ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Vuasl Aliguliyev1
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between narcissism personality type
and self-regulation. 150 students participated in our research. The main part of the selection is students
studying at a higher education institution. The study showed that when evaluating the dierences
between groups with dierent severity of the indicator of self-regulation and self-attitude, signicant
dierences were obtained only on two scales: lack of empathy and envy of the achievements of others.
A lack of empathy and envy of othersachievements appeared to be more common among respondents
with low self-esteem, i.e., those with predominantly negative self-images. The eects of personality
type and narcissistic personality traits on self-attitude factors are negative, except for grandiose self-
worth and belief in ones own uniqueness. It was found that there is a contradiction in the structure
of self-attitude of a narcissistic personality: a positive self-attitude maintains an acceptable level due
to greatness and belief in ones own uniqueness and specialness, but precisely these characteristics
emerge. being the basis for envy and manipulation in interpersonal relationships. Realizing that
such strategies are unacceptable leads to shame and experiencing ones own aws. In response, the
personality either focuses on the painful side of such experiences, which increases feelings of envy,
leading to narcissistic outbursts of anger and submissive behavior, or strives for self-armation and
social achievement, which helps maintain a sense of superiority.
Keywords: n a r c i s s i s t i c p e r s o n a l i t y t y p e , s e l f - e s t e e m , s e l f - a t t i t u d e , s e l f - r e g u l a t i o n s u c c e s s ,
psychological factors
1 Doctorant in Psychology, Odlar Yurdu University Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-4933-
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
It is true that dierent types of psychopathologies are characteristic for cultural societies
in dierent periods of historical development. Although these mental disorders do not have obvious
manifestations, they manifest themselves in dierent ways of behavior, communication and social
relations. In this regard, narcissism is one of the most urgent problems of modern society. One of the
main etymologies of this phenomenological breakdown begins with the connection between external
environmental orientations and internal conicts. At this time, conicts between the needs of the
individual and the society arise when the social situation contradicts the wishes of the individual.
In such situations, various types of psychopathological disorders appear, and narcissism is one of
them. It should be taken into account that exactly in such a case, conicts arise between the external
behavior of the narcissistic personality and his inner feelings of self-understanding, and the basis for
the development of a deep feeling of incompleteness is formed.
The further development of the process depends on the individuals self-awareness and self-
development [Jabbarov, 2012]. Undoubtedly, such a trend allows us to say that the narcissistic personality
type manifests itself in all spheres of society. Of course, it is dicult to determine the etymology of
narcissism without examining the psychopathological behavior patterns of the narcissistic personality.
Also, if we take into account that the narcissism personality type is directly caused by self-attitude,
then it becomes clear that narcissism is possible at the lower level of self-regulation. Studies show that
the concept of “narcissism” is historically associated with the ancient Greek myth Narcissus [Kun,
According to Freud (2007), narcissism can be viewed as a process of self-selection as a
libidinal object and as a normal stage between autoerotism and object love experienced and perceived
by a person at an early age [Freud, 2007].
Reich (2006) shows that the response to interactions with the external environment is the
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
formation of character, which is intended to fulll the function of maintaining normal narcissism. This
is a derivative concentrated in the psychic structure to express the characteristic shield-narcissistic
defense. [Reich, 2006]. In the works of Reich (2006), narcissism is rst associated with shyness (the
narcissist mentions shy blushing when working with patients [Reich, 2006].
A number of studies show that narcissists, like neurotics, are indiscriminately hungry for
favors or appreciation. In addition, he is the rst to express a sense of incompleteness expressed in the
form of complaints or concerns, or the need for self-improvement with an obsessive tendency to make
a good impression [Horni, 2001]. However, narcissism is often a manifestation of the fear of loss of
identity and fragmentation of ones “I, which often manifests itself in preoccupation with physical
health, appearance, and hypochondria. [MacWilliams, 2015]. Summarizing the theoretical sources
we have studied, we come to the conclusion that the main feature of narcissism is its bipolarity: the
basis of the narcissistic personality type is the conict between external grandiose manifestations and
internal feelings of inferiority, and the former acts as a racist, to compensate for the latter. activates the
defense mechanism. The main goal of this article is to determine the relationship between narcissism
and self-regulation.
