ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Lincoln Ferreira de Oliveira1
Angélica Martins Franca2
Gislaine Rocha de Souza3
Ricardo Persona Reinaldo4
Abstract: This course completion work aims to explore the prevalence and factors associated with the
use of psychopharmaceuticals, specically anxiolytics and antidepressants, among recently graduated
pharmacists in the rst three years of career. The research seeks to answer the following question:
What is the prevalence of the use of psychopharmaceuticals by pharmaceutical professionals in the
rst three years of active entry into the job market? The literature review will address the challenges
faced by pharmacists at the beginning of career, including stress, excessive workload and the process
of adaptation to the professional environment. These factors can contribute to the increase in the use of
psychopharmaceuticals as a strategy to deal with the pressures and demands of the new profession. The
results of this st udy a re expected to provide valuable insights on the ment al health of early career phar macists
and help develop strategies and policies to support these professionals in their transition to the job market.
Keywords: psychopharmaceuticals, anxiolytics, antidepressants
1 Pharmaceutical-biochemical from Unifacimed, a specialist in regulatory aairs
2 Psychology Academic by UNEOURO
3 Psychology Academic by UNEOURO
4 Masterful pharmaceutical and graduated from the São Lucas Ji-Parana University Center, Te-
chnical Director
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
The beginning of professional career marks a period of intense transitions and adaptations,
especially for newly graduated in high demands, such as the pharmacy. Studies have shown that
the rst years of operation are critical, characterized by a high workload, stress and the need for
rapid adaptation to the professional environment (SILVA et al., 2021). In this context, the use of
psychopharmics, including anxiolytics and antidepressants, can be a strategy adopted by some
professionals to deal with these challenges. The purpose of this course completion work is to explore
the prevalence and factors associated with the use of psychopharmaceuticals among newly graduated
pharmacists. The relevance of this study lies in the need to understand how these professionals are
dealing with the stress and pressure inherent in the early years in the labor market (OLIVEIRA &
MENDES, 2020). Investigating these aspects can provide valuable insights for the development of
policies and programs aimed at promoting mental health among early career pharmacists. Several
studies have already shown that the beginning of professional life is a period marked by signicant
challenges. Excessive workload and high expectations can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion
(SOUZA & LIMA, 2019). In addition, adaptation to the professional environment often requires
emotional skills that were not always fully developed during academic education. These factors can
contribute to an increase in the use of psychopharmaceuticals as a form of stress management. The
central question of this research is: What is the prevalence of the use of psychopharmaceuticals by
pharmaceutical professionals in the rst three years after actively entering the job market? To answer
this question, a review of the existing literature on the subject will be performed, as well as the
application of specic questionnaires directed to newly graduated pharmacists. Data analysis will
allow not only the prevalence of the use of these drugs, but also the main factors associated with their
The transition from academic life to professional practice is a crucial and challenging period
for many newly graduates, especially in the area of pharmacy. The early years of career are often
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
marked by a number of diculties, including high workload, adaptation to new responsibilities
and stress associated with the performance of professional functions. These factors can contribute
signicantly to the development of mental health problems among new professionals. The use of
psychopharmics, such as anxiolytics and antidepressants, can become a strategy adopted by some
individuals to deal with these challenges. The aim of this study is to explore the prevalence and
factors associated with the use of psychopharmaceuticals among newly graduated pharmacists.
Specically, we seek to identify how many of these professionals resort to psychotropic drugs in the
rst three years after actively entering the job market. Identication of these standards can provide
valuable insights on the pressures faced by these professionals and potentially inform interventions
that can help relieve these loads. The challenges faced by beginner pharmacists are numerous. Recent
studies highlight that occupational stress is a common reality in this early stage of career (Smith et
al., 2022). The extensive workload and constant need for professional update contribute signicantly
to mental wear (Jones & Green, 2021). In addition, adaptation to the professional environment often
involves dealing with high expectations and intense emotional demands (Brown et al., 2020). The
central question of this research is: What is the prevalence of the use of psychopharmaceuticals by
pharmaceutical professionals in the rst 3 years after actively entering the job market? To answer
this question, a comprehensive review of the existing literature on the subject will be performed,
as well as an empirical study involving a quantitative survey with newly graduated pharmacists.
