes and promote faster and more ecient recovery.
This review seeks to explore the new insights into the impact of gut microbiota on postoperative
recovery and wound healing, highlighting the emerging therapies and scientic advances that are
shaping this eld. By investigating the current literature and evaluating recent clinical studies, we aim
to provide a comprehensive overview of the interactions between the microbiota and healing processes,
as well as discussing the therapeutic implications of these ndings for clinical practice. This literature
1 Metropolitan College São Carlos
2 Vila Velha University
3 Federal University of Southern Bahia
4 Vila Velha University
5 Vila Velha University
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
review aims to investigate the relationship between the gut microbiota and various aspects of health
and disease, using a selected set of landmark studies. To this end, high-impact publications were
selected that address topics related to the gut microbiota, its functions, benets and implications for
human health. Post-operative recovery and wound healing are complex processes that involve a series
of biological responses, including inammation, tissue remodeling and cell regeneration. The gut
microbiota inuences these processes in a number of ways, starting with the modulation of the immune
system. Studies have shown that a healthy microbiota can promote a balanced inammatory response,
which is crucial for proper wound healing and surgical recovery. Imbalances in the microbiota, known
as dysbiosis, can lead to exacerbated or insucient inammatory responses, impairing healing and
increasing the risk of post-operative complications. The two-way communication between the gut and
other organs, known as the gut-organ axis, is fundamental to understanding how the gut microbiota
can inuence post-operative recovery. Metabolites produced by the microbiota, such as short-chain
fatty acids (SCFA), have anti-inammatory and immunomodulatory eects that can favor wound
healing. In addition, the intestinal microbiota can inuence the integrity of the intestinal barrier,
preventing bacterial translocation and consequent systemic infection, a common complication after
surgery. Based on these insights, several emerging therapies are being developed to modulate the
gut microbiota and improve post-operative outcomes. One of the promising approaches is the use of
probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate
amounts, confer health benets on the host, while prebiotics are substrates that promote the growth
and activity of benecial bacteria in the gut. Clinical studies have shown that supplementation with
specic probiotics can reduce the incidence of post-operative infections and improve wound healing.
Another innovative approach is fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), which involves transferring
microbiota from a healthy donor to a patient with dysbiosis. FMT has shown promising results in
restoring the intestinal microbiota and improving post-operative outcomes in patients undergoing
major surgery. In addition, diet and nutrition play a crucial role in modulating the microbiota. Diets
rich in ber and bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, can promote a healthy microbiota and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
consequently improve postoperative recovery and wound healing. It is concluded that the impact
of gut microbiota on postoperative recovery and wound healing is a rapidly evolving eld of
research with signicant potential to transform clinical practices. New insights are revealing how
the microbiota inuences inammatory and immunological processes essential for surgical recovery.
Emerging therapies, such as probiotics, prebiotics and fecal microbiota transplantation, are showing
promising results in improving postoperative outcomes. Modulation of the gut microbiota represents
an innovative and eective approach to optimizing patient recovery and promoting faster and more
ecient healing. With further research and the integration of this knowledge into clinical practice,
it is hoped that microbiota intestinal becomes a key component in post-operative management and
wound care, signicantly improving patients’ quality of life.
Keywords: Intestinal Microbiota; Postoperative; General Surgery; Gastroenterology; Innovative
The intestinal microbiota, made up of trillions of microorganisms, plays a key role in
maintaining human health and regulating various physiological processes. In recent years, research
has highlighted the inuence of intestinal microbiota on immune response and postoperative recovery.
Microbiota diversity and balance are essential for the health of the immune system, which, in turn,
is crucial for wound healing and recovery after surgery. Studies show that a healthy microbiome
can improve immune response, reduce inammation and accelerate tissue recovery (Sommer and
Bäckhed, 2013).