Literature review
In psychological and psychotherapeutic sources, much attention is paid to the problem of
narcissism [Yomans, 2018; Kornilova and Chumakova, 2018; Beck, and Freeman, 2017; Pincus and
Roche, 2011; Zeigler-Hill, 2011; Jabbarov, 2021]. This interest is related to the current cultural situation
and social priorities that promote individuality, determination, condence and independence. Modern
man is more concerned with self-realization, self-armation and self-regulation than in previous
times. This is its positive side. (Jabbarov, 2017). But on the other side of paying attention to individuality
and the uniqueness of ones personality - darkarrogance, manipulation, neglect of moral norms,
diculties in establishing emotionally signicant and reliable relationships are manifested.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Narcissistic traits can exist in the personality structure and support the desire for success,
achievement, self-actualization, career, and social recognition. During periods of developmental
crises (for example, during adolescence or during physiological and mental aging), the severity of
narcissistic traits may increase in response to physiological changes in the body and changes in social
expectations, which may cause diculties in social adjustment.
Contemporary research on narcissism reects the existence of deep-seated problems with
personality and emotional functioning disorders dened using similar or identical characteristics, and
the understanding of narcissism encompasses a signicant continuum of phenomena related to both
normative mental functioning and clinical manifestations. [Beck, and Freeman, 2017; Pincus and
Roche, 2011; Zeigler‐Hill , 2011 ].
Narcissism is also brought into focus as a borderline personality disorder. The main pathological
feature of the borderline personality organization is the violation of the integration and integrity of the
personality, diuse personality, which results in the complexity, uncertainty and chaotic nature of the
inner world of the borderline personality, unable to recognize internal contradictions [Yomans, 2018;
Kornilova and Chumakova, 2018].
On the one hand, during narcissism, personality diusion aects self-awareness, leads to
cognitive distortions and emotional dysregulation. On the other hand, the marker of this diusion
becomes dysfunctional interpersonal relationships, in the context of which the drama of the narcissistic
personality takes place - the drama of its fragmentation, impulsivity, self-aggrandizement and self-
Research shows that diuse personality is one of the main characteristics of narcissistic
personality. This can be investigated using the diagnosis of the individuals attitude towards himself
(self-concept, self-esteem). This is the inability of the psyche to regulate self-esteem and maintain
it at a normal level.” This system is the basis of the psychological defect of narcissistic personality
[Kohut, 2017].
Research shows that the self-concept of a narcissistic personality is characterized by either
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
a strongly negative or a strongly positive self-image. Here is a sense of ones own uniqueness, ones
own moral code; grandiose fantasies associated with a positive self-image [Dmitrieva, 2010]. Self-
care and an inated sense of self-worth lead to a clear predominance of the motive of achievement and
superiority, which leaves a mark in interpersonal relationships accompanied by painful experiences
and constant comparison with more successful people [Shamshikova and Klepukova, 2010].
In the narcissistic personality type and disorder, greatness is often combined with the
experience of psychological fragility, accompanied by the fear of losing oneself, losing self-esteem.
The spread and blurring of intrapersonal and interpersonal boundaries is determined by the complex
interaction of the main characteristics of the narcissistic personality - grandiosity, sensitivity,
privileges. Depending on the dominant tendency - grandiosity or weakness - grandiose and sensitive
types of narcissism are distinguished [Luchner, 2011; Paulhus, 2002]. Grandiose narcissists tend to
be energetic and optimistic, have high self-esteem, and are more willing to take advantage of other
people. Sensitive narcissists are sensitive to threats and prone to anxiety and negative aect. Their
inherent vulnerability and frustration caused by unmet expectations lead to social disorganization
and avoidance in a failed attempt to manage self-esteem. It causes shame, depression, anger, hostility,
and often results in outbursts of narcissistic rage.
Studies show that there is a positive relationship between grandiose narcissism and subjective
well-being and a negative relationship with psychological distress [Helgeson, 2000; Dufner et al,
2012; Morph, 2001]. Regardless of whether grandiosity or inferiority predominates in the personality
structure, heightened sensitivity to social comparisons aects self-esteem stability and mood swings,
along with negative experiences of interpersonal interactions [Dufner et al, 2012; Morph, 2001]. This
look It is very important to determine the relationship between narcissistic personality type and self-
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
150 students participated in our research. 70 people (46.66%) are young student girls, and 80
people (54.34%) are young student boys. is a man. The main part of the selection is students studying
at a higher education institution.
Two questionnaires were used to diagnose narcissism and self-attitude: the Short Dark
Trio Questionnaire aimed at identifying personality traits such as Machiavellianism, narcissism,
and psychopathy, the Narcissistic Personality Traits” questionnaire, and the “Big Five” Short
Questionnaire for diagnosing personality traits. In addition, the “Self Attitude Questionnaire” was
used to study self-regulation, which allows us to determine aspects of self-attitude such as self-esteem,
auto-sympathy, self-interest, expectation of attitude towards oneself and a general person. During
the statistical evaluation of the data, correlation analysis methods, non-parametric Mann-Whitney and
Kruskal-Wallis tests, and multi-linear regression were used.