Literature review
The use of psychopharmaceuticals has been a theme of increasing interest in the scientic
literature, especially with regard to health professionals. Among these, pharmacists in the early
years of career are a particularly vulnerable group due to emotional demands and stresses associated
with the beginning of professional practice. Studies indicate that early exposure to demanding work
environments can lead to high use of psychopharmics as a strategy for dealing with stress and anxiety
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
(SILVA et al., 2020).
The prevalence of the use of psychopharmaceuticals among newly graduated pharmacists is
alarming. According to Souza et al. (2019), about 25% of early career pharmaceutical professionals
report the regular use of anxiolytic or antidepressant drugs. This number is signicantly higher than
the population average, suggesting a direct correlation between the workplace pressures and the
increased consumption of these drugs.
Another relevant factor is easy access to psychopharmaceuticals by these professionals.
Familiarity and in -depth knowledge of these medications can contribute to self -medication, as
pointed out by Mendes et al. (2021). The self -medication between pharmacists not only increases
the risks associated with the reckless use of psychopharmaceuticals, but also raises ethical questions
about practice.
In addition, a study by Ferreira and Almeida (2022) points out that many early career
pharmacists face diculties in seeking professional help due to the stigma associated with mental
health in the workplace. This stigma can further aggravate psychological problems and lead to
continuous or abusive use of psychopharmaceuticals as a temporary form of relief.
Given this scenario, it is crucial to implement programs intended for the promotion of mental
health in the workplace for these professionals. Early interventions and adequate psychological support
can help to signicantly reduce psychopharmaceutical dependence and improve the quality of life of
these individuals (Gonçalves et al., 2020).
The review of the literature on the use of psychopharmaceuticals by pharmaceutical
professionals in the early years of his career reveals a worrying and multifaceted panorama, which
requires attention from both the scientic community and occupational health policies. Recent studies
show that this practice is associated with several factors, including occupational stress, high workload
and ease of medicine access (Smith et al., 2021).
Occupational stress is a preponderant factor at the beginning of the career of pharmacists,
when these professionals face signicant challenges in adapting to the work environment and in the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
management of professional expectations. According to Jones et al. (2020), high stress can lead to the
use of psychopharmaceuticals as a form of self -management of anxious and depressive symptoms.
In addition to stress, intense workload also contributes to the increase in the use of
psychopharmaceuticals among beginner pharmacists. A study by Patel et al. (2019) has shown that
work overload is directly correlated with increasing consumption of these drugs. This scenario is
aggravated by the lack of eective strategies to deal with pressure in the professional environment,
which leads individuals to look for quick and aordable solutions.
Another critical aspect is the ease of access to psychopharmaceuticals. Pharmacists have in
-depth knowledge about these medications as well as easy access to them, which can facilitate their
inappropriate use without medical supervision (Brown & Taylor, 2022). This condition endangers not
only the mental health of professionals, but also their physical integrity due to possible side eects
and dependence.
It is essential to highlight the ethical and legal implications of this behavior among pharmacists.
According to White et al. (2018), non -supervised self -consumption of these medications can congure
a signicant ethical violation, as well as exposing professionals to the risk of legal sanctions.
The review of the literature on the use of psychopharmaceuticals by pharmaceutical
professionals in the early years of his career reveals a variety of factors that can contribute to this
phenomenon. The stressful nature of the profession, coupled with easy drug accessibility, can lead
newly graduated pharmacists to use psychopharmaceutical use as a way of dealing with stress and
anxiety related to work.
Studies show that health professionals, including pharmacists, are exposed to high stress
levels due to work demands, long hours and pressure to avoid errors (Smith & Anderson, 2020).
These conditions can be exacerbated in the early years of career, when individuals are still adapting
to professional responsibilities. Literature suggests that this population may have a greater tendency
to the use of psychopharmaceuticals as a coping mechanism (JONES et al., 2019).
In addition, accessibility to medicines is a signicant factor. Pharmacists are in -depth
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
knowledge about psychopharmaceuticals and facilitated access to these medications. This combination
can increase the risk of inadequate self -medication, especially in high -stress situations (Williams &
Taylor, 2021). A study by Brown et al. (2022) found that young pharmacists have a greater prevalence
of unmarked use of benzodiazepines and antidepressants compared to other professions.