In addition, intestinal microbiota can directly inuence wound healing through metabolites
production that modulate inammatory response and promote tissue regeneration. Interaction between
the intestinal microbiota and the immune system may favor an environment conducive to eective
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
healing. Research indicates that dysbiosis, or microbiota imbalance, can compromise inammatory
response and slow the healing process, making microbioma modulation a potential strategy to improve
postoperative results (CH and Blaser, 2012).
New emerging therapies, such as the use of probiotics, prebiotics and fecal microbiota
transplants, have shown signicant promises in intestinal microbiota modulation to optimize
postoperative recovery and wound healing. Probiotics, for example, can restore microbial balance and
strengthen immunological defenses, while prebiotics provide substrates for the growth of benecial
microorganisms. Fecal microbiota transplantation, although still in early research stages, has a
remarkable potential to restore microbial homeostasis in patients with severe dysbiosis, improving
clinical results (Suez et al., 2019).
Given these new insights, it is crucial to continue exploring the complex interactions between
the intestinal microbiota and postoperative recovery, as well as develop and implement therapies
that can eectively modulate microbiota. The in -depth understanding of these mechanisms can
revolutionize current treatment approaches, providing better results for patients in terms of wound
healing and global recovery (ZUO & NG, 2018).
This bibliographic review aims to investigate the relationship between the intestinal
microbiota and various aspects of health and disease, using a selected set of reference studies. To
this end, high impact publications have been selected that address topics related to the intestinal
microbiota, its functions, benets and implications on human health. The adopted methodology
followed the following steps:
1. Selection of sources: The references were chosen based on the relevance and impact on the
eld of intestinal microbiology. Selected publications include pairs revised and published in renowned
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
scientic journals such as Nature Reviews Microbiology, Nature Reviews Genetics, Frontiers in
Microbiology, New England Journal of Medicine, among others.
2. Inclusion Criteria: Articles that address:
The development and physiology of the host inuenced by the intestinal microbiota
(Sommer & Bäckhed, 2013).
The interface between human microbiome and health/disease (Cho & Blaser, 2012).
The pros and cons of the use of probiotics (Suez et al., 2019).
The role of microbiota in pathogenesis and therapy of intestinal inammatory diseases
(Zuo & NG, 2018).
The inuence of microbiota on surgical recovery (Krezalek et al., 2016).
Denitions and eects of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics (Schrezenmeir & de
Vrese, 2001).
Bacterial metabolites and colorectal cancer (Louis et al., 2014).
Use of donor feces infusion to treat recurrent closetridium dicile (Van Nood et al.,
General Benets of Probiotics (Ouwehand et al., 2002).
Clinical trials on probiotic prophylaxis in severe acute pancreatitis (BESSELINK et al.,
Impact of intestinal microbiota on brain and behavior (CRYAN & DINAN, 2012).
Evolution of the concept of sepsis of intestinal origin (DEITCH, 2012).
Mechanisms and health benets of ber and prebiotics (Slavin, 2013).
3. Review of Articles: Each article has been thoroughly revised to extract relevant information
on the intestinal microbiota, its functions, and its implications on human health. The information has
been organized thematically to facilitate comparative analysis and data synthesis.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
4. Summary of results: Extracted information was synthesized to provide a comprehensive
view of the role of intestinal microbiota in health and disease, highlighting the main ndings of each
study and identifying areas of consensus and controversy in the current literature.
5. Critical discussion: The results were critically discussed in light of available evidence,
considering the limitations of revised studies and the implications for future research and clinical
The relationship between the intestinal microbiota and postoperative recovery is an emerging
research area that has generated great interest in the scientic community. Studies show that microbiota
plays a crucial role in modulation of the immune system, which is critical to recovery after surgery.
A balanced microbiota contributes to an adequate immune response that helps prevent infections and
promote wound healing. For example, patients with a diverse microbiota have a faster recovery and
fewer postoperative complications (KREAZALEK et al., 2016).