In our study, the relationship between self-regulation, self-relationship and narcissistic
personality types was initially evaluated. Statistically signicant relationships were determined
between indicators of self-esteem, the shadowy triad of personality types and narcissistic traits (
Table 1).
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Table 1. Relationship between self-regulation and narcissistic personality traits indicators
Note. * – p<0.05; ** – p<0.01. level is important.
Correlations between dark triad questionnaires and self-attitude scales and narcissistic
traits are mostly negative. However, self-interest and automatic liking show positive relationships
with narcissism, a sense of grandiose self-importance, preoccupation with fantasy, belief in ones
uniqueness, and the need for admiration. Also, belief in ones own uniqueness is positively associated
with expected attitudes from others.
Gauges or
Scales Self attitude Self regulation Self-interest Expected attitude
The dark
The scale of Machiavellianism -0,230* 0,335* 0,490** 0.320*
Narcissism scale -189* 0.120* 0,470** -470*
Psychopathy scale -260* --146* -0,366**
Great sense of self worth -0,180* -0,290** 0.426*
Being captivated by fantasies
of unlimited success and
0,148** -0,386* -
Belief in your own
uniqueness 0,123* 0,160* 0,220** 0,391*
The need for wonder 0,164* 0,154* 0,206* -
Feeling privileged 0,220** 0,220* --0,356**
Eectiveness in interpersonal
relationships -0,387** 0,112* 0,270** -0,166*
Lack of empathy -0,462* 0,244* -0,178**
Being jealous of other
peoples achievements -0,390** - - -0,430**
Showing humble, arrogant
behavior -0,199* - - -0,498**
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
Table 2. The relationship between self-regulation and the Big Five questionnaire indicators
Note. * – p<0.05; ** – p<0.01. level is important.
Aspects of self-regard - self-esteem, auto-sympathy, self-interest, the attitude expected from
others - relationships obtained between personality traits such as agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, openness to experience are completely natural. These personality traits reect a
socially oriented, cooperative, responsible and emotionally balanced personality in its high values.
Therefore, a positive, accepting attitude towards oneself is a natural consequence of such personal
preconditions. However, an increase in the severity of certain personality traits, for example,
extraversion, is associated with an increase in narcissistic manifestations.
The study showed that when assessing the dierences between groups with dierent severity
of self-regulation and self-attitude i indicator, signicant dierences were obtained only on two
scales: lack of empathy and envy of othersachievements. A lack of empathy and envy of others
achievements appeared to be more common among respondents with low self-esteem, i.e., those with
predominantly negative self-images. The eects of the Dark Triad scale and narcissistic personality
traits on self-attitude factors are negative, except for grandiose self-worth and belief in ones own
uniqueness. These two scales, acting as predictors of attitude expected from others (belief in ones own
uniqueness) and self-interest, self-esteem, support the view of social goodness. So, it was determined
that there is a relationship between self-regulation and narcissistic personality type.
They appear to mimic positive traits, but their excess and exaggeration make them symptoms
of conict, inconsistency, and instability of self-concept and undermine self-regulation. At the same
Scales Self attitude Self regulation Self-interest Expected attitude
Agreement 0,216* 0,260* 0,130* 0,262*
Honesty 0,430** -159* 0,143* 0,345*
Emotional stability 0,266** 0,266** 0,224** 0,446**
For practice 0.498* 0,360* 0,154** 0,294**
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
time, the negative inuence of self-attitude as a whole on self-regulation is subjected to signicant
internal pressure of narcissistic traits recognized by the individual in one way or another, and in
order to counteract this inuence, the individual makes additional eorts to reduce it. These eorts
are accompanied by envy of others achievements, submissive behavior, intensity of experiences
associated with Machiavellianism.
Discussion and Conclusion
The obtained results help to understand the relationship between narcissistic traits and
the individuals attitude towards himself. The narcissistic personality becomes a hostage to its
own grandeur, setting ever greater and less realistic goals for itself. His attitude towards himself is
deformed: on the one hand, the feelings experienced about his grandeur and uniqueness increase self-
interest, auto-sympathy and self-esteem; Expectations of honor and admiration from other people
seem quite real. On the other hand, self-esteem is attacked by destructive impulses arising from envy,
the desire to control other people, to use them for their own ends. In order to maintain self-regard at
a subjectively good and socially acceptable level, the individual seeks ways to reduce the pressure
of these impulses. Thus, there is a contradiction in the structure of the self-relation of a narcissistic
personality: a positive self-relation maintains an acceptable level due to greatness and belief in ones
own uniqueness and specialness, but precisely these characteristics emerge. being the basis for envy
and manipulation in interpersonal relationships. Realizing that such strategies are unacceptable leads
to shame and experiencing ones own aws - vulnerability. In response, the personality either focuses
on the painful side of such experiences, which increases feelings of envy, leading to narcissistic
outbursts of anger and submissive behavior, or strives for self-armation and social achievement,
which helps maintain a sense of superiority.