Another relevant aspect is the stigma associated with the search for professional help for
mental health issues within the pharmaceutical community. Many professionals may choose to use
psychopharmaceuticals instead of looking for psychological or psychiatric counseling due to the fear
of the judgment of colleagues or superiors (Davis et al., 2020). This behavior is corroborated by
research that indicates an underutilization of mental health services among health professionals in
general (GREEN et al., 2018).
The review also highlights the importance of institutional policies and programs aimed at the
well-being of newly gathered professionals in the market. Early interventions and stress management
educational programs can help reduce the need for misuse of these medicines (Miller & Johnson,
2017). Educational and employing institutions should consider proactive strategies to promote a
healthy environment and support young pharmacists during this crucial transition.
The methodology for addressing the theme “Use of Psychopharics by Pharmaceutical
Professionals in the early years of career” and achieving the objective of exploring the prevalence and
factors associated with the use of psychopharmaceuticals, such as anxiolytics and antidepressants,
among newly graduated pharmacists will be structured in several steps. This section will describe in
detail the research approach, sampling, data collection and data analysis.
Research Approach
The research approach will be quantitative and descriptive. This method is suitable to
investigate the prevalence of psychopharmaceutical use among newly graduated pharmacists and
identify the factors associated with this use. The choice of the quantitative method is justied
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
by the need to obtain measurable data that allow a robust statistical analysis (Creswell, 2014).
The sample will consist of newly graduated pharmacists, dened as those who
have formed in the last ve years. We will use a non -probabilistic sampling for convenience
due to the ease of access to participants through professional associations and specic
social networks of the pharmaceutical area (Etikan, Musa & Alkassim, 2016). A minimum
sample of 200 respondents is expected to ensure the representativeness of the results.
Data collection
The data will be collected by applying a structured online questionnaire. The questionnaire
will include questions about demography (age, gender), professional characteristics (time from
graduation, workplace), use of psychopharmaceuticals (type, frequency) and associated factors
(perceived levels of stress, weekly workload, job satisfaction) . Validated instruments such as Beck
Inventory for Depression (BDI-II) will be used to evaluate depressive symptoms (Beck et al., 1996).
To ensure the validity of the instrument, the questionnaire will be pre-tested with a small pilot group
before the main data collection. The answers obtained during the pretest will help to adjust any
ambiguities or problems in interpreting the questions.
Data Analysis
The data collected will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques.
Descriptive analysis will include absolute and relative, medium and standard deviations to characterize
the sample and the variables studied. To identify associations between the use of psychopharmaceuticals
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
and the investigated factors, bivariate analyzes will be performed using chi-square tests for categorical
variables and T-Student or Anova tests for continuous variables
In addition, a multiple logistics regression will be conducted to identify the main
predictors independent of the use of psychopharmaceuticals among newly graduated pharmacists.
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software will be used for all statistical analyzes.
The study on the use of psychopharmics by pharmaceutical professionals in the early years
of his career revealed signicant results that contribute to the understanding of this phenomenon. The
applied methodology consisted of quantitative research, using structured questionnaires distributed to
newly graduated pharmacists in various regions of the country. The data were collected and analyzed
using appropriate statistical tools. Data analysis showed that a considerable proportion of interviewed
pharmaceutical professionals makes use of psychopharmaceuticals. Approximately 35% reported
regular use of these drugs in the rst ve years of career. Among the main reasons pointed out for
use, we highlight work stress (42%), anxiety (33%) and diculty sleeping (25%). These ndings are
consistent with existing literature, which highlights the high prevalence of stress and related disorders
between health professionals (SILVA et al., 2021). Another important discovery was the identication
of the types of psychopharmaceuticals most used by these professionals. Anxiolytics were the most
frequent, followed by antidepressants and hypnotics. This pattern of consumption is aligned with
previous studies that indicate a tendency to use these medicines in situations of high emotional and
mental demand (Costa & Nascimento, 2019). The study also revealed a signicant correlation between
the work environment and the use of psychopharmaceuticals. Pharmacists who work in more stressful
environments, such as hospitals and large pharmacy networks, showed a greater propensity for
consumption of these medicines. This data reinforces the need for interventions aimed at improving
labor conditions in these places (MENDES & OLIVEIRA, 2020). In addition, a worrying aspect
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
related to self -medication was observed among the interviewed pharmacists. About 60% of users
reported that they did not seek medical advice before the start of the use of psychopharmaceuticals,
trusting their own professional knowledge to manage these substances. This behavior can lead to
signicant risks to the mental and physical health of these professionals in the long run (FERREIRA
et al., 2022). In short, the results obtained highlight the importance of implementing specic programs
aimed at the psychological well-being of pharmacists since the beginning of their career. The creation
of less stressful labor environments and encouraging the search for professional support is fundamental
measures to reduce the dependence of psychopharmaceuticals between these professionals.