Intestinal dysbiosis, or imbalance in microbiota composition, has been associated with an
increased risk of infections and slower wound healing. The presence of pathogenic bacteria and the
reduction of benecial bacteria may compromise the integrity of the intestinal barrier, leading to an
exacerbated and prolonged inammatory response. Clinical studies have shown that interventions to
restore microbiota balance, such as the use of probiotics and prebiotics, can improve postoperative
results. For example, the administration of probiotics in surgical patients was associated with a
signicant reduction in infection rates and an improvement in wound healing (Schrezenmeir & de
Vrese, 2001).
In addition, metabolites produced by intestinal microbiota, such as short chain fatty acids
(AGCC), play a vital role in regulating inammatory response and promoting tissue regeneration.
AGCC, such as butirato, have anti-inammatory properties and can promote the proliferation and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
dierentiation of epithelial cells, facilitating wound healing. Dietary ber supplementation, which are
fermented by Microbiota to produce AGCC, has shown improved healing in experimental models.
This suggests that dietary interventions that modify intestinal microbiota can be an eective strategy
for improving postoperative recovery (Louis et al., 2014).
Fecal microbiota transplantation (TMF) is an emerging approach that has shown promises
to restore microbial homeostasis in patients with severe dysbiosis. TMF involves the transfer of
microbiota from a healthy donor to a patient’s gastrointestinal tract, with the aim of restoring a healthy
microbiome. Preliminary studies indicate that TMF can be eective in improving wound healing
and reducing postoperative complications, especially in patients with antibiotic resistant infections.
Although still in the experimental phase, the TMF can become a valuable tool in postoperative
recovery management (Van Nood et al., 2013).
Interrelation between intestinal microbiota and wound healing is an expanding eld, with
research indicating that microbiota can directly inuence tissue repair processes. The presence
of a diverse and balanced microbiota is associated with an optimized immune response, which is
essential for ecient healing. On the other hand, an imbalance in microbiota, or dysbiosis, can lead
to a prolonged inammatory response, compromising tissue regeneration and increasing the risk of
infections. Interventions that restore microbial equilibrium have shown to be eective in accelerating
wound healing and improving postoperative results (DEITCH, 2012).
The role of probiotics in intestinal microbiota modulation to promote wound healing has
been widely studied. Probiotics, which are benecial living microorganisms, can compete with
pathogens by resources and space, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and modulating the
immune response. Clinical studies have shown that probiotic administration can reduce inammation,
promote the production of anti-inammatory cytokines and accelerate wound healing. For example, a
study showed that patients who received probiotics after abdominal surgery had a faster recovery and
lower incidence of infectious complications (BESELINK et al., 2008).
Prebiotics, which are non -digestible dietary bers that feed benecial bacteria in the gut,
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
also play a crucial role in intestinal health and wound healing. Ingestion of prebiotics can increase
the production of short chain fatty acids (AGCC), such as butirato, which have anti-inammatory
properties and promote the integrity of the intestinal barrier. Prebiotic supplementation has been
associated with an improvement in intestinal microbiota composition and an increase in AgCC
production, which can accelerate wound healing and reduce inammation (Slavin, 2013).
Moreover, the interaction between the intestinal microbiota and the enteric nervous system,
known as the intestine-brain axis, can inuence postoperative recovery and wound healing. Microbiota
can produce neurotransmitters and other metabolites that modulate the function of the enteric nervous
system, aecting gastrointestinal motility and inammatory response. Studies indicate that modulation
of the intestine-brain axis through microbiota interventions can improve response to surgical stress
and promote wound healing (Cryan & Dinan, 2012).
Finally, the combination of therapeutic approaches, including the use of probiotics, prebiotics
and TMF, can oer an integrated strategy for the modulation of intestinal microbiota and the
improvement of postoperative results. The customization of these interventions based on the patients
individual microbiota prole can maximize therapeutic benets and minimize risks. As research
advances, understanding of complex interactions between intestinal microbiota and wound healing
will continue to evolve, oering new opportunities for innovative clinical interventions (Ouwehand
et al., 2002).