According to the results of our study, lack of empathy and envy of othersachievements
are most often manifested among respondents who have a negative view of their own personality.
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
A narcissistic personality’s self-esteem is unstable. A focus on constant conrmation of ones
uniqueness, together with negative interpersonal experiences, failures, rejection, and various threats
to self-esteem, leads to low self-esteem and mood swings [Luchner et.al, 2011; Miller et al, 2012; Morf
and Rhodewalt, 2001; Paulhus and Williams, 2002; Pincus and Roche, 2011, Jabbarov 2021]. Our
results are in good agreement with these ideas. Correlations between most dark triad and narcissistic
trait scales and self-attitude scales are negative.
Our study was conducted among young people without a narcissistic diagnosis. The
relationships obtained between self-attitude and personality types are positive. In these relationships,
a persons self-image system appears to be whole, emotionally, morally, and socially balanced. Self-
respect, self-acceptance, self-interest are accompanied by the desire to follow social and moral norms,
take responsibility, regulate ones emotions and take into account the values of others. Correlations
between the Big Five scales and the narcissistic scales are negative, except for extraversion. We found
positive relationships between extraversion and psychopathy and narcissism scales, which is consistent
with many studies [Morf and Rhodewalt, 2001; Paulhus and Williams, 2002; Pincus and Roche, 2011;
Aghajani et al. 2014].
In our opinion, this relationship is supported by one of the main narcissistic traits - grandiosity,
and the grandiosity-based behavior pattern includes social activity aimed at seeking recognition and
admiration. However, in this case, extraversion mainly reects the eorts of the narcissistic personality
related to self-regulation and aect regulation.
Our results are consistent with a number of proposed dynamic models of self-regulation of
narcissism, which suggest that a strong but vulnerable self-esteem is key to understanding narcissism.
Vulnerability is at the core of the narcissistic personality’s self-armation, and it feeds back into
maintaining fragile self-esteem. To regulate self-esteem, the narcissistic personality uses reappraisal
and pressure on others, which helps reduce ego threats and maintain a sense of self-worth.
During the study of self-attitude and narcissistic personality traits, signicant relationships
between self-attitude, dark triad and narcissistic personality traits were identied. These relationships
ISSN: 2763-5724 / Vol. 04 - n 04 - ano 2024
are mostly negative. However, it shows positive relationships with self-interest and self-regulation
scales: Also, the belief in ones own uniqueness is positively related to the attitude expected from
others. The relationship between positive aspects of self-attitude and personality traits is positive.
These relationships characterize the personality as socially oriented, cooperative, responsible and
emotionally balanced. Therefore, a positive, accepting attitude towards oneself is a natural consequence
of such personal preconditions.
Extraversion supports increased narcissistic traits. The meaning of this connection seems to
be the need for activity and recognition, which is characteristic of the grandiose aspect of narcissism
and related behavior - the search for a community to spread its inuence and will be the basis for
narcissistic fantasies.
A lack of empathy and envy of others’ achievements are more common among respondents
with a negative self-image. Here the sensitive side of narcissism is more evident, associated with
conscious limitation of social relations, anger and envy.
The eects of the Dark Triad scale and narcissistic personality traits on self-attitude factors
are negative, except for grandiose self-worth and belief in ones own uniqueness. These two scales
inuencing self-regard maintain the appearance of social well-being in the self-belief system of the
narcissistic personality [Zeigler-Hill and Jordan, 2011]. On the other hand, this eect conrms the
need for recognition of the narcissistic personality. A great sense of self-worth and belief in ones own
uniqueness play a protective role - it is a barrier not only to external threats, but also to immanent ego
threats, the pressure of which leads to the experience of uselessness and self-degradation. Thus, the
relationships studied between self-attitude and narcissistic traits reect the deep contradictions of the
narcissistic personality. Based on the limitations of the study, it is almost impossible to generalize the
results obtained due to the small sample size and the limited age of the participants, which indicates
the need for further research on the results of the study.
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