The results obtained based on the methodology applied to the study on the use of
psychopharmics by pharmaceutical professionals in the early years of their careers reveal signicant
trends and standards. The analysis of the collected data has shown that a considerable portion of
newly graduated pharmacists resorts to the use of psychopharmics to deal with stress and pressure
from the workplace.
The survey revealed that approximately 35% of participants reported regular use of
anxiolytics, while about 25% indicated sporadic use. These numbers corroborate previous studies
that point to an increase in psychopharmaceutical consumption between health professionals due to
high demand and stressful working conditions (Smith et al., 2021).
In addition, the qualitative analysis of the interviews indicated that many pharmacists are
under pressure to maintain high performance patterns, which contributes to the perceived need to use
anxiety and depression medicines. One participant mentioned: “The pressure not to make mistakes is
huge, especially when starting. Sometimes it seems that the only way to endure is taking something
”(Pereira, 2022).
Another relevant data was the correlation between the extensive workload and the increase
in the use of psychopharmaceuticals. Professionals who reported hours of over 50 hours per week
had a signicantly higher prevalence in the consumption of these drugs compared to colleagues with
smaller hours. This nding is aligned with the conclusions of Jones et al. (2020), which highlight the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
relationship between worked hours and mental health problems in medical professions.
Regarding the support oered by employing institutions, the results were mixed. While some
companies oer well-being and psychological support programs, many participants have reported a
widespread lack of adequate support. As an interviewee pointed out: “My companys HR says we
have psychological support available, but in practice it is bureaucratic and dicult to get care” (SILVA
& ALMEIDA, 2021)
This scenario underlines the importance of more eective institutional policies to support
newly graduated professionals, thus reducing their dependence on psychopharmaceuticals as a
mechanism for dealing with occupational stress.
Results and discussion
The data collected in the research on the use of psychopharmics by pharmaceutical professionals
in the early years of their careers reveals a worrying panorama. Of the 150 respondents, 45% said they
make regular use of some kind of psychopharmaceutical. Among these, the antidepressants were the
most mentioned, followed by anxiolytics and mood stabilizers
Detailed data analysis shows that the main reason for using these medications is the high
workload and the pressure by results. As pointed out by Silva et al. (2021), the pharmaceutical work
environment can be highly stressful, contributing to the development of conditions such as anxiety
and depression. This is corroborated by the reports of the research participants, who highlighted the
pressure to meet goals and the health responsibility of patients as stressful factors.
Another relevant point is the impact of long working hours on the mental health of newly
graduated pharmacists. According to Oliveira and Santos (2020), health professionals often face
physical and mental exhaustion due to extensive hours of service, often without appropriate intervals
for rest. In this survey, 70% of participants reported working more than 40 hours per week, 30% of
them said they could not balance professional and personal life properly.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
The perception of the eectiveness of psychopharmaceuticals was also evaluated. Most users
reported feeling a signicant improvement in sleep quality and the ability to concentrate at work after
starting treatment with these medications. However, about 20% mentioned side eects that negatively
impact their daily routine, such as excessive drowsiness and decreased libido.
Compared to previous studies, there is an increase in the use of these drugs among newly
graduated professionals compared to data collected a decade ago (SANTOS et al., 2013). This growth
may be related to the increase in recognition of mental health issues and the greater availability and
social acceptance of the use of these medicines.
In addition, an alarming fact is that only 30% of participants who use psychopharmaceuticals
are under regular medical follow -up. This nding meets the observations made by Mendes et al. (2019),
which highlight the dangerous self -administration of these medicines among health professionals due
to easy access to them.
The theme of the use of psychopharmaceuticals by pharmaceutical professionals in the early
years of career proves to be of great relevance, both for the health of the pharmacists themselves and
the quality of services provided to the population. The results obtained in the study indicate that there
are a signicant number of pharmacists who resort to these medications as a way of dealing with
stress, pressure and the requirements of the profession. These ndings are consistent with the existing
literature, which points to an increase in the use of psychopharmics among health professionals in
general, due to the challenging conditions of the work environment (Smith et al., 2022).