Therefore, the understanding of the crucial role that the intestinal microbiota plays in
postoperative recovery and wound healing has opened new borders in the eld of medicine and post-
surgical therapy. Studies show that the composition and functionality of intestinal microbiota are
closely linked to modulation of inammatory response, maintenance of intestinal barrier integrity,
and the production of bioactive metabolites that promote tissue regeneration.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Interventions that aim to restore and optimize microbiota, such as the use of probiotics,
prebiotics and fecal microbiota transplantation, have shown promising in several studies, indicating
that these strategies can reduce postoperative complications and signicantly improve healing
outcomes. In addition, diet modulation, emphasizing ber consumption and fermented foods, also
presents itself as an eective approach to maintaining a healthy and functional intestinal microbiome.
These ndings highlight the importance of an integrated approach to postoperative
management, where intestinal health is considered a fundamental component of patient recovery. The
personalization of interventions, based on the individual composition of microbiota, can represent a
signicant advance in personalized medicine, optimizing results and minimizing the risks associated
with surgeries.
However, it is necessary to continue research to fully understand the mechanisms by which
the intestinal microbiota inuences wound healing and postoperative recovery. Warmer and more
well -controlled clinical studies are essential to validating proposed interventions and establishing
standardized therapeutic protocols.
In conclusion, the intestinal microbiota emerges as an important ally in promoting
postoperative health and wound healing. Emerging therapies aimed at modulation of microbiota
represent a promising eld that can transform current clinical practices, oering patients a faster and
more eective recovery. Integration of advanced knowledge of microbiota into therapeutic strategies
can redene postoperative care, signicantly improving the quality of life of surgical patients.
Sommer, F., & Bäckhed, F. (2013). The gut microbiota—masters of host development and physiology.
Nature Reviews Microbiology, 11(4), 227-238.
Cho, I., & Blaser, M. J. (2012). The human microbiome: at the interface of health and disease. Nature
Reviews Genetics, 13(4), 260-270.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Suez, J., Zmora, N., Segal, E., & Elinav, E. (2019). The pros, cons, and many unknowns of probiotics.
Nature Medicine, 25(5), 716-729.
Zuo, T., & Ng, S. C. (2018). The gut microbiota in the pathogenesis and therapeutics of inammatory
bowel disease. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2247.
Krezalek, M. A., DeFazio, J., Zaborina, O., Zaborin, A., Alverdy, J. C. (2016). The role of the microbiota
in surgical recovery. Surgical Clinics of North America, 96(6), 1213-1225.
Schrezenmeir, J., & de Vrese, M. (2001). Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics—approaching a
denition. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 73(2), 361S-364S.
Louis, P., Hold, G. L., Flint, H. J. (2014). The gut microbiota, bacterial metabolites and colorectal
cancer. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 12(10), 661-672.
van Nood, E., Vrieze, A., Nieuwdorp, M., Fuentes, S., Zoetendal, E. G., de Vos, W. M., Visser,
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(2013). Duodenal infusion of donor feces for recurrent Clostridium dicile. New England Journal of
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Ouwehand, A. C., Salminen, S., Isolauri, E. (2002). Probiotics: an overview of benecial eects.
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Besselink, M. G., van Santvoort, H. C., Buskens, E., Boermeester, M. A., van Goor, H., Timmerman,
H. M., Nieuwenhuijs, V. B., van Ramshorst, B., Witteman, B. J., Akkermans, L. M., Gooszen, H.
G. (2008). Probiotic prophylaxis in predicted severe acute pancreatitis: a randomised, double-blind,
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Cryan, J. F., & Dinan, T. G. (2012). Mind-altering microorganisms: the impact of the gut microbiota
on brain and behaviour. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 13(10), 701-712.
Deitch, E. A. (2012). Gut-origin sepsis: evolution of a concept. Surgery, 150(4), 705-717.
Slavin, J. (2013). Fiber and prebiotics: mechanisms and health benets. Nutrients, 5(4), 1417-1435.