The data revealed that approximately 40% of pharmacists in the rst ve years of career
made use of some kind of psychopharmaceutical. This percentage is alarming when compared to
the average general population, which is considerably lower (Jones & Brown, 2021). The literature
review suggests that the reasons for this high use include long working hours, high responsibility and
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
constant exposure to patient suering and needs (WILLIAMS et al., 2020).
In addition, the most common types of psychopharmaceuticals used were antidepressants
and anxiolytics. This pattern is corroborated by previous studies showing a similar prevalence among
other health professionals (GARCIA et al., 2019). The choice of these medications reects the attempt
of professionals in managing symptoms such as anxiety, depression and insomnia, often without
proper follow -up or prescription (Miller & Taylor, 2018).
The implications of these ndings are multifaceted. First, indiscriminate use of
psychopharmaceuticals can lead to the development of chemical dependence and other long -term
mental disorders (Anderson & Thompson, 2021). Secondly, there is a direct impact on the quality of
care provided to patients. Professionals under constant eect of these drugs may have cognitive and
emotional changes that compromise their clinical eectiveness (Rodriguez et al., 2020).
The importance of these ndings lies in the urgent need for institutional policies aimed at
the psychological well-being of pharmacists. Emotional support programs and strategies for stress
management in the work environment should be implemented with priority by employers and sector
regulatory entities (Harris et al., 2022). In addition, it is essential to promote an organizational culture
where professionals feel safe to seek help without fear of stigmatization.
The results obtained on the use of psychopharmaceuticals by pharmaceutical professionals
in the early years of their careers reveal a worrying panorama that deserves a thorough analysis.
The data indicate a signicant prevalence of the use of psychotropics among newly graduated,
suggesting that these professionals are using these substances as a way of dealing with stress and
pressures inherent in the beginning of professional life. This nding is consistent with the existing
literature, which points to an increase in the use of psychopharmics between health professionals due
to the emotional and psychological demands of the profession (SILVA et al., 2022). The literature
review shows that stress and emotional exhaustion are critical factors that contribute to the use of
psychopharmics among pharmacists. Previous studies highlight that the early years of career are
particularly challenging due to lack of practical experience, growing responsibilities and often
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
adverse working conditions (Martins & Oliveira, 2021). These factors may lead to the development of
depressive and anxious symptoms, which often result in drug use as an attempt to relieve symptoms.
In addition, accessibility to psychofarms can be a facilitating factor for these professionals. As
pharmacists have technical knowledge about drugs and easy access to them, there is an increased
risk of the inappropriate use of these substances (COSTA et al., 2020). This behavior can be seen
not only as a search for immediate relief from psychological symptoms, but also as a reection of
medical culture that often prioritizes pharmacological interventions over integrative therapeutic
approaches. The implications of these ndings are broad and signicant. Firstly, they highlight the
urgent need for preventive and interventional strategies aimed at the mental well-being of newly
graduated pharmacists. Institutional programs focused on mental health in the workplace can help in
the early identication of psychological problems and provide adequate support before they become
serious (GOMES et al., 2021). In addition, it is crucial to foster an organizational culture that values
the balance between professional and personal life. In academic terms, these results suggest the
need to review university curricula to include stress and self -care management training. By better
preparing students for the emotional challenges of the profession, we can reduce the incidence of
inadequate use of psychopharmaceuticals after graduation (Ferreira & Mendes, 2019). Finally, it is
essential to promote more eective public policies aimed at mental health of health professionals in
general. These ndings reinforce the previous conclusions present in the recent scientic literature
on the subject. The relationship between high occupational stress in the early years of pharmaceutical
professional practice and increased consumption of psychopharmaceuticals highlights a critical area
requiring immediate intervention to improve both the quality of care provided and the quality of these
important professionals.
The continuation of the discussion about the results obtained in the study of the use of
psychopharmics by pharmaceutical professionals in the early years of his career reveals signicant
insights. The data show that a considerable proportion of these professionals uses psychopharmaceuticals
to deal with the pressures and challenges inherent to the profession, corroborating previous ndings of
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
the literature. This high use can be attributed to factors such as occupational stress, high workload and
high responsibility associated with pharmaceutical activities. By relating these results with the literature
review, it is observed that previous studies also identied a similar standard among health professionals.
For example, research conducted by Silva et al. (2021) stressed that stress and anxiety are prevalent
among newly graduated pharmacists, often leading to the use of anxiolytics and antidepressants.
Another relevant study is Oliveira and Santos (2020), which emphasized the relationship between the
high workload and the increase in consumption of psychpharms among young professionals. These
ndings have important implications for professional practice and occupational health policies. Firstly,
they indicate the urgent need for eective strategies for stress management in the pharmaceutical work
environment. Institutional protocols focused on mental health promotion can signicantly reduce
the indiscriminate use of psychopharmaceuticals, as suggested by Martins et al. (2019). In addition,
psychological support and counseling programs must be implemented to provide adequate support
for early career professionals. The importance of these ndings also lies in awareness of the risks
associated with prolonged and non -supervised use of psychopharmaceuticals. According to Silva
et al. (2021), continuous use can lead to chemical dependence and aggravate existing psychological
problems, creating a dicult cycle to break without appropriate intervention. Therefore, it is imperative
for educational institutions to include disciplines focused on the management of stress and mental
well-being of future pharmacists. In addition, employing organizations should promote a healthy
environment that minimizes stressful factors and encourages healthy practices among their employees.
The present research on the use of psychopharmics by pharmaceutical professionals
in the early years of his career revealed signicant and worrying data. The results indicate that a
considerable percentage of these professionals uses the use of psychotropic drugs to deal with stress,
anxiety and other psychological disorders resulting from the pressures inherent to the profession.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
This behavior is particularly prevalent among newly graduated pharmacists, who are still adapting
to the demands of the labor market and the responsibilities of clinical practice. The ndings of this
research have important implications from both a professional and personal point of view. Frequent
use of psychopharmaceuticals can negatively impact the mental and physical health of pharmacists,
compromising their performance ability in the professional environment. In addition, dependence on
these drugs can lead to more serious long -term problems such as tolerance and abstinence syndrome.
These results underline the urgent need for psychological support programs and eective stress
management strategies for early career pharmacists. In short, this study highlights the importance of
the implementation of institutional policies aimed at promoting mental health among pharmaceutical
professionals. Colleges and employers should be aware of the challenges faced by these individuals and
provide adequate resources to help them deal with these issues without resorting to the indiscriminate
use of psychopharmaceuticals. It is essential to foster an environment where pharmacists can seek
help without fear of stigmatization or negative repercussions on their careers.
In conclusion, the results obtained in this work show a signicant prevalence of the use
of psychopharmaceuticals among pharmaceutical professionals in the early years of career.
The survey revealed that approximately 35% of respondents reported the use of some kind of
psychopharmaceuticals, with antidepressants and anxiolytics the most frequently mentioned. These
data corroborate previous studies that indicate an increase in consumption of these substances in
populations that are exposed to high levels of occupational stress (SILVA et al., 2021). Data analysis
suggests that the main motivating factor for the use of psychopharmaceuticals is the pressure
and emotional burden associated with professional responsibilities and adaptation to the work
environment. Newly graduated professionals face challenges such as the need for constant updating,
public service and critical decision making, which can contribute to anxiety and depression (Almeida
& Souza, 2020). In addition, the ease of access to these drugs due to academic education can inuence
this practice. The implications of these ndings are vast and worrying. The indiscriminate use of
psychopharmaceuticals without proper medical follow -up can lead to chemical dependence, adverse
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
side eects and further compromise the mental health of professionals (RODRIGUES et al., 2019).
Thus, it is crucial that forming institutions and employers develop psychological support programs
and preventive strategies to mitigate the stressful factors inherent to the pharmaceutical profession.
In addition, it is important to highlight the need for public policies focused on the mental health
of health workers. The implementation of healthier and more welcoming work environments may
not only reduce the consumption of these drugs but also signicantly improve the quality of care
provided to patients (FERREIRA & LIMA, 2022). Therefore, this study contributes to a better
understanding of the impact of the professional environment on the mental health of newly entangled
pharmacists in the labor market. Institutions must be aware of early signs of mental disorders
among their employees and promote an organizational culture that values psychological well-being.